Cultural Heritage Pathfinder

Print resources

Circulating books

Search for your country using the Library catalog. Hint: search by “Subject.” Or browse the shelves by continent:

Europe: 914; 940s-- Asia: 915; 950s -- Africa: 916; 960s

-- No. America, Cen. America, Caribbean: 917; 970s --

South America: 918; 980s -- Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands: 919; 990s

Reference books

The CIA World Factbook (REF 910 CIA 2012)

Countries and Their Cultures (REF 910 COU 2001)

CultureGrams (REF 910 CUL 2003) (More recent reports in the Pamphlet Files)

Cultures of the World (REF 910 CUL 1999)

Peoples of the World (REF 910 MOS)

Nations of the World (REF 910 NAT 2010)

The World Book Encyclopedia of People and Places (REF 910.3 WOR)

Worldmark Encyclopedia of Cultures and Daily Life (REF 910 WOR 1997)

Encyclopedia of African Peoples (REF 916 ENC 2000)

World and Its Peoples: The Americas (REF 917 WOR 2009)


National Geographic (Magazine room)


Browse 912 in the reference room and the circulating collection. Look for the Atlas Stand in the Main Room.

Online resources

Library’s portal to Geographical Resources (

Global Issues in Context ( [password=user1]

CountryWatch ( [username=redwoodhs; password=giants]

Countries and Their Cultures (

Citing your work

Research Handbook: Citing Sources (

Cultural Heritage Pathfinder

Print resources

Circulating books

Search for your country using the Library catalog. Hint: search by “Subject.” Or browse the shelves by continent:

Europe: 914; 940s -- Asia: 915; 950s -- Africa: 916; 960s

-- No. America, Cen. America, Caribbean: 917; 970s --

South America: 918; 980s -- Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands: 919; 990s

Reference books

The CIA World Factbook (REF 910 CIA 2012)

Countries and Their Cultures (REF 910 COU 2001)

CultureGrams (REF 910 CUL 2003) (More recent reports in the Pamphlet Files)

Cultures of the World (REF 910 CUL 1999)

Peoples of the World (REF 910 MOS)

Nations of the World (REF 910 NAT 2010)

The World Book Encyclopedia of People and Places (REF 910.3 WOR)

Worldmark Encyclopedia of Cultures and Daily Life (REF 910 WOR 1997)

Encyclopedia of African Peoples (REF 916 ENC 2000)

World and Its Peoples: The Americas (REF 917 WOR 2009)


National Geographic (Magazine room)


Browse 912 in the reference room and the circulating collection. Look for the Atlas Stand in the Main Room.

Online resources

Library’s portal to Geographical Resources (

Global Issues in Context ( [password=user1]

CountryWatch ( [username=redwoodhs; password=giants]

Countries and Their Cultures (

Citing your work

Research Handbook: Citing Sources (