OSU Dental H.O.M.E. Coach

Enhancement Plan Recommendation / Due Date / Progress Status (include date of status update) / Need Assistance?
Program Goals:
Create the strategic plan for growth of the program (SNS can help with this) / Dec. 1 (SNS)
Dec. 15 (OSU) / Mission and Vision of the Dental H.O.M.E. Coach was revised and agreed upon by all members of staff.
December 6, 2011.
Strategic plan in progress DONE
Program Goals:
Create productivity goals for the existing van / Nov. 15 / We have created daily productivity goals for the Coach
Clinic days/year (218 - 2011) goal 220 days for 2012
Visits/day (13 - 2011) to 18 for 2012
Revenue/visit ($91 goal for 2012)
Procedures/visit (3.6) currently seems about right
Monthly reports – a monthly aging report and a report from Windent will be provided each month for discussion with everyone on the Coach team
December 6, 2011.
February update:
February 17th Coach meeting with all staff:
Productivity for the period of time 1/15/12 – 2/15/12 was discussed with regard to days of service, average visits per day, average revenue of visit, and procedures per visit. We also reviewed the daily start and end log with respect to staying on time and discussed areas for improvement.
March update: Productivity goals have been created we are now in the process of monitoring our progress on a monthly basis DONE
Program Goals:
Create a list of all of the Columbus schools with enrollment and free/reduced meal percentages / Nov. 15 (SNS will do) / Have not received from SNS
February update:
We did receive the list of the Columbus Schools with enrollment and free/reduced meal percentages DONE
Program Goals:
Start first with the schools with the highest level of need (number of students/percentage on free/reduced meals) / Ongoing / Currently our schedule has been booked for the entire 2011 – 2012 school year since October 2011. Since most of our schools are in the heart of the inner city we are most likely currently servicing those with the most need. We would still like to verify this information with input from SNS.
February update:
In comparing the schools we visit to the provided enrollment of free/reduced meal percentages provided by SNS it is noted that we spend 60% of the Coach time on schools listed in the 1st priority list and 15% of our time in schools listed in the 2nd priority list. We will be evaluating how to do more work in the 1st priority list.
March update: We continue to provide service at schools currently scheduled.
Program Goals:
Utilize dental students to help with this work / Ongoing / The paperwork/applications for all schools have been entered into the system through June of 2012. The daily paperwork is billing. Future programs to address the overflow of paperwork at the beginning of the school year include: Website presence, school newsletters.
February update:
Contacts are being gathered for a website presence to have all paperwork available to parents at the high priority schools to aid in completed paperwork throughout the summer break instead at the start of the school year.
March update: School is checking on feasibility of a link to the website in order to have our paperwork available to parents prior to school starting.
Program Goals:
Consider developing an annual recognition program for school-based oral health champions (eg, nurses, teachers, parents, principals). / May/June
Program Goals:
At the end of the school year, give the nurses you worked with a thank you letter and small token of appreciation (such as a McDonalds gift card) / May/June
Program Goals:
Create school calendars or notebooks for school nurses and other key staff with OSU Coach program logo and colors / Sept. 2012
Program Goals:
Award prizes to the top two to five classrooms in each school that return the greatest number of consent forms, such as pizza parties for the kids and Staples gift cards for the classroom teacher / Ongoing / This suggestion is a good one however we are have had to let schools know that we are no longer taking patient information for the 2011-2012 academic year. This recognition might be confused by nurses as we have had to turn some schools away instead of motivating them for more patients. This would definitely be utilized with more capacity to provide service to more patients and is included in the strategic plan.
February update:
Currently we are booked through the end of the school year with Columbus City Schools so we have had to turn some classrooms away. For future we are working with the university to provide services to a summer program for youth summer campers here on campus. The Lifesports program is estimating 400 to 500 youth from the Columbus area will be in attendance this summer many coming from schools in the 1st priority list of Columbus City School need. This is an excellent opportunity to work with the university on a coordinated effort.
March update: The Coach is continuing to see scheduled schools and as many patients as possible before the end of the school year. The schedule is booked.
Program Goals:
Request and review monthly productivity reports with program staff / Ongoing / Kevin Levings will create a productivity report for January 2012 that will be presented to staff Feb. 17th 2012 at our staff meeting. New changes have been implemented since January 1 so it will be good to look back at the prior year as well. This process will be part of our monthly meeting with staff.
February update:
We did meet with the staff and went over productivity reports. We will do this every month comparing productivity to the last month as well as the previous year.
March update: Met with Coach staff on March 30th to go over new business and productivity reports.
Create billing reports / Jan. 2012 / Kevin Levings will be preparing a billing report for January 2012 that will be presented to staff Feb. 17th. This process will be part of our monthly meeting with staff.
February update:
Kevin did prepare a billing report and we did present it to the staff. It was noted that the Coach was down for 5 days for scheduled repairs and the start of the winter quarter started on January 3rd which affected the report with no revenue for six working days of the month.
March update:
A billing report was created and discussed at the Coach staff meeting.
Create job description with concrete performance measures (SNS can help with this) / Dec. 1 / Outreach Coordinator job description is currently in the works. We would like to create as a work in progress with a new time line for April 1, 2012
February update:
We are still creating the job description and April 1, is still a good date for this.
March update: Job description has been created and sent to human resources and to the financial officer for finale approval.
Recruit and hire outreach/case manager / Feb. 1, 2012 / Outreach Coordinator has been identified as a current person on staff who will facilitate creating a solid job description for an outreach position on a part time basis until Coach has hit an increased production level creating more opportunity to provide service to more patients than currently scheduled for the upcoming months.
February update:
Outreach/case manager position has not been recruited or hired at this time. Currently the Coach is booked throughout the end of the school year. A July hire date is more reasonable.
March update: The job description has been created to include cross training in dental assisting, recruitment of schools and families, and Coach paperwork. This position should relieve the majority of the stress our team has previously experienced. The job description is currently being reviewed by our human resources department for posting to the public.
Create new job description for Kevin with performance measures / Jan. , 2012 / Information has been gathered to create a new job description.
February update:
Kevin has been working more with the billing aspect of the Coach program gaining new access to billing areas of Windent this will increase our capacity to capture data to measure our progress. This added information will help to create a new job description for Kevin which is an ongoing process. His knowledge and understanding of the university programs with regard to billing and Windent is valuable to tracking our progress.
March update: on going
Quality Management:
Develop formal policy defining the quality management program for the OSU Dental HOME Coach program (SNS can help with this) / Jan.1, 2012 / A policy and procedure manual is currently in the process of being created to define quality management aspects of productivity on the Dental H.O.M.E. Coach. Outline has been created and pieces are being developed. February 9th 2012 Completion will be March 1, 2012
February update:
The manual has been completed and is now in the process of being evaluated.
March update: The policy and procedure manual is near completion still putting the finale components in place.
Quality Management:
Create dummy code to begin tracking completed treatments (SNS can help with this) / Dec. 1 / February update:
We have identified a way to track completed treatment plans. We will report numbers on previous months in our next update.
March update: Since January 1, 2012 through April 12, 2012 (53 days of providing service) the Coach has completed 335 treatment plans for the children of Columbus City Schools.
Quality Management:
Create dummy codes to begin tracking children needing sealants and children receiving sealants (eg, D1351N and D1351R) / March 1, 2012 / February update:
We have investigated the ability to track sealants and children receiving sealants and with the Windent system we are currently unable to track this information.