Eustace Middle School 2011-2012
“Knowing what to do when faced with a crisis can be the difference
between calm and chaos, between courage and fear, between life and death.”
Emergency Incident Box
Located in Reeve office under side table in clear box; Secondary file behind Front Desk
Crisis Communication Procedures
Ø Notify staff or contact office using intercom
Ø Call 9.911 (Know the following information)
§ Nature of incident; what happened
§ How many victims / condition of victims
(unconscious; not breathing; bleeding)
§ Where located / address (how do vehicles get to location)
§ Give as much factual detail as possible
Ø Call Principal and Superintendent
Ø If EVER any Media involved, refer to Administration / Superintendent Office
Building Evacuation
(Any time it is safer to be outside then inside; such as fire, bomb threat, utility or
structural problem, etc.)
Signal: “Teachers, Please exit the building” and / or Fire Alarm
Ø Close and lock window(s) if applicable
Ø Get purse, grade book, and emergency back pack
Ø Turn off lights and close door(s)
Ø Lead class quietly and quickly to bus loop / soccer fields
Ø Check roll; notify administrator of any missing students
Ø Stay until “All clear” signal given and released by administration
Site Evacuation
(Any time it is safer to locate to a site away from campus; such as fire,
bomb threat, utility problem, intruder, hazardous materials, etc.)
Signal: “Teachers: Please prepare to evacuate the building and load the buses”
Ø Get purse, grade book, and emergency back pack
Ø Turn off lights and close / lock door(s)
Ø Lead class quietly and quickly to the front of the building
Ø Follow Bus Evacuation procedures
Ø Check roll; notify administrator of any missing students
Ø At destination, stay with students; all students will need to be signed out if released to parent/guardian at designated site
Shelter in Place / Lock Down
(Any time it is safer to keep students inside; such as severe weather, intruders, disturbances, risks of toxic exposure, etc.)
Signal: “Teachers, Please shelter in place due to weather (or exposure)”
***Need to have all support staff comes to office
Ø Close door(s) and window(s) and keep students away from doors / windows
Ø Have all students against an interior wall
Ø Ensure that no students are in hallways/bathrooms
Ø When possible, all portables are to be evacuated
Ø Check roll; notify administrator of any missing students
by intercom to office or piece of paper under door
Ø Do not open doors until “All clear” signal given
Ø Report any concerns/problems encountered to office
Ø Close and lock door(s) and window(s)
Ø Turn off all ventilation if possible
Ø Ensure that no students are in hallways/bathrooms
Ø Check roll; notify administrator of any missing students
by intercom to office or piece of paper under door
Ø Do not open doors until “All clear” signal given
Ø Report any concerns/problems encountered to office
Signal: “Teachers, Please lock your door and shelter in place due to an intruder
in the building.”
Ø Close and lock door(s) and window(s)
Ø Ensure that no students are in hallways/bathrooms
Ø Turn off lights; require students to be very quiet
Ø Move students out of the “line-of-sight”; keep out of sight
Ø Check roll; notify administrator of any missing students by intercom
Ø Locate emergency back pack / emergency red / green cards
Ø Do not open doors until “All clear” signal given
Ø Report any concerns/problems encountered to office
**If Intruder signal is given, then absolute lock down