Canadian History 11Ms. Ripley
Semester 1, 2007
What will you be learning about for the next 4 months?
Canadian History and Canada’s relation to the World. We will be exploring many different avenues of Canadian History.
First PeoplesContact and Colonization
Global Influences on the culture of CanadaFrench/English relations
Canada through the years – 1700s-1900sWWI, WWII
The Roaring TwentiesThe Dirty Thirties
Canadian IdentityGovernment in Canada
Course Evaluation:
Assignments (Major and Minor, in class activities, homework, class participation)30%
Thesis writing, Essay Process10%
Final Exam20%
Students will be assessed by means of written tests and quizzes, assignments, oral presentations, visual productions, daily assignments, homework, question and answer sessions, group work, projects, writing analysis, essays, and a formal exam.
Assignment due dates
The social studies department policy (and my own) on late assignments is 50% per day! Therefore, you need to have your assignments in on time. For example, if an assignment is due on Monday and you pass it in on Tuesday, you have lost 50% of the value of the assignment. Arrangements should be made prior to an assignment due date in order for you not to be penalized. Marks will be updated weekly and it will be your responsibility to ensure you have passed all assignments in. Participation will be a major component of your assignment mark. If you are not here, you cannot attain participation marks.
Homework checks
Homework checks will be done frequently (and sometimes without notice). You receive either a complete or a non-complete for a homework check, so always make sure you do your homework!
Missing a test
If you are not here the day a test is written, then the next day you are back at school, you must write the test. You will need to find meon the day of your return to make arrangements to write it before school, at noon hour or after school on the day of your return. This will be your responsibility! Late tests are penalized 50% per day (as per assignments)
Most handouts/information and assignments will be posted on the website. The address is:
Students will need to check this frequently. You will be issued one copy of a worksheet or assignment. If you lose your assignment or need another, you will need to go to the website to print it off. Check the website frequently! Sometimes it will have bonus questions and your homework will be regularly posted.
You will be responsible for getting online – there are lots of computers in the school, such as the library and in the classroom. You will be given adequate time to do computer assignments if you do not have one at home!
You are required to follow the Acceptable Use Policy for the internet and have an active student email account. A major part of this course will be spent using technology and technology related assignments.
What you will need:
- A 3 ring binder with dividers to keep your work organized.
- Bring a pen, pencil, colored pencils, ruler and calculator (in the twenties unit).
- Come to class prepared to work on time.
- Be respectful and responsible!
- Please do not bring food into the class – (except water)
Communication Plan for Students and Parents to Ms. Ripley
Contacting me:
Email: (The best way to get a hold of me)
Phone: 541-8200 (PVEC)
I would like you to sign below to state that you have read, understood and will comply with the best of your ability to adhere to the expectations for this course.
Student Name: ______
Student Signature: ______
Student progress reports will be sent home once a month (at the end of the month). I will ask that you look at these reports, sign them and then return them for the next day. These reports will indicate progress, completed and non-complete assignments, assignment, project, quizzes and test scores.
You can check what homework/assignments/tests students will have via the website:
If at any time you would like to have an up to date mark, please email or call me and I would be glad to send one home! OR This year, all marks will be posted on K12 planet. You can access K12 by going to this site:
Preferred method of contact: