Muncy Junior-Senior High School

Math 8 Course Syllabus

2016-2017 School Year

Instructor:Ms. Madalyn Confer

Phone:570-546-3127 ext.3300


Meeting Times and Locations:Period 2, Room 201

Course Description

Designed to provide the 8th grade mathematics student with a solid foundation for Pre-Algebra, Math 8 will also prepare students for the PSSA Grade 8 Assessment. Topics include those found in the current Pennsylvania Common Core Mathematics Standards for Grade 8 and in the Pennsylvania Keystone Algebra I Standards. Students will be introduced to the TI-83/84 Plus graphing calculator as a problem-solving tool and will begin using the graphing calculator to develop skills in solving problems analytically, numerically and graphically.

Classroom Expectations

There are five basic expectations for each class period:

  1. Be present and be on time.
  2. Be prepared − have all materials with you each class period and be ready to start class when the bell rings.
  3. Work to the best of your ability.
  4. Be respectful of others.
  5. Use a pencil.

Please refer to the Pathfinder for the district policy on student attire, cell phones/electronic devices, food/beverage in the classroom and locker and rest room use throughout the school day.

For any disruption of instructional time, three (3) days of detention will be assigned.

Absences and Make-Up Work

If you are absent for any reason, it is your responsibility to see me in the morning before the start of Period 1 to discuss what was missed and to receive any materials that were distributed during the class period(s) you missed. Time will not be taken during the class period to take care of this.

Make-up work will be allowed as outlined in the Pathfinder. Failure to make up the work in the allotted time will result in a score of zero for that work. In the event that an assessment was missed during an absence, students will be given a different version of the assessment. This may take on an entirely different format than the missed assessment.

Students present in school but not in attendance during the class period on the day of an assessment are expected to take the assessment that day. This includes, but is not limited to, participation in a school-sponsored field trip, HOPES, luncheons associated with school clubs, early dismissals for scheduled athletic events, etc., and may require you to take the assessment in the morning before the start of homeroom. You should notify me immediately when you are aware that these absences will occur. Failure to take the assessment on the same day will result in a score of zero for that assessment.

Students who are going to miss several consecutive class periods should see me immediately upon return to school to receive any materials and to find out what was missed during the absence.

In rare instances, an extension may be granted for making up an assessment that is missed because of an absence at a school-related activity.


Marking period grades will be calculated on the basis of a point system – the percent of points earned out of the number of possible points.

Graded material will consist of any combination of the following each marking period:

  • Quizzes
  • Exams
  • Graded homework assignments
  • In-class activities and explorations
  • Projects

There is no final exam in this course so each marking period grade carries a weight of 25% of the course grade.

Requizzes will be optional with what is called a “pass to pass.” Students may be granted a pass to pass a quiz if he/she fails the quiz and later demonstrates considerable effort into relearning the material covered on the quiz, by the end of the school week following the original quiz. For example, if a quiz is failed on a Wednesday, the student will have until the following Friday to demonstrate considerable effort. Considerable effort includes, but is not limited to, coming for extra help before/after school or asking for and completing extra practice work on the material. A requiz will not be granted until extra practice is turned in and checked for understanding. Requizzes will not be the same as the original assessment. Students requizzing with a pass to pass will be eligible to receive up to 70% of the points available.

**If this system is being abused, individual or class privileges may be revoked.

Unless you are required to be given extra time for completing quizzes and exams, please do not ask for additional time. Assessments are designed to be completed in one class period. Assessments may include a calculator and/or a non-calculator portion to help prepare for the PSSA, Keystone, and SAT. They may also include cumulative questions from previously learned course content. Common assessments that incorporate PSSA, Keystone, and SAT have been developed and will be used in all sections of Math 8.

Progress Reports

Periodically, students will be given a Progress Report to take home, have signed by a parent/guardian and then return as a graded homework assignment. Notification of student grade deficiency will be made through mid-marking period progress reports for students of parents/guardians that request this type of notification. If a parent/guardian has indicated that they will keep up-to-date by using Power School, then paper progress reports will not be sent through the Guidance Office.

Possibility of failure notifications will be sent (if needed) at the end of the first semester and at the end of the third marking period.

Academic Dishonesty

When work is turned in, the work must be your own. Any indication of academic dishonesty will be dealt with as a serious offense and will result in a grade of zero for that assessment item for all students involved and a referral to the Principal’s Office will be made.


Homework when assigned may be collected and graded, for completion or correctness, at any time. In accordance with the Mathematics Department policy, late or incomplete assignments will not be accepted for credit.


It is recommended that you use a three-ring binder as your notebook for this course. You will receive a large number of handouts for each unit and will have to refer to previously covered material throughout the course.

Textbook and Graphing Calculators

Students are financially responsible for any textbook and graphing calculator issued to them on the first day of classes. Students are responsible for obtaining batteries for the calculator issued.

The only graphing calculators that are acceptable for use in this course are those in the Texas Instruments TI-83 and TI-84 families of calculators. A TI-83/84 Plus will be issued for use in this course and if students are going to purchase their own personal calculator, it is recommended that the TI-83/84 Plus be purchased.

Supplemental Materials

  • Study Island
  • Success Maker

Graphing Calculator

Texas Instruments TI-83/84 Plus graphing calculator.

Topical Outline

The following topics will be covered in this course. The order of coverage may not match the order that the topics are listed.

Topic / Timeframe / Standards
Real Numbers / 2-3 weeks
Number Sets / CC.2.1.8.E.1
Estimating the Value of Irrationals / CC.2.1.8.E.4
Locating Real Numbers on a Number Line / CC.2.1.8.E.4
Convert Decimals to Fractions / CC.2.1.8.E.4
Ordering Real Numbers / CC.2.1.8.E.4
Exponents / 2-3 weeks
Zero and Negative Exponents / CC.2.1.8.B.1
Multiplication Rule for Exponents / CC.2.1.8.B.1
Division Rule for Exponents / CC.2.1.8.B.1
Power Rule and Exponent Distribution / CC.2.1.8.B.1
Scientific Notation / 1-2 weeks
Scientific to Standard Notation / CC.2.1.8.B.1
Standard to Scientific Notation / CC.2.1.8.B.1
Comparing Numbers in Scientific Notation / CC.2.1.8.B.1
Operations with Scientific Notation / CC.2.1.8.B.1
Algebraic Properties / 2-3 weeks
Basic Properties / Prerequisite Skill
Addition and Subtraction Properties / Prerequisite Skill
Multiplication and Division Properties / Prerequisite Skill
Distributive Properties / Prerequisite Skill
Solving Linear Equations / 2-3 weeks
Solving One-Step Equations / CC.2.1.8.B.3
Solving Two-Step Equations / CC.2.1.8.B.3
Solving Multi-Step Equations / CC.2.1.8.B.3
Simplifying and Solving / CC.2.1.8.B.3
Solving with Variables on Both Sides / CC.2.1.8.B.3
Square and Cube Roots / 2-3 weeks
Perfect Square and Cube Roots / CC.2.1.8.B.1
Estimating Cube Roots / CC.2.1.8.B.1
Solving Cube and Square Root Equations / CC.2.1.8.B.1
Geometric Transformations / 1-2 weeks
Rotations, Reflections, and Translations / CC.2.3.8.A.2
Identifying Transformations to Prove Congruence / CC.2.3.8.A.2
Dilations and Similarity / CC.2.3.8.A.2
Pythagorean Theorem / 2-3 weeks
Is it a right triangle? / CC.2.3.8.A.3
Finding Missing Sides Using Pythagorean Thm. / CC.2.3.8.A.3
Real-World Applications / CC.2.3.8.A.3
Distance Using Pythagorean Theorem / CC.2.3.8.A.3
Slope and Intercepts / 2-3 weeks
Find Slope Given Two Points / CC.2.2.8.B.2
Find Slope from a Graph / CC.2.2.8.B.2
Finding x and y-intercepts / CC.2.2.8.B.2
Graphing a Line from Slope-Intercept Form / CC.2.2.8.B.2
Writing an Equation in Slope-Intercept Form / CC.2.2.8.B.2
Relations and Functions / 2-3 weeks
Functions (Yes or No) / CC.2.2.8.C.1
Comparing Linear Functions in Different Forms / CC.2.2.8.C.1
Rate of Change in Functions / CC.2.2.8.C.1
Linear or Non-Linear Functions / CC.2.2.8.C.1
Function Notation – Evaluating / CC.2.2.8.C.1
More Functions / 1-2 weeks
Writing a Linear Function from a Table / CC.2.2.8.C.2
Properties of Functions (increasing/decreasing) / CC.2.2.8.C.2
Graphing a Real-World Situation / CC.2.2.8.C.2
Solving Systems of Equations / 2-3 weeks
Solving by Graphing / CC.2.2.8.B.3
Solving by Substitution / CC.2.2.8.B.3
Solving by Elimination / CC.2.2.8.B.3
Real World Systems / CC.2.2.8.B.3
Area and Volume / 1-2 weeks
Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles / CC.2.3.8.A.1
Areas of Trapezoids and Circles / CC.2.3.8.A.1
Volumes of Cylinders and Spheres / CC.2.3.8.A.1
Volumes of Cones / CC.2.3.8.A.1
Real-World Area and Volume / CC.2.3.8.A.1
Analyzing Data / 1-2 weeks
Scatter Plots / CC.2.4.8.B.1
Patterns in Plots / CC.2.4.8.B.1
Using a Line-of-Best-Fit / CC.2.4.8.B.1
Equation of a Line of Best Fit / CC.2.4.8.B.1
Two-Way Tables / CC.2.4.8.B.2

Changes to Course Syllabus

Information in this syllabus is subject to change. If changes are made, you will be notified through an addendum to the syllabus and a posting on my school web page.

**Order of the topics may change at the instructor’s discretion and additional topics will be covered if time allows.