St. John’s Lutheran Church

St. John’s LutheranPaul Gruetter, Pastor

209 Broad St. PO Box 203 567-201-3455

Montpelier, Ohio 43543


February 2015

Shut In

Geri Gearhart

Alice Masters

Genesis Healthcare

1104 Wesley

Bryan, OH 432506

Mary DeMara

Northern Lakes Nursing

516 Williams St.

Angola, IN 46703

Gretta Wilcox

108 Bungalow Ct

Montpelier, OH, 43543

Sam and Norma Dixon

104 Evergreen Dr.

Montpelier, OH 43543

Serving in Worship during February

Sign-up sheet is passed around during worship!

3-George Rings

3-Erika Shoup

3-Bev Henry

4-Wanda Henry

5-Janice Thompson


7-Craig Dewire

8-Gerry Dewire

11-Briggs Fiser

12-Kayce DeMara

13-Troy Eriksen

14-Tara Gearhart

14-Hillary Rings

17-Jeanne Willson

19-Amanda Hoover

19-Samuel Rings


24-Beverly Psurny

24-Deb Clum

25-Larry Eriksen


February Anniversaries

14-Shelley and Robert Wheeler


“Living Waters”

In John 14, Jesus meets a woman beside a well, and he promises her living water. That promise is the theme of our 2015 Lenten midweek Lenten services at St. John’s. Each week, we will focus on a Bible story about water, and we will hear what God has promised to us.

But wait, there’s more!

At the beginning of Lent, everyone who comes to worship will receive a bottle of water (we’ve borrowed this idea from one of our sister congregations in the NALC). This bottle is not only your reminder of the promises of God, but it will also become an “offering envelope” of sorts. After you drink the water, we’re asking you to use that same bottle to make an offering to “Water Missions International”. We’ll have a display in the sanctuary where you can bring your water offering.

Water Missions International is a nonprofit Christian engineering organization providing sustainable safe water and sanitation solutions for people in developing countries and disaster areas. WMI has permanent work stations in 10 countries, including Haiti, Belize, Malawi, and Uganda. They have served in 49 different countries, at various times. You can learn more about their work at

Here is the schedule for our Wednesday services. Each service begins at 7:30 p.m. Most services will last 30 minutes. Ash Wednesday, with communion and the imposition of ashes, is longer.

February 18, Ash Wednesday

Troubled Water

Exodus 17:1-7

February 25

Doubting Water

Matthew 14:22-33

March 4

Still Water

Psalm 23

March 11

Righteous Water

Amos 5:18-24

March 18

Healing Water

2 Kings 5:1-14

March 25

Living Water

John 4:7-14

Annual Congregation Meeting

Our congregational meeting, to receive reports of our ministry in 2014, will be held on Sunday, February 8, following the 10:00 a.m. worship service. A potluck meal is a part of this event! Main dish and beverages will be provided. Don’t miss out!

Palm Branches

Ash Wednesday is approaching, so it’s time to bring in your palm branch from last year’s Palm Sunday celebration. The palms will be burned to form the ashes for our foreheads on Ash Wednesday. This year we are seeking a volunteer (maybe a family?) to burn the palms. You might find this to be a deeply spiritual moment! See Pastor Paul if you are interested.

Donations for high school Sunday class

The high school Sunday school classroom is under construction. We need your help! We are looking to update the furniture and we are looking for donated new or used furniture. If you are updating your look and need to get rid of that big chair, moving, or need an excuse to change your living room look, we are looking for furniture. We have found good homes or are repurposing our old furniture. If you have a donation or questions please contact Jodi Grime 419-481-2450 or any high schooler. Thank you ahead of time for all your donations and support of the high school class.

Sign-up Sheet

Watch for the sign-up sheet for greeters and readers that is circulating around the sanctuary during Sunday’s worship service. There is a place for you!

Pray for Missions on trip

Dave and Becky Jaessing’s son-in-law, Andy Skiles and their grandson, Connor Skiles are going on a mission trip to Ecuador. They will be gone from the 12th to the 20th of February. Please pray for their safety and that they will be able to share the gospel of Jesus with the people there.

Thank You

Earl Walker and family wish to thank Pastor Paul and our entire church family for your prayers, expression of sympathy, food, and funeral dinner during our time of loss. It was very much appreciated. God bless all.


“Greeters” are the volunteers who welcome people when they arrive for worship at St. John’s. Beginning immediately, we are adding one more greeter, to be stationed at the outside door leading to the elevette. You can welcome folks, share a smile, and even assist with operating the elevette. Please prayerfully consider if this ministry is for you!

January 5, 2015

WOTC Board Meeting

Present: Ann, Jill, Roxanne, Ann, Bev, and Lexy.

Minutes of the December meeting were read. A motion was made to approve the minutes by Bev and seconded by Jill.

The Treasurer’s Balances as 1/5/15:

Kitchen Supply Fund$ 798.83

General Expenses $ 670.00

Checking Acct Balance $1,468.83

Savings$ 565.02

Funeral Dinner Fund$1,040.30

A motion was made by Bev and seconded by Ann to approve. The Treasurer’s Report was then approved.

Secretary of Action – Jill is shopping for fleece material to make blankets during the 17th work day. Also, food will be taken to See & Do.

Secretary of Community – No Report.

Secretary of Growth – Ann has found blank boxes that could be used for the Thank Offering Service. Ann suggested that if we purchased these boxes, we could ask the Sunday School Kids decorate them.

Vice-President – No Report

Old Business – The Christmas Stockings were well received at the hospital and shut-ins. A box will be placed in the Women’s Activity Room to collect items for Christmas 2015 and we’ll plan for 20 stockings.

Installation will be on 1/11/15. Fleece Blanket work day will be 1/17/15. Puzzle Party will be 2/15/15. Blanket Sunday will be moved to 2/22/15.

New Business – Our Missionary Matthew Riak will be visiting on 1/19/15. Sheets will be passed each Sunday to get an idea how many will attend. Jill will make a chicken casserole. Bev contacted the Village Reporter and they will have an article in the paper regarding Pastor Riak’s visit.

Earl Walker donated Illega’s sewing machine to the WOTC. A Thank You will be sent.

A thank you was received from Lutheran World Relief, Compassion Clinic, and See & Do for donations from WOTC.

Next meeting will be February 5, 2015 at 6:00 PM.

Devotions will be done by Bev and closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

St. John Lutheran Council Meeting Minutes

Date: 1/11/15


Ed Kidston

Merlin Wright

Pastor Paul

Chase Henry

Holly Miller

Dave Deetz

Wanda Henry

Jason Luke

Nathan Baker

Jeanne Willson

Susie Mick

Joan Becker

Chris Whitis

Ric Clark

Matthew Luke

Jodi Grime

Jim Thompson

Various Issues and Objectives

  • Ed Kidston called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.
  • Jason Luke read devotion followed with prayer. Elders will read devotions next meeting.
  • Motion made to approve the minutes from previous month by Jim Thompson and seconded by Jeanne Willson. Motion approved.
  • Motion to approve the reading of the financial report by Joan Becker and second by Susie Mick.
  • Deacon’s report: Jason Luke and Ryan Burt
  • Updated Sunday’s service attendance in August.
  • Early
  • Month 148
  • Average 34
  • Late
  • Month 454
  • Average 116
  • Advent
  • 3 services
  • Services 136
  • Average 45
  • Christmas Eve
  • 1 service
  • 180
  • Set up tables and made coffee for meeting.
  • Deacons took down the nativity pieces tonight and will put back in storage room.
  • The deacons will be providing the meat and rolls for the annual congregation meeting on Feb. 8.
  • Pastor report
  • Services:
  • Six Sunday services
  • Four seasonal
  • Six sermons
  • One wedding
  • One funeral
  • One worship service at Evergreen
  • Visitations:
  • Five homes, nursing home, and hospital
  • Five office or elsewhere
  • Meetings:
  • Four
  • other events attended:
  • Twenty
  • Classes taught:
  • Five
  • Vacation
  • Three days (including one Sunday)
  • Other:
  • Other media: telephone, emails, Facebook
  • Pastor Paul announced his new Sunday school topic, Study of Augsburg Confess from 1530’s.
  • Motion approved the reading of Pastor’s report by Chris Whitis and seconded by Susie Mick.
  • Elders Report: Jeanne Willson, Joan Becker, Susie Mick, Matthew Luke and Pastor Paul
  • Schedule set for Holy Communion and assisting elders.
  • 1/25 Susie Mick and Joan Becker
  • 2/1
  • Early
  • Matthew Luke
  • Late
  • Jeanne Willson
  • 2/22
  • Early
  • Jeanne Willson
  • Late
  • Susie Mick and Joan Becker
  • On Feb. 15 Pastor Ralph Easterhaus will fill in while Pastor is gone.
  • We discussed a new transfer and one in the works.
  • Confirmation will be April 19th with communion.
  • Food For the Poor will be here possibly on July 26th to speak. Pastor will be gone possibly.
  • Congregational meeting will be on Feb. 8th.
  • Parish Ed: Christ Whitis, Jodi Grime, Merlin Wright, and Pastor Paul
  • Cradle roll – starting a birth announcement board.
  • Child list update – 0-18 (pre-graduation). Need list to put in Parish Ed book.
  • Curriculum – stay the same for current year, but look at what could bring in – bring kids in. More structured opening.
  • Cleaner accounting practices
  • Early communion – Erin Elser 5th grade – no 6th graders – dates to be set with Merlin Wright.
  • Look at preschool age Sunday school – ask around for fall.
  • Look into rotational Sunday School Teachers/curriculum.
  • Bible Sunday – Joey Burt – Feb sometime.
  • Looking at bibles (book) presented at baptism, 3 year old book, 3rd grade, and confirmation.
  • Correspondence
  • Pat Beck and family – thank you.
  • See and Do – thank you.
  • North Central Schools – thank you.
  • VBS – contacting Pres. Church.
  • Lock-in – Joni and Karen – Feb.- need date.
  • High school – March – need date.
  • Confirmation date – April 19, 2015.
  • $50 for kitchen fund to women’s group.
  • Bibles – approved bibles for high school class.
  • Secretary 2015 – Jodi Grimes.
  • Adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
  • Trustee report: Ed Kidston, Ric Clark, Pastor Paul, Chase Henry, Merlin Wright, Wanda Henry, and Jim Thompson
  • Paid and unpaid bills reviewed and approved, Motion by Jim Thompson seconded by Ric Clark, motion passed.
  • Old business
  • Wanda Henry checked on getting WI-FI from one end of the building to the other. She reported we would need to get assistance/help from a Mr. Sparrow.
  • The chronic problem with the heating system was fixed this past weekend. Mechanical problems along with the very low temp. and wind direction were the culprit.
  • New Business
  • A request for a donation to the Relay for Life in June will be looked into for 2015.
  • The need for our secretary Holly Miller to attend each trustee meeting, as well as council meetings was discussed (as noted in the church constitution).
  • New business
  • New transfer was voted on for acceptance of Michael and Riki Timbrook. Motion by Jeanne Willson seconded by Dave Deetz, motion passed.
  • Jeanne Willson asked who would be keeping an eye on and ordering the extra items for the women’s bathroom for example hand lotion, hand soap etc. Ed Kidston asked council members who would be in contact with Judy and Ric Clark said he would be seeing her most likely the next day. Ed Kidston ask Ric Clark to speak to Judy Handy, Custodian, if she would be the one to do the ordering since she already orders the cleaning products and other items for the bathrooms.
  • Next council meeting Feb. 8, 2015.
  • Nathan Baker moved to adjourn and second by Dave Deetz, ended with Lord Prayer.

*Copies of the Monthly Financial report are available on the Bulletin Board and main entrance table.