
U.S. Department

of Transportation

Federal Highway

Administration Resource Center

Subject: / Minutes of September 3, 2003 Meeting of the
Prestressed Concrete Committee for
Economic Fabrication (PCEF) / Date: / December 30, 2003
From: / High Performance Structural Materials Specialist
Structures Technical Service Team
Resource Center – Baltimore, Maryland / Reply to
Attn. of: / HRC-BAL
To: / PCEF Members

Attached for your information is a copy of the attendance list and minutes for the subject meeting, held on September 3, 2003, at the Maryland State Highway Administration’s (SHA) District 7 office in Buckeystown, Maryland. Also attached are copies of the updated full committee and subcommittee membership lists. Individuals wishing to have their names removed from any of the lists are asked to notify our office as soon as possible.

We wish to thank Ms. Susan Hose of the SHA’s District 7 office for her assistance with making arrangements and preparing materials for the meeting. We also wish to thank Mr. Paul Finnerty of the MDSHA and Mr. Robert Horwhat of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for their outstanding job of conducting the meeting, taking notes and completing the minutes, especially with the last minute notice given to them. Information will now be posted on two different websites for our office. First, the minutes and lists will be posted at the address: , then clicking on the “Structures Technical Service Team” button, then the “High Performance Materials” button, and finally the link to the PCEF meeting minutes. Second, the electronic presentation files will be posted for transfer at the following website: ftp:///ERC. The user ID for that site is FHWA-ERC (all capital letters), and the password is fhwa-erc (all small letters). Once you are in, click on the folder labeled Loutpcef.

Hard copies of materials will be mailed to appropriate individuals with a ** designation who do not have an electronic mailing address. Individuals receiving the materials either by hard copy or electronically are asked to distribute them in a timely manner to others in their office on the mailing list.

Our appreciation is also extended to the Subcommittee chairmen, to the presenters, and to all attendees for their active participation in the meeting. Continued status reports will be requested from each chairman at the next meeting.

The attached minutes are supplemented as follows:

Update on MDSHA’s Field Survey of Delayed Ettringite Formation (DEF):

State DOT members of the committee are once again requested to discuss within their departments the possibility of participating in this survey of DEF.

Study of Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC):

We are soliciting another State DOT member for an SCC presentation at the next meeting, in order to continue the momentum of implementing this technology.

Materials, QA/QC, Construction and Production Subcommittee Update:

Any interested PCEF member is encouraged to contact Mr. Finnerty at 410-321-4111, or Mr. Horwhat at 717-783-6710, if they are interested in participating in this revised subcommittee. In addition to the topics noted in the attached minutes, the previous meeting minutes also highlighted development of regional criteria for such items as prestressed concrete beam plant inspection; and beam handling, storage, transportation and erection. These potential topics, and the need to rename this subcommittee, should be key issues of discussion when the group meets prior to the next PCEF meeting in Dover.

NCHRP Study on Splicing Haunched Girders:

We will attempt to schedule this presentation at the next PCEF meeting in Dover.

We have set the date for the next PCEF meeting for Monday, February 9, 2004, from 1:00 to 5:00 P.M., at the Sheraton Hotel in Dover, Delaware. This will precede the annual mid-Atlantic States Quality Assurance Workshop. Details about that workshop and hotel accommodations may be obtained at the following website:

Once again, we thank the membership and their management for the support of the Committee’s activities. Please feel free to submit any agenda topics to our office by January 9, 2004.

Original signed by,

Louis N. Triandafilou, P.E.
