Math 1065: College Algebra –Summer 2017



Office Hours:


Class Location: CAVE

Required Materials

/ ALEKS 360 Access Code for College Algebra, Miller, Gerken 2nd Edition
A course code will be provided in class on the first day.
Course code:______
  • A Math 1065 College Algebra Course Pack is required and should be brought to every class. It may be purchased from the Dowdy Student Store.
  • 2 Big blue books (8.5” by 11”)- can be purchased at Dowdy Student Stores
  • Headphones or earbuds- please bring these with you to class regularly
  • Non-graphing scientific calculator- I suggest a TI-30XS Multiview Calculator (it’s affordable and easy to use)

Email Communication

  • Email communication with your instructor from anywhere other than your ECU official account will not be given any consideration and will be discarded.
  • Expect faculty to respond to emails between 9am and 5pm on Monday through Friday with a forty-eight hour lag time.
  • Your instructor can not resolve technical issues. If you need technical assistance, contact McGrawHill student technical support at 1.714.619.7090 or

Class Attendance

  • Attendance is mandatory on the first day of class.
  • If you do not attend the first full lecture and sign the roll sheet, then you will automatically be dropped from the course.
  • Once you are dropped for missing the first day of class, then you cannot be added back into this course.
  • Class meets once a week for 2 hours at the scheduled time (check your student schedule on Banner for further information).
  • During class it is expected that you will:
  • Attend for the FULL 2 hours
  • Take notes in the Math 1065 course pack
  • Pay attention, stay awake, and participate throughout the entire class time
  • All cell phones, laptops, and any other electronic devices must be turned off and put away (out of sight)
  • If you fail to meet ANY of the above requirements, then you might be asked to leave the classroom and you will not receive credit for attending class.
  • If you are caught completing NON-1065 course work or accessing any websites other than during class time, then you might be asked to leave the classroom and you will not receive credit for attending class.
  • Only students with a documented university excuse, issued by the Dean of Students Office, can have a class absence excused. You have 1 week from the class absence to provide your instructor with this documentation. NOTE: A letter from Student Health does NOT qualify as a university excuse for this course.
  • If you have perfect attendance, according to my records, you will receive 5 points added to your Course Participation average at the end of the semester. A university excused absence, issued by the Dean of Students Office, will not affect your attendance if given to your instructor within 1 week of the missed class.


  • ALEKS is an adaptive online learning system. The first day of class you will take the Initial Knowledge Check. You will be given a personalized learning plan based on your performance on that assessment. This learning plan gives you credit for what you already know and shows you what you are ready to learn. Throughout the semester you will work through ALEKS, mastering knowledge of the topics necessary for success in College Algebra. ALEKS will periodically check your knowledge retention.
  • After you Initial Knowledge check, your instructor may recommend that you drop Math 1065 and take the prerequisite course Math 0001/0045. Completing Math 0001/0045 will give you a better foundation of the prerequisite topics and increase your chance at success in Math 1065.
  • Your instructor reserves the right to assign a random proctored knowledge check at any time throughout the semester.Failure to complete a random proctored knowledge check will result in your ALEKS account being locked until the proctored knowledge check is completed. If you miss assignments due to your account being locked, no extensions or makeup assignments will be granted.
  • It is your responsibility to purchase an access code that is good through final examinations. If your account expires before all work is completed, then you will receive 0’s for all missed work and will not be permitted to make it up.


  • Homework will be completed online in ALEKS.
  • All assignments are due at midnight on their due dates. Please refer to your course calendar for each assignments due date.
  • You will have class time to work on this material, however you should expect to spend several hours each day working on your math in ALEKS. The time necessary will vary each day.
  • No extensions will be given on this assignments for any reason.


  • Quizzes will be given in class in a proctored setting. Please refer to your course calendar for quiz dates.
  • Quizzes will start at the beginning of class and will last for 15 minutes. Therefore, it is extremely important that you arrive to class on time as no time extensions will be given if you are tardy.
  • No makeup quizzes will be given for any reason, however I will drop one quiz at the end of the semester.


  • There will be a midterm given in this course. It is password protected and will be taken in the CAVE during your regularly scheduled class time. Please refer to your course calendar for your midterm date.
  • You must bring a NEW big blue book (8.5” by 11”) that is in good condition to the midterm.
  • If a student is caught with any unauthorized materials in the testing area (information written on oneself, the desktop, calculator, notes) or if the student accesses a cell phone or other electronic device, that student will receive a grade of 0% on the midterm and possible disciplinary actions.
  • If a student’s cell phone is seen or heard during the midterm, then that student will receive a 0% on the midterm.
  • Only 1 attempt is allowed for the midterm.

Make-up Midterm

  • A student may take a make-up midtermonly if a yellow card (a University Approved Excuse) is presented from the Dean of Students Office indicating an excused absence.
  • The yellow card must be presented to your instructor within one week of missing the midterm or no make-up midterm will be granted.
  • A make-up midterm must be completed within one week of the missed midterm or the grade of 0% will be submitted for the midterm grade.
  • A letter from Student Health is not considered a University Approved Excuse for this course. Illness is not a University Approved Excuse and missing the midterm due to being sick will result in a 0% for the midterm.
  • Your final exam score will replace your midterm score if it is higher. You should save this replacement in case of a situation that is not considered a University Approved Excuse such as illness.

Final Exam

  • There will be a proctored comprehensive final exam for this course. Please refer to the course calendar for the specific date and time.Plan to leave for vacation after your final exams are completed.
  • The final exam will be taken in the CAVE.
  • You must bring a NEW big blue book (8.5” by 11”) that is in good condition to the final exam.
  • If a student is caught with any unauthorized materials in the testing area (information written on oneself, the desktop, calculator, notes) or if the student accesses a cell phone or other electronic device, that student will receive a grade of 0% on the final exam and possible disciplinary actions.
  • If a student’s cell phone is seen or heard during the final exam, then that student will receive a 0% on the final exam.
  • Only 1 attempt is allowed on the final exam.
  • Your final exam score will be entered in the grade book as your final exam score AND as a Test #2 score. Then, the lowest of the scores on the midterm and Test 2 will not be used in the final grade calculation. This has the effect of replacing your midterm score with the final exam score if it is higher.
  • After taking the final exam, the grade that appears on ALEKS is NOT your course grade.Your instructor will still need input important grades on ALEKs (Class Participation and Final Exam Score). You will receive an email from your instructor once your overall score on ALEKS reflects your course grade. You should receive this email within two days after the final exam for 1065 is given.

Make-up Final Exam

  • If you miss the final exam because of extenuating circumstances of a very serious nature totally beyond your control (hospitalization, severe personal illness, death of immediate family member, court appearance, required military service, etc.), then you need to contact your instructor immediately. You will need to provide him/her with documentation of the extenuating circumstances of a very serious nature totally beyond your control. He/she will determine on an ad hoc basis if you will be permitted to make-up the final exam.
  • If you miss the final exam for a reason that is not because of extenuating circumstances of a very serious nature totally beyond your control, then no make-up will be given and a grade of 0% will be submitted.

Course Grade Calculation


5%Class Participationrefer to Class Attendance section

20% Objective refer to Homework section

15%Quizzes refer to Quiz section

30% Midtermrefer to Midterm section

30% Final Exam comprehensive, refer to Final Exam section

Grading Scale

A 93 and aboveC 70-74

A- 90-92D+ 68-69

B+ 87-89D 63-66

B 83-86D- 60-62

B- 80-82F 59 and below

C+ 75-79


An incomplete will be given on an ad hoc basis. A student must be passing the course (overall grade in ALEKS is a 60.00% or above) at the time the incomplete is requested in order for his/her request to be considered.


Throughout the semester announcements will be made in class, by ECU email, or through the ALEKS messaging system. It is the student’s responsibility to check his/her ECU email daily AND his/her ALEKS messages. Failure to check your ECU email or ALEKS messages on a daily basis is NOT an excuse for missing an assignment, rescheduling a test, or missing an opportunity to improve your course grade.


Starfish Retention SolutionsTM is an early alert and connection tool used by East Carolina University to support student academic success. Working thorough Blackboard, Starfish enables instructors to give praise or raise concerns regarding your academic performance within a course. Called "kudos" and "flags," these notifications are sent to your ECU e-mail account and copied to your advisor.

Please note that not receiving a Starfish notification does not indicate good or poor academic performance. You should always speak with your instructors if you are unsure of your academic status in your course.

Technical Difficulties

East Carolina University and its faculty are not responsible for outcomes due to individual technical issues, nor scheduledALEKS downtime. You are responsible for resolving any personal technical issues that arise in the completion of your assignments. Please be aware of scheduledALEKS maintenance windows, and adjust your schedule accordingly.

If you need technical assistance, contact McGrawHill student technical support:

Phone:(714) 619-7090
Fax:(714) 245-7190
Email:contact us at

Hours (Eastern Time):
Sunday, 4:00 PM to 1:00 AM
Monday - Thursday, 7:00 AM to 1:00 AM
Friday, 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM

Special Note

East Carolina University seeks to fully comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students requesting accommodations based on a disability must be registered with theDepartment for Disability Support Services (located in Slay 138). The telephone number is 252.737.1016.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is a fundamental value of higher education and East Carolina University; therefore, I will not tolerate acts of cheating, plagiarism, falsification or attempts to cheat, plagiarize or falsify. Should I determine that an academic integrity violation has taken place, I reserve the right either to assign a grade penalty or to refer the case to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities for an Academic Integrity Board hearing. I will assign a grade penalty up to an F for the assignment or course. Should it come to my attention that you have had a prior academic integrity violation, or if there are other aggravating circumstances, I will refer the case directly to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities. Should the Academic Integrity Board determine that you committed an academic integrity violation, you may be assigned a grade penalty and/or any other sanction allowed in the student Code of Conduct, up to and including suspension from the University. The Student Handbook is online at

Retention Requirements

GPA Hours at ECU (identified in Transcript in Banner Self Service) plus transferred credit hours / Retention Requirements Effective with Fall 2011 grades
GPA for all courses taken at ECU
1-29 semester hours / 1.8
30-59 semester hours / 1.9
60-74 semester hours / 2.0
75 or more semester hours / 2.0

University Closings

In the event of a weather or other emergency, information about the status of classes at ECU is available on the ECU emergency information hotline (252.328.0062) and on the emergency alert website (