Indian Radiological & Imaging Association

Resident Education Programme


Organized by Indian Radiological & Imaging Association

Guidelines for organizing IREP in 2017


Indian Radiological & Imaging Association

IRIA House, C-5, Qutab Institutional Area

New Delhi-110 016

Tel. 011- 26965598, 41688846, Fax: 011- 26565391

Email: , Website:

A.Aims and Objects of IREP

1.Two IRIA Resident Education Programmes (IREP) of 2 days each shall be conducted in a year.

2.Morning 4-5 hours must be used for lectures on topics relevant for exams and somehow inputs from residents registering for the programme shall be sought for that and also for the faculty.

3.Topics like ‘Film Reading Sessions’, ‘How to Write Reports’, ‘How to write Scientific Papers’, ‘Mock-Exams’ – preferably conducted by people who regularly go for taking M.D. and D.N.B. exams, can be taken up in the afternoons.

4.IREP is mainly for the Residents who are the Provisional Life Members of the Association but Life Members can also attend the same if the total number of delegates does not exceed 150. All delegates must be Provisional Life/Life Members of IRIA.

5.A nominal registration fee to be charged, to ensure meaningful student participation.

6.“Indian Radiological & Imaging Association Resident Education Programme” – (IREP) organized by ‘Indian Radiological & Imaging Association’ must be mentioned in all stationery, banners, brochures, etc.


1.The Central Office, IRIA shall invite bid applications from all the state chapters/UT of IRIA through email and October issue of the News Bulletin. The last date of receipt of bid in the Central Office, IRIA shall be 31st December.

2.The bidding state chapter, venue should have adequate number of Medical Colleges/Institutions and Residents in the state so that the IREP can have attendance of 150 delegates including faculty.

3.If there is thin attendance during the IREP and organizing state chapter could not ensure good attendance, then that state chapter would not be considered for organizing IREP for next five years.

4.The Bid from the state chapter shall clearly mention the Dates and Venue of the proposed IREP.

5.The bidding application should be accompanied by a resolution from the state chapter for organizing the IREP which should be signed by President, Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and 5 other office bearers of the state chapter.

6.The bids received by the Central Office, IRIA shall be put up for approval in the Annual Central Council Meeting held during the Annual Conference of IRIA.

7.If there are more than two bids, preference to organize the IREP shall be given to the state chapter who have either never hosted IREP or have hosted IREP earlier than the other bidders of the IREP with adequate number of PG institutions, and Medical Colleges.

8.Faculty must be as per merit and should be as minimum as possible.

9.Any one from President and Secretary General IRIA are to be invited in IREP.

C.Organizing Committee:

National Coordinator:Dr. LalendraUpreti

State Coordinators :President and Secretary of organizing state chapter.

The President/Secretary General, IRIA (any one) and Faculty which should not be more than five are the official delegates/faculty members for IREP.

D.Guidelines for Organizing the IREP

1.Registration Fee: To have maximum attendance in the IREP, it shall be the responsibility of the authorized Coordinator of IRIA in the State where IREP is being organized by IRIA and there shall also be Registration Fee. The Registration Fee shall be decided by the In-charge of the IREP.

2.Duration of IREP:The duration of the any IREP shall be for two days preferably.

3.Venue of IREP: The IREP would be organized at the venue which has been approved by the Central Council and it cannot change.

4.Delegates: IREP is mainly for the Residents who are the Provisional Life Members of the Association but Life Members can also attend if the total number of delegates does not exceed 150. If the organizing state chapter/UT could not ensure good attendance during IREP, then that state chapter/UT would not be considered for organizing IREP for next five years.

5.Budget: The total budget for the IREP is Rs 3.0 lakhs per Programme.

6.Payment of Bills: The Central Office, IRIA shall directly pay the bills to the vendors as per heads as mentioned below, and the same should be signed by the Secretary General, IRIA and Treasurer of IRIA for payment from the Central Office, IRIA.



·Delegate Kit (Folder, Writing Pad, Pen etc.)

·Lunch & Hi Tea

·Venue and Auditorium Charges

·Audio Visual Expenses

·Mementoes (For faculty)

·Delegate Certificates

·TA/DA (for official faculty members)

·Accommodation (for official faculty members)

The President/Secretary General or their representative, National Coordinator of IRIA, and faculty which should not be more than five shall be reimbursed TA and provided accommodation for attending the IREP.

7.Statement of Accounts: A detailed statement of accounts of the IREP shall be sent to the central office of IRIA on or before the end of third month from the date of organizing the IREP duly signed by the National and State Coordinators of IREP.

8.Scientific Programme: The National Scientific Committee of IRIA and National Coordinator of IREP would finalize the scientific programme under intimation to IRIA HQ.

9.Dinner andLiquor/booze: There shall not be any official dinner with liquor/booze during the IREP, but only Faculty Dinner. If the dinner is sponsored by any company, then it can be done.All expenses of the dinner should be paid by the company directly to the vendor.

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