(When Completed)

U. S. Department of Energy

Consolidated Audit Program

Checklist 3 - Data Quality for Inorganic Analyses

DoD/DOE QSM 5.0- Version 1.0 of Revision 6.3

Self-Identifying Checklists – January 2016

Use of this DOECAP checklist is authorized only if the user has satisfied the copyright restrictions associated with TNI-EL-V1-2009 and ISO 17025:2005. DOECAP does not control or restrict the use of copyrighted standards that have been incorporated into this checklist; however, TNI and ISO do restrict use of their standards.


May be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act

(5 U.S.C 552), exemption number and category: Exemption #4: Commercial Proprietary

Department of Energy review required before public release

Name/Org: Documents Originator/DOE Consolidated Audit Program

Date: TBD

Guidance (if applicable) Memo dated March 11, 2016 from George E. Detsis to Beth Pearson, Pro2Serve

Audit ID: / Date:


(When Completed)


(When Completed)

U.S. Department of Energy Consolidated Audit Program
Data Quality for Inorganic Analyses
/ DOECAP Audit Checklist: 3 Rev. 6.3
Revision Date: October 2015 Page 1 of 75
Audit ID: ______Laboratory: ______Auditor:
Areas of Review during Audit
1.0 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) / 2.0 Balances
3.0 Thermometers and Pipettes / 4.0 Other Support Equipment (Ovens, Water Baths, Incubators)
5.0 Metals Digestion / 6.0 Limit of Detection (LOD) / Limit of Quantitation (LOQ)
7.0 Instrument Operations and Maintenance / 8.0 Standards and Reference Material
9.0 Negative and Positive Controls / 10.0 Multipoint Calibration Procedures – GFAA
11.0 Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP/MS) / 12.0 Multipoint Calibration Procedures – ICP-ABS
13.0 Multipoint Calibration Procedures – CVAA / 14.0 Quality Control (QC) of Instrument Gases
15.0 Wet Chemistry Procedures – Cyanide Distillation / 16.0 Reactivity Determinations – Colorimetric Cyanide
17.0 Reactivity Determinations – Titrimetric Sulfide / 18.0 Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) Extractions
19.0 Ignitability Tests / 20.0 Corrosivity Determination
21.0 Corrosivity Towards Steel / 22.0 Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
23.0 Total Organic Halogens (TOX) / 24.0 Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) Determinations
25.0 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Determinations / 26.0 Total Phosphorous, Nitrate/Nitrite, &Anions Determination
27.0 Kinetic phosphorescence Analysis / 28.0 Colorimetric Hexavalent Chromium
29.0 Sample Dilution / 30.0 Data Review
A = Acceptable
NO = Not Observed / U = Unsatisfactory
F = Finding / NA = Not Applicable
O = Observation

Areas of Review during Audit

Referenced regulations are accessible at the following URLs:




·  When audit findings are written against site-specific documents (i.e., SOPs, QA Plans, licenses, permits, etc.), a copy of the pertinent requirement text from that document must be attached to this checklist for retention in DOECAP files.

·  Fully document any deviation from the LOI or the requirements of QSM Version 5.0, ISO 17025:2005, and TNI ELV1

·  For method specific quality control criteria, please refer to QSM Rev. 5.0, Appendix A, Pages 110 - 138

·  Refer to the last page of this document for the record of revision.

·  Refer to Errata Document 10-25 for interim changes to the QSM Rev.5.0 requirements

Item Number / Line of Inquiry / Status / Facility Response/Comments / Status / Summary of Observations/Objective Evidence
Reviewed Audit Notes /
1.0 / Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
1.1 / Does the laboratory have and maintain an in-house methods manual(s) for each accredited analyte or test method?
QSM Rev. 5.0, Module 2, Section; TNI EL-V1M2-2009, Sections e)
1.2 / Does each method contain:
·  identification of the test method;
·  applicable matrix or matrices;
·  detection limit;
·  scope and application, including components to be analyzed;
·  summary of the test method;
·  definitions;
·  interferences;
·  safety;
·  equipment and supplies;
·  reagents and standards
·  sample collection, preservation, shipment, and storage;
·  QC;
·  calibration and standardization;
·  procedure;
·  calculations;
·  method performance;
·  data assessments and acceptance criteria for QC measures;
·  corrective actions for out-of-control data;
·  contingencies for handling out-of-control or unacceptable data;
·  waste management;
·  references; and
·  any tables, diagrams, flowcharts, and validation data?
QSM Rev. 5.0, Method 2, Section; TNI EL-V1M2-2009, Sections f)
1.3 / Does the manual consist of copies of published or referenced test methods or SOPs that have been written by the laboratory?
QSM Rev. 5.0, Module 2, Section; TNI EL-V1M2-2009, Sections f)
1.4 / Are permanent, bound laboratory notebooks (logbooks) or notebooks used that have measures in place to prevent the removal or addition of pages?
QSM Rev. 5.0, Module 2, Section 4.13.4
a)  Are all notebook pages closed when the activities recorded are completed or carried over to another page?
b)  Does the person responsible for performing the closure is the person who performed the last activity recorded?
c)  Did Closure occur at the end of the last activity recorded on a page, as soon as practicable thereafter?
d)  Did documentation of the closure include analyst initials and date?; and
e)  Does each laboratory notebook have a unique serial number clearly displayed?
f)  Are laboratory notebook pages pre-numbered?
g)  Are all entries are signed or initialed and dated by the person responsible for performing the activity at the time the activity is performed?
h)  Are all entries are recorded in chronological order?
QSM Rev. 5.0, Method 2, Section 4.13.4 a) – c)
1.5 / Is a system in place to ensure that quality records are legible, stored, and retained in such a way that they are readily retrievable in facilities that provide a suitable environment to prevent damage or deterioration and to prevent loss?
ISO/IEC 17025 Clause
1.6 / Is there an independent review of records, logbooks, and similar documentation to ensure they are legible, accurate, and complete?
QSM Rev.5, Module 2, Section 4.13.5
1.7 / When mistakes occur in records, is each mistake crossed out, not erased, made illegible or deleted, and the correct value entered alongside?
ISO/IEC 17025 Clause
1.8 / Are all such alterations to records are signed or initialed by the person making the correction?
ISO/IEC 17025 Clause
1.9 / In the case of records stored electronically, are equivalent measures taken to avoid loss or change of original data?
ISO/IEC 17025 Clause
2.0 / Balances
2.1 / Is a check of the balance performed daily?
QSM Rev. 5.0, Module 2, Section Table and TNI EL-V1M2-Section d)
2.2 / Do the balance checks bracket the range of use?
QSM Rev. 5.0, Module 2, Section Table
2.3 / Are daily balance checks documented?
QSM Rev. 5.0,Module 2, Section Table and TNI EL-V1M2 Section d)
2.4 / Are Class 1 (formerly referred to as Class S) certified check weights calibrated every five years using recognized National Metrology Institute, such as NIST, traceable references, when available?
NOTE: The date for recalibration of the check weights is stated on the certificate of calibration supplied by the accredited calibration firm.
QSM Rev. 5.0, Module 2, Section and TNI EL-V1M2-2009, Section b)
2.5 / Are all support equipment, including balances, calibrated or verified at least annually, using a recognized National Metrology Institute, such as NIST, traceable references when available, bracketing the range of use?
QSM Rev. 5.0, Module 2, Section and TNI EL-V1M2-2009, Section b)
2.6 / Does the laboratory maintain a copy of the Certificate of Calibration from an ISO/IEC accredited calibration laboratory?
QSM Rev. 5.0, Module 2, Section f)
2.7 / Prior to use, are balances checked on a daily basis using two standards weights that bracket the expected mass?
QSM Rev. 5.0, Module 2, Section Table and TNI EL-V1M2-2009, Section d)
2.8 / Are the acceptance criteria for a top-loading balance ±2% or ±0.02 grams whichever is greater?
QSM Rev. 5.0, Module 2, Section Table
2.9 / Are the acceptance criteria for an analytical balance ±0.1% or ±0.5 mg. whichever is greater?
QSM Rev. 5.0, Module 2, Section Table
3.0 / Thermometers and Pipettes
3.1 / Are liquid in-glass thermometers are calibrated against a NIST-traceable standard before the first use and annually?
QSM Rev. 5.0, Module 2, Section Table and TNI EL-V1M2-2009, Section b)
3.2 / For electronic thermometers, are the checked before use and on a quarterly basis?
QSM Rev. 5.0, Module 2, Section Table
3.3 / Are mechanical volumetric pipettes checked daily before use and is the bias within ±2% of the nominal volume?
NOTE: For variable volume pipettes, the nominal value is the volume of use.
QSM Rev. 5.0, Module 2, Section Table
Number / Line of Inquiry / Status / Facility Respoinse/Comments / Status / Summary of Observations/Objectives Evidence
Reviewed Audit Notes /
4.0 Other support equipment – Ovens, Water Baths, and Incubators
4.1 / Is support equipment maintained in proper working order and are records of all repair and maintenance activities, including service calls, maintained?
TNI EL-V1M2-2009, Section a)
4.2 / Is the support equipment calibrated or verified at least annually, using a recognized National Metrology Institute, such as NIST, traceable references when available, bracketing the range of use?
TNI EL-V1M2-2009, Section b)
4.3 / In the event that the results of such calibration or verification are not within the specifications required of the application for which the equipment is used, does the laboratory?
i)  remove the equipment from service until repaired, and/or
ii)  Maintain records of established correction factors to correct all measurements
TNI EL-V1M2-2009, Section b)
4.4 / Are raw data retained to document equipment performance?
TNI EL-V1M2-2009, Section c)
4.5 / On each day the equipment is used, is the equipment checked and documented?
TNI EL-V1M2-2009, Section d)
4.6 / Does the laboratory have established criteria for acceptability for use or continued use of supporting equipment based on the needs of the analysis or application for which the equipment is being used?
TNI EL-V1M2-2009, Section d)
5.0 / Metals Digestion
5.1 / On each day that metals digestation equipment (hotplate, hot block, water baths, etc.) is the temperature checked and documented?
TNI EL-V1M2-2009 Section d)
5.2 / Does the laboratory have established criteria for acceptability for use or continued use based on the referenced methods temperature range specification?
TNI EL-V1M2-2009 Section d)
5.3 / Does the laboratory use water meeting ASTM performance specifications (“TypeII” water or equivalent) for digestion procedures? (ASTM D1193).
EPA SW-846, Chapter One, Section 5.0, Definitions – Reagent Water
5.4 / Does the laboratory use reagent or when necessary, ultra-high purity-grade acid for digestion procedures?
EPA SW-846, Method 6010D, Section 7.1
Item Number / Line of Inquiry / Status / Facility Response/Comments / Status / Summary of Observations/Objective Evidence
Reviewed Audit Notes /
Note: If the laboratory is not reporting a value below the Limit of Quantitation, a Limit of Detection study is not required. (TNI EL-V1M4-2009m Section
6.1 / Does the laboratory maintain procedures for determining limits of detection and the frequency of verification? Limit of Detection (LOD) and Limit of Quantitation (LOQ)
TNI EL-V1M4-2009, Section 1.5.2
6.2 / Does the laboratory document how LODs were derived from the method determinations?
TNI ELV1M4-2009, Section
6.3 / Are all sample-processing and analysis steps of the analytical method included in the determination or validation of the LOD?
TNI ELV1M4-2009, Section
6.4 / Is the validity of the LOD verified by detection (a value above zero) of the analyte(s) in QC sample in each matrix?
TNI ELV1M4-2009, Section b)
6.5 / Does the QC sample contain the analyte at no more than 3 times the LOD for single analytes and 4 times the LOD for multiple analyte tests?
TNI ELV1M4-2009, Section b)
6.6 / Has the laboratory performed a LOD on every instrument this to be used for analysis of samples and reporting of data?
TNI ELV1M4-2009, Section b)
6.7 / Is the validity of the LOD verified as part of the LOD determination process?
TNI ELV1M4-2009, Section b)
NOTE: A LOD study is not required for any component for which spiking solutions or quality control samples are not available such as temperature.
TNI ELV1M4-2009, Section c)
6.8 / Is the verification of the LOD completed prior to the use of the LOD for sample analysis?
TNI ELV1M4-2009, Section b)
6.9 / Are LODs verified annually for each quality system matrix, technology, and analyte?
TNI ELV1M4-2009, Section f)
6.10 / Are all sample-processing and analysis steps of each applicable analytical method included in the determination of the limit of quantitation (LOQ)?
TNI ELV1M4-2009, Section a)
6.11 / Is the validity of the LOQ verified by successful analysis of a QC sample containing the analytes of concern in each matrix at 1 to 2 times the claimed LOQ?
TNI ELV1M4-2009, Section c)
6.12 / Is the criteria for analysis of the LOQ based on the recovery of each analyte within the laboratory established method acceptance criteria or client data quality objectives for accuracy?
TNI ELV1M4-2009, Section c)
6.13 / Is the LOQ above the LOD, if the LOD is determined by the laboratory (See Note below LOI 7.0)?
TNI ELV1M4-2009, Section d)
6.14 / Is the LOQ verified annually for each quality system matrix, technology, and analyte?
NOTE: The annual LOQ verification is not required if the LOD was determined or verified annually on that instrument.
TNI ELV1M4-2009, Section e)
6.15 / Has the laboratory evaluated the precision and bias of a reference method for each analyte of concern for each matrix or alternate documented procedure when the analyte cannot be spiked into the sample matrix and where QC samples are not commercially available?
TNI ELV1M4-2009, Section 1.5.3 a)
6.16 / For laboratory-developed methods or non-reference methods that were not in use by the laboratory before July 2003, has the laboratory developed and documented a procedure to evaluate precision and bias?
TNI ELV1M4-2009, Section 1.5.3 b)
6.17 / Has the laboratory also compared results of the precision and bias measurements with criteria established by the client, by criteria given in the reference method or criteria established by the laboratory?