UEMS Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) Board e-Book

A. Topics of General Interest in PRM

A.1. Field of Competence of PRM

Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine – Europa Medicophysica

Section of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Union Europeenne des Medecins Specialistes (UEMS); European Board of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine; Academie Europeenne de Medecine de Readaptation; European Society for Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. White Book on Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in Europe.

Eura Medicophys. 2006 Dec;42(4):292-332.

J Rehabil Med. 2007 Jan;(45 Suppl):6-47.

A.2. PRM and WHO-ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health)

Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine

The ICF: A unifying model for the conceptualisation, organization and development of human functioning and rehabilitation research

J Rehabil Med. 2007 May; Special issue 4

European Journal of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine

- Stucki G, Cieza A. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) in physical and rehabilitation medicine. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2008 Sep;44(3):299-302.

- Cieza A, Stucki G. The International Classification of Functioning Disability

and Health: its development process and content validity. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2008 Sep;44(3):303-13.

- Stucki G, Kostanjsek N, Ustün B, Cieza A. ICF-based classification and

measurement of functioning. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2008 Sep;44(3):315-28.

- Rauch A, Cieza A, Stucki G. How to apply the International Classification of

Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) for rehabilitation management in

clinical practice. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2008 Sep;44(3):329-42.

A.3. PRM Assessment

Assessment in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation – Views and perspectives

Barat M, Franchignoni F, eds. Maugeri Foundation Books

International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation

Functional assessment Granger CV et al

A.4. PRM Diagnostics

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Adult Physiatric History and Examination

A.5. Main health interventions in PRM 1 (information, education, medical treatments, PRM programmes)

Annales de réadaptation et de médecine physique / Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Vol50,2:106-110(2007)

Establishing recommendations for physical medicine and rehabilitation: the SOFMER methodology

A.6 Main health interventions in PRM 2 (including therapeutic exercise and physical modalities)

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Therapeutic Modalities

Assistive Devices to Improve Independence

Botulinum Toxin in Pain Management

Botulinum Toxin: Overview

Corticosteroid Injections of Joints and Soft Tissues

Deep Heat

Epidural Steroid Injections

Massage, Traction, and Manipulation

Nonoperative Treatment of Osteoporotic Compression Fractures

Superficial Heat and Cold

Therapeutic Exercise

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review

Physical Modalities

Therapeutic Exercise

Annales de réadaptation et de médecine physique / Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Vol51,6:441-451(2008)

Electrical stimulation and muscle strengthening. P. Dehail et al.

The Introduction to Muscle Physiology and Design

A.7. Outcome Measurement in PRM

Assessment in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation – Views and perspectives

Barat M, Franchignoni F, eds. Maugeri Foundation Books

Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine

Jette A.M., Tao W., Norweg A. & Haley S.: Interpreting rehabilitation outcome measurements. J Rehabil Med 2007; 39: 585-590

A.8. Quality of Life (QOL) Assessment in PRM

Europa Medicophysica 2003; 3):191-198

Quality of life assessment in rehabilitation medicine. F. Franchignoni, F. Salaffi

A.9. PRM and Electrodiagnosis

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Electrodiagnostic medicine


Physical Assessment for Electrodiagnostic Medicine

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Electrodiagnostic Medicine and Clinical Neuromuscular Physiology


Basic Anatomy/Physiology


Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS)

Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SSEP)

Basic Needle EMG



Upper Limb Mononeuropathy

Lower Limb Mononeuropathy

Peripheral Neuropathy

Neuromuscular Junction Disorders


Motor Neuron Disease

Weakness: Differential Diagnosis

Recommended Reading

A.10. Neuromuscular Functional Electrical Stimulation; Biofeedback

Alternative Medicine and Rehabilitation – A guide for practitioners. Wainepel SF, Fast A.

Biofeedback as an Adjunct in Rehabilitation Medicine Nomita Sonty.

- Historical Trends in the Development of Biofeedback

- Goals of Biofeedback Training

- General Guidelines for Biofeedback Training

- Arousal and Biofeedback Modalities

- Conclusion

- References

International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation


A.11. Kinesiology; Gait Analysis; Motion Analysis; Posturography

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Gait Analysis

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review

Gait Analysis

Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine

Bensoussan L, Viton JM, Barotsis N, Delarque A. Evaluation of patients with gait abnormalities in physical and rehabilitation medicine settings. J Rehabil Med. 2008 Jul;40(7):497-507

A.12. Orthotics and Prosthetics

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Lower Limb Orthotics

Spinal Orthotics

Upper Limb Orthotics


Lower Limb Prosthetics

Upper Limb Prosthetics

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review

Prosthetics and Orthotics


Assistive Devices—Ambulation Aids

Shoes and Lower Limb Orthoses


Upper Limb Orthotics

Spinal Orthoses

Recommended Reading


A.13. Wheelchairs and Assistive Technology

A.14. Augmentative Devices for the Disabled

A.15. Advanced Technologies in PRM

Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine

Williams J.A., Imamura M. & Fregni F.: Updates on the use of non-invasive brain stimulation in physical and rehabilitation medicine. J Rehabil Med 2009; 41: 305-311

A.16. Ergonomic Considerations in House, Workplace and other conditions of Disabled Persons

A.17. PRM and Sports; PRM and Sports for the Disabled

International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation

Sports (Adapted Physical Activity and Sport in Rehabilitation)

A.18. Role of Complementary/Alternative-Medicine in Rehabilitation (balneology, manual medicine…)

Alternative Medicine and Rehabilitation – A guide for practitioners. Wainepel SF, Fast A.

* The Physiologic Basis of Manipulation Scott T. Stoll and David Russo.

- The Mechanical Model

- The Psychophysiologic Model

- Manipulation and the Practice of Rehabilitation Medicine

- References

* The Efficacy of Manipulative Treatment James W. Atchison.

- Types of Treatment

- Other Body Regions

- Risks

- Future Considerations

- References

* Massage as a Form of Complementary and Alternative Healing Modality for Physical Manipulation Jackson C. Tan.

- Techniques

- Physiologic Effects

- Clinical Indications

- General Precautions and Contraindications

- Adverse Effects

- Problems of Massage Studies

- Conclusion

- Acknowledgment

- References

* Tai Chi Chuan Steven L. Wolf, Michael J. O'Grady, and Tingsen Xu.

- A Brief History

- Balance and Harmony

- Tai Chi Chuan and the Western Perspective

- The Practice of Tai Chi Chuan

- The Ten Basic Principles of Tai Chi Chuan

- What Might Tai Chi Chuan Really Be Doing: A Therapeutic Perspective

- Therapeutic Aspects of Tai Chi Chuan: Literature Review

- Conclusions

- Future Considerations

- References

* Acupuncture: From Qi to Biomedical Science Gary Kaplan.

- The Qi Paradigm

- Acupuncture Treatment

- Western Biosciences and Acupuncture

- Conclusion

- References

A.19. Research in PRM

American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Physiatric research: a hands-on approach

I How to Ask the Question FINDLEY TW

II The Conceptual Review of the Literature or How to Read More Articles Than You Ever Want to See in Your Entire Life FINDLEY TW

III The Chart Review or How to Use Clinical Data for Exploratory Retrospective Studies FINDLEY TW, DAUM MC

IV Some Practical Designs in Applied Research REILLY RP, FINDLEY TW

V Data Entry and Early Exploratory Data Analysis FINDLEY TW, STINEMAN MG

VI Research Project Management FINDLEY TW, DAUM MC, MACEDO JA

VII The Role of the Principal Investigator FINDLEY TW, DAUM MC, STINEMAN MG.

VIII Preliminary Data Analysis and the VIII Bars & Graphs BUCHNER DM, FINDLEY TW

IX Primary Data Analysis FINDLEY TW

X Information Resources DAVIS AM, FINDLEY TW

XI Research Training: Setting the Stage for Lifelong Learning FINDLEY TW, DELISA JA

XII Measurement Tools with Application to Brain Injury JOHNSTON MV, FINDLEY TW, DELUCA J, KATZ RT

EQUATOR network - Enhancing the QUAlity and Trasparency Of health Research

Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine

Mayo N.E. & Goldberg M.S.: When is a case-control study a case-control study?. J Rehabil Med 2009; 41: 217-222

A.20. Ethical Considerations in PRM

International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation

Ethics in Rehabilitation

American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Sliwa Ja et al. Clinical ethics in Rehabilitation Medicine Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2002;81:708–717.

A.21. Other in Biosciences in Rehabilitation, Biomedical Rehabilitation Sciences and Engineering, and Human Functioning Sciences

Vocational rehabilitation

Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine

Chamberlain MA, Fialka Moser V, Schüldt Ekholm K, et al. Vocational rehabilitation: An educational review J Rehabil Med 2009; 41:856-869.

Kuoppala J, Lamminpää A. Rehabilitation and work ability: A systematic literature review. J Rehabil Med 2008; 40:796-804

B. PRM and Disorders of Nervous System

B.1. PRM and people with Stroke

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Lacunar Stroke

Medical Treatment of Stroke

Middle Cerebral Artery Stroke

Motor Recovery In Stroke

Posterior Cerebral Artery Stroke

Stroke Motor Impairment

Vertebrobasilar Stroke

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review



Basic Neuroanatomical Review of the Major Vessels Involved in Stroke - Figures

Figure 1-1. The principle vessels of the...

Figure 1-2. The Circle of Willis is...

Figure 1-3. Major vascular supply to brain...

Figure 1-4. The three cerebral arteries' cortical...

Figure 1-5. Major vascular territories are shown...

Figure 1-6. The cerebral blood circulation. MCA,...

Types of Stroke

Diagnostic Studies

Diagnostic studies - table


Stroke Rehabilitation


Recommended Reading

Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine

Quinn T.J., Paolucci S., Sunnerhagen K.S., Sivenius J., Walker M.F., Toni D., Lees K.R., & The European Stroke Organisation (ESO) Executive Committee and the ESO Writing Committee. Evidence-based stroke rehabilitation: An expanded guidance document from the European Stroke Organisation (ESO) guidelines for management of ischaemic stroke and transient ischaemic attack 2008. J Rehabil Med 2009; 41: 99-111

Langhorne P. & Widén Holmqvist L. Early supported discharge after stroke. J Rehabil Med 2007; 39: 103-108

de Vries S. & Mulder T.: Motor imagery and stroke rehabilitation: a critical discussion. J Rehabil Med 2007; 39: 5-13

Salter K.L., Hellings C., Foley N.C. & Teasell R.W.: The experience of living with stroke: A qualitative meta-synthesis. J Rehabil Med 2008; 40: 595-602

B.2. PRM and people with Acquired Brain Injury

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Traumatic Brain Injury

Classification and Complications of Traumatic Brain Injury

Post Head Injury Autonomic Complications

Post Head Injury Endocrine Complications

Posttraumatic Heterotopic Ossification

Posttraumatic Hydrocephalus

Traumatic Brain Injury: Definition, Epidemiology, Pathophysiology

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review

Traumatic Brain Injury


Mechanism and Recovery of Head Injury

Disorders of Consciousness

Posturing Secondary to Head Injury

Predictors of Outcome after TBI

Medical Complications after TBI

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Postconcussive Syndrome


Recommended Reading

Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine

Turner-Stokes L.: Evidence for the effectiveness of multi-disciplinary rehabilitation following acquired brain injury: A synthesis of two systematic approaches. J Rehabil Med 2008; 40: 691-701

B.3. PRM and people with Other Diseases of the Brain

B.4. PRM and people with Diseases and Trauma of the Spinal Cord

eMedicine - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Spinal Cord Injury

Autonomic Dysreflexia in Spinal Cord Injury

Brown-Sequard Syndrome

Cardiovascular Concerns in Spinal Cord Injury

Central Cord Syndrome

Functional Outcomes per Level of Spinal Cord Injury

Heterotopic Ossification in Spinal Cord Injury

Hypercalcemia and Spinal Cord Injury

Osteoporosis and Spinal Cord Injury

Posttraumatic Syringomyelia

Prevention of Thromboembolism in Spinal Cord Injury

Spinal Cord Injury and Aging

Spinal Cord Injury: Definition, Epidemiology, Pathophysiology

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review

Spinal Cord Injuries

Epidemiology of Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)


Spinal Pathology

Classification of SCI

Medical Complications of SCI

Pain in the SCI Patient

Pressure Ulcers


Recommended Reading

Spinal Cord Medicine: Principles and practice


Wheelchairs and Seating

Spinal Orthoses

Upper Limb Orthoses

Lower Limb Orthoses and Rehabilitation

Activities of Daily Living

Recreation and Leisure Skills for People with Spinal Cord Disorders

Vocational Rehabilitation

Driving with a Spinal Cord Disorder

Functional Electrical Stimulation

Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine

Spooren A.I.F., Janssen-Potten Y.J.M., Kerckhofs E. & Seelen H.: Outcome of motor training programmes on arm and hand functioning in patients with cervical spinal cord injury according to different levels of the ICF: A systematic review. J Rehabil Med 2009; 41: 497-505

Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

Bensmail D, Ecoffey C, Ventura M, Albert T; SOFMER French Society for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Chronic neuropathic pain in patients with spinal cord injury. What is the efficacy of regional interventions? Sympathetic blocks, nerve blocks and intrathecal drugs. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2009;52:142-8.

B.5. PRM and subjects with Autoimmune and inflammatory neurological conditions (e.g. Multiple Sclerosis)

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Multiple Sclerosis

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

B.6. PRM and people with Movement disorders, including Spasticity and Neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. Parkinson’s disease)

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Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review


International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation


Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine

Wissel J., Ward A.B., Ertzgaard P., Bensmail D., Hecht M.J., Lejeune T.M. & Schnider P. European consensus table on the use of botulinum toxin type A in adult spasticity. J Rehabil Med 2009; 41: 13-25

Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

Yelnik AP, Simon O, Bensmail D, Chaleat-Valayer E, Decq P, Dehail P, Quentin V, Marque P, Parratte B, Pellas F, Rousseaux M, Trocello JM, Uzzan M, Dumarcet N; Agence française de sécurité sanitaire des produits de santé. Drug treatments for spasticity. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2009;52:746-56.

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Parkinson Disease


Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review

Movement Disorders

WEMOVE – Worldwide Education and Awareness for Movement Disorders

This website http://www.wemove.org/ is the Internet’s most

comprehensive resource for movement disorder information. It contains –

among others – clinical information, educational material, CME courses, etc.

B.7. PRM and subjects with Neuropathies, Myopathies, and Peripheral Nerve Lesions