Justin: Script for audio excerpt

Justin: So how are you going to record my voice onto this thing?

Jess: It just has this little speaker right here that’s looking at you so whatever you say goes into there and stays in there so we’ll be able to give it to you later.

Justin: Sure, sure, sure.

Jess: We’ll give you a CD of this. Remember to put in your CD player?

Justin: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Nicki: You’ll be able to listen to this part of the interview.

Justin: Oh my God!

Jess: Its going to be weird to talk… to hear yourself talking about the cd you’re listening to, right?

Justin: Its going to be weird, its going to be very weird!

Jess: Tell me about your CD player. What do you like to listen to on it?

Justin: That’s the only thing I like to listen to isEnya.

Jess: And can you tell me like how the music makes you feel or what you like about it?

Justin: Because actually when they put it on my radio at home I like “Sail Away… Sail” by Enya.the singer. That’s the only song I know. I just like to, I like to sit in my room alone and listen to my music. So that’s what I like to do.

Jess: Can you tell me more about some of the things that you like to do here?

Justin: I like to take the trash out, vacuum, and vacuum the carpet, clean up the boxes, put them away. What do the janitors do over there at Temple? Do they take the trash or anything like that? Like garbage?I want to work down over there. You know what I mean? See if I could work at the library one of these days?

Jess: That’s someplace you'd like to work?

Justin: Yeah.

Jess: How come?

Justin: ‘Cause I do. Don’t they have a shredding at the library? ‘Cause I used to shred paper here. So what do they do? Do they take the trash out at the library or do the trash trucks get that? Why we can’t go out for an hour to like somewhere like the library. Ask the library if I can go over there. Maybe I can have a ride down there. Is the library wheelchair accessible? Can you get inside there? I'm not trying to be rude. I'm just trying to see if it’s wheelchair accessible for me inside.

Jess: I don’t think that’s rude at all.

Justin: No!I've never been to the library either. I've never been at the library before. I saw the gym’s all set up.

Jess: Are you excited to get your picture taken?

Justin: Oh God yes.

Jess: Are you excited to see what the gym looks like?

Justin: I am so excited to see that. You never saw me playing basketball before?
Jess: Not yet.

Justin: You haven’t seen it yet?

Jess: I just got here. This is my first time.

Justin: I'm strong. I’m strong. Feel my muscles. So I’m very strong lifting chairs all the time, too. I'm good at lifting chairs so I'm good at lifting chairs.

Jess: What else are you good at?

Justin: Mm. Putting the boxes out and putting the trash out outside in the dumpster. Help the UPS guy out. So I'm good with that so… I'm good with it.