(update: 28 Jan 06) / OP2 / Biological: /
- Law No. 618 of 8 October 1974
- Law No. 185 of 9 July 1990 (in Italian)
- Law No. 497 of 14 October 1974
- Law No.438 of 15 December 2001 to approve the Decree Law No. 374 of 18 October 2001 on counterterrorism (in Italian)
- Penal Code (in Italian)
- Law No. 155 of 31 July 2005 on measures against terrorism (in Italian)
Chemical: /
- Law No. 93 of 4 April 1997 (English, unofficial translation)
- Law no. 496 of 18 November 1995 as amended by Law no. 93 of 4 April 1997 (English, unofficial translation)
- Law No. 438 of 15 December 2001 to approve the Decree Law No. 374 of 18 October 2001 on counterterrorism (in Italian)
- Law No. 155 of 31 July 2005 on measures against terrorism (in Italian)
- Law No. 185 of 9 July 1990 (in Italian)
- Penal Code (in Italian)
Nuclear: /
- Law No. 438 of 15 December 2001 to approve the Decree Law No. 374 of 18 October 2001 on counterterrorism (in Italian)
- Law No. 155 of 31 July 2005 on measures against terrorism (in Italian)
- Law No.185of 9 July 1990 (in Italian)
- Law No. 131 of 24 April 1975
- Law No. 497 of 14 October 1974
- Penal Code (in Italian)
OP3 a/b / Biological: /
- Legislative Decree No. 206 of 12 April 2001 on GMO (in Italian)
- Law No. 618 of 8 October 1974
- Law No. 626 of 19 september 1994
- Legislative Decree No. 25 of 02 February 2002 amending Chapter VII- bis of Law 626/94 (in Italian)
Chemical: /
- Law No. 93 of 4 April 1997 (English, unofficial translation)
- Law no. 496 of 18 November 1995 as amended by Law no. 93 of 4 April 1997 (english, unofficial translation)
- Presidential Decree No. 289 of 16 July 1997 (in Italian)
- Decree of16 August 2001 (in Italian)
- Circular No. 37887 of 4 April1997 (in Italian)
- Circular No. 358420 of 30July 1997 (in Italian)
- Circular No. 775036 of 22 January1998 (in Italian)
- Circular No. 775043of 2 February 1999 (in Italian)
- Circular No. 764037 of 18 January 2002 (in Italian)
- Law 626 of 19 September 1994
- Legislative Decree No. 25 of 02 February 2002 amending Chapter VII- bis of Law 626/94 (in Italian)
Nuclear: /
- Law no. 1860 of 31 December 1962 published in the ItalianRepublic’s Official Journal no. 27 of 30 January 1963
- Legislative Decree no. 230 of 17 March 1995 published in the Supplement to ItalianRepublic’s Official Journal no. 136 of 13 June 1995, implementing six EURATOM Directives on radiation protection
- Law No. 704 of 7 August 1982
OP3 c/d / Border Control: /
- Circular No. 40/D of 3 October 2005 (in Italian)
- Circular No. 32/D of 3 August 2005 (in Italian)
Export Control: /
- Legislative Decree No. 96 of 9 April 2003 (English, unofficial translation)
- Decree, 11th July 2003 (English, unofficial translation)
- Decree, 4th August 2003 (English, unofficial translation)