Sixteen Week Plan: The ST and CT will complete the 16 week schedule planning form as early in the semester as possible. On this form the ST will indicate the order in which he/she will assume responsibilities from the CT. See the form for more specific directions. The ST must teach a minimum of two full weeks during which he/she has made or contributed to all the plans with the CT’s approval, and has complete control of all classroom activities.



This form should be completed by the end of the 2nd week by the Classroom Teacher and the Student Teacher and submitted to the University Supervisor. Non-instructional duties (lunch money, class roll, playground supervision, etc.) are to be included in this schedule.

The Student Teacher will function as a member of a team with the Classroom Teacher as the team leader and primary planner. Gradually the Student Teacher should assume leadership and planning responsibilities until the roles are reversed for at least a two week period.

Assume responsibility for: (List group of students, time slot, or lesson or activity for which the Student Teacher is to be responsible and day responsibility is to be assumed.) Assume new responsibilities each week as you continue responsibilities from the week before.

Week 1: Jan 16 – 20 (16) MLK Day all districts (17) ProfDev And1-5, Oconee

• Assume responsibility for:

Week 2: Jan 23 – 27

Continue responsibility for: • Assume responsibility for: • •

Week 3: Jan 30 – Feb 3

Continue responsibility for: • Assume responsibility for:


Week 4: Feb 6 - 10

Continue responsibility for: • Assume responsibility for:

Week 5: Feb 13 – 17 (17) ProfDev Oconee

Continue responsibility for: • Assume responsibility for:

Week 6: Feb 20 – 24 (20) ProfDev And1-5, Gville, Pickens / Oconee weather day

Continue responsibility for: • Assume responsibility for:

Week 7: Feb 27 – Mar 3

Continue responsibility for: • Assume responsibility for:

Week 8: Mar 6 – 10 (10) ProfDev Pickens

Continue responsibility for: • Assume responsibility for:


Week 9: Mar 13 – 17 (16) Gville weather day (17) Gville, Pickens weather day

Continue responsibility for: • Assume responsibility for: •

Week 10: Mar 20 – 24 (20) Oconee weather day, (24) ProfDev And1-5, (20 – 21) Clemson

University Educator Career Fair

Continue responsibility for: • Assume responsibility for:

Week 11: Mar 27 – 31 (27) And1-5 weather day

Continue responsibility for: • Assume responsibility for: •

Week 12: Apr 3 – 7

Continue responsibility for: • Assume responsibility for: • • • •

Week 13: Apr 10 – 14 Spring Break And1-5, Gville, Oconee, Pickens

Continue responsibility for: • Assume responsibility for: • • • •


Week 14: Apr 17 – 21 (17) And1-5, Gville, Oconee, Pickens weather day

Continue responsibility for: • Assume responsibility for:

Week 15 Apr 24 - 28

Continue responsibility for: • Assume responsibility for:

Week 16 May 1 – 5 (5) Last Day of Student Teaching

Continue responsibility for: • Assume responsibility for:


Making the Transition: The Student Teacher and the Cooperating Classroom Teacher should carefully plan making the transition of responsibilities a smooth one for teachers and students. The Student Teacher may plan with the cooperating teacher and Principal to spend some time during the last week of student teaching visiting other classes and grade levels, and possibly other schools. Any plans to visit in other classrooms or other schools must be approved by the Classroom Teacher, the University Supervisor and the Principal.

Electronic Portfolio Presentation: Students should work closely with their University Supervisors during the last three weeks of student teaching to identify a date to turn in their digital portfolio and to schedule a date and time for their oral portfolio presentation (if required for your program). Please note that some University Supervisors may schedule these presentations during exam week - it is your responsibility to schedule this through your supervisor.

Licensure: Any questions regarding certification should be directed to The Office of Field& Clinical Experiences and Certification, Room 100 Tillman Hall, (864) 656-5095.