February 20, 2014
6:30 PM Thursday, February 20, 2014
Public Hearing on Citizen Petition regarding reducing number of selectmen from 5 to 3:
Citizens present: Larry & Carolyn Brasslett, Rob Young, Becca Gormely, Dusty Kelley, Jeff Parker, Steve Saunders, Mike Barigelli, Muriel Parker, Errol Hanson, Peggy Nevells, Carlene Oakes, Todd Lufkin.
Chairman Edward Nevells called public hearing to order at 6:00PM.
There was minimal discussion regarding this citizen petition that will be on the Town Warrant. Majority of those present did not favor the petition.
Jeff Parker made a motion and Carolyn Brasslett 2nd to adjourn public hearing regarding the citizen petition. All in favor.
Chairman Edward Nevells called public hearing regarding the 2014 proposed budget to order at 6:10PM.
Each article was read and reviewed. There was minimal discussion.
Carlene Oakes made a motion and Jeff Parker 2nd to adjourn the meeting regarding the 2014 proposed budget hearing. All in favor.
Item 1. Open meeting. Chairman Edward Nevells opened the meeting at 6:30PM.
Item 2. Approval of Minutes. Selectman Ron Jack made a motion and Selectman Timothy Bubar 2nd to accept the February 6 minutes, as read. All in favor.
Item 3. Open Session. From the Board: There was a question if we have the computer backups installed yet. Not yet. There is a volunteer dinner coming up in April. Has the grader been checked? Not yet. Need phone numbers. Numbers were provided for Chad, Cory Bean.
There were many damaged mailbox complaints this week. There were other concerns regarding the speed with which the trucks are traveling, throwing snow 30+ft. Some safety concerns were addressed, such as hitting road signs, phone poles, and if mailboxes are not standing, their address may go unknown in case of an emergency. The Middle Road was not plowed until after 6am, after the storm was complete; there was a lot of snow on it. There have been many storms at night this season. There was concern that winging was happening at night and the speed was too fast. Larry was asked how fast should drivers be traveling and he stated 12-18 mph. There is also a question of wasting of sand/salt. Board of Selectmen asked Town Manager to draft a letter to contractor outlining these concerns, good and/or bad.
The Town has been put on the list with the Sheriff’s Dept and Charleston Correctional for summer brush cutting.
From the Public: None.
Item 4. Committee Reports.
- Planning Board. Craig Johnson attended the last planning board meeting. He is asking for help getting letters so he can qualify for funding.
The revisions to the Land Use Ordinance are being put on hold until June.
- CEO. None.
- Recreation Committee. None.
- Fire Department. Firefighter I & II classes are moving along nicely. The department has received a donation of 10 flags for 2014. The building is scheduled for March 8th, even though fire chief supposedly asked approximately a year ago to reserve the date. Other person already has advertisement, can’t change date. Fire Chief was recommended to ask for school.
- Road Commissioner. There was some concern regarding the way the Bradford General’s parking lot is being plowed. Water is flowing into the intersection and freezing.
Item 5. Old Business.
- Town Warrant. Added article 6 regarding sale of Old Town Hall to warrant. Signed.
Item 6. New Business.
- Sale of Old Town Hall. We have two offers, but have only been given specifics regarding one of them.
- CPSWF Municipal Waste. A resident had been informed Corinth is not paying for waste. Director Ed Nevells had asked about this at his last meeting. He was told that’s what they agreed upon because Corinth doesn’t tax them and because they are being allowed to store all their documents at their Town Office and use that building for their meetings.
Item 7. Correspondence.
- This was a follow up letter from lawyers in Augusta regarding their meeting regarding PERC support.
Item 8. Request for Additional Agenda Items.
- Did the Selectmen want the letter to the residents added to the Town Report? Yes.
- Chairman Ed Nevells commented he needed a reappointment to continue as Bradford’s director at the Central Penobscot Solid Waste Facility. Selectman Timothy Bubar made a motion and Selectman Bruce Bailey 2nd for Ed to continue as the CPSWF Director. Four in favor. Selectman Ed Nevells abstained.
Item 9. Review of Treasurer’s Warrants - #’s 10, 11, 12. Signed.
Item 10. Executive Session. None.
Item 11. Adjournment. Chairman Ed Nevells adjourned the meeting at 7:40PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lois Jones, Town Manager
Vance Corliss Timothy Bubar
Bruce Bailey Edward Nevells
Ronald Jack