Chapter 3—Lesson 3 Practice Test

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1.The Articles of Confederation created a weak national government that could not ______.

a.print currency

b.create a postal system the states

d. sign treaties with Native Americans

2.The government of South Carolina incorporated the city of Charleston in order to ______.

a.celebrate the creation of a new state government

b.strengthen the role of Loyalists and British merchants

c.reduce the number of debtors

d.give the city power to solve its own problems

3.Which of the following did not indicate the need for a stronger central government?

a)The British still had forts in the Ohio River Valley.

b)South Carolina printed $6.9 million in paper money.

c)States had disagreements about interstate trade.

d)Shay’s Rebellion made leaders in many state governments worry about anarchy.

4.Which South Carolina delegates played key roles in the Constitutional Convention?

a.John Rutledge, Charles Pinckney, Henry Laurens, and Pierce Butler

b.John Rutledge, Charles Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, and Pierce Butler

c.Thomas Jefferson, Charles Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, and Pierce Butler

  1. John Rutledge, Charles Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, and Alexander Hamilton

5.What issue did South Carolina delegates emphasize during the Constitutional Convention?

a.Making sure all of the states got equal representation in Congress

b.Establishing diplomatic relations with Britain and France

c.Maintaining the institution of slavery in the South

d.Using the terms “slave” and “slavery” in the document where appropriate

6.One of the chief concerns of the Anti-federalists was ______.

a.the need for a Bill of Rights in the Constitution

b.keeping the right to tax at the state level, not the federal level

c.establishing interstate roads and other transportation systems

d.making sure Congress was unicameral, with representation based on population


7.Created a loose alliance of states A.Federalists

8.Refused to allow Americans to use the Mississippi R B.Separation of Powers

9.Govt. seizing farms of indebted farmers led to C. Checks and Balances

10.Constitutional Convention began this political tradition D.Spanish

11.Determined counting of slaves for representation E.30 years

12.Atlantic slave trade will continue how long F.Anti-Federalists

13. Stops a branch of gov’t from gaining too much power G.Articlesof Confederation

14. Low Country leaders in favor of the Constitution H. 3/5 Compromise

15. Up Country leaders who did not favor the Constitution I.James Madison

16. Congress’s first act which led to ratification J. Bill of Rights

17. 1st Secretary of Treasury who was a Federalist K.Thomas Jefferson

18. 1st Secretary of State who was a Republican L. Alexander Hamilton

19. ensured that British would keep forts Ohio R. Valley M. 20 years

20. Formally approve N. Ratify

21. Included both proportional and equal representation O. Shay’s Rebellion

22.First ten constitutional amendments P. Mexico

Q.Bill of Rights

R. Great Compromise

S. Compromise

Review the following:

Definitions of Essential Terms

Chapter 3 Lesson 3 Reading Guide pages 99-104

Notes covering the remainder of Lesson 3

5QuestionsAnswered in class from page115(most of you took pictures)

Focus on Compromises

Focus on Contrasting the Federalists and Anti-Federalists

Establishing a New Government Quiz

South Carolina’s leaders during this era

Reason why capital was moved to Columbia