November 14, 2017
The Careers Café will be operating Friday, November 17th with delivery 2nd, 3rd and 4th period. Order forms were placed in mailboxes on Monday. Please return order forms by 10:35am Wednesday to the Careers Café Box in the high school or middle school office. Payment will be accepted upon delivery. Pretzel delivery is not available 2nd period. Please help our students learn employability skills by placing an order, the Café only had 27 orders last month.
It’s American Education Week and the FEA is running a baby photo contest outside room 114. Cast your vote for a chance to win a $25 Target gift card.
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
~ Nelson Mandela
Turkey Contest: Make sure to vote for your favorite teacher for the annual turkey contest. Ms. K, Mrs. Starke, Mrs. Kubak and Mrs. Hunter are the contestants this year. You can place your change donations in the jugs in front of the trophy case. The teacher with the most money will wear the turkey costume on the 22nd. All donations will go to our state charity
Cheerleaders: Anyone interested in cheering for the Basketball season please report to the elementary cafeteria on Monday, November 27th at 3:00 ready to practice. If you have any questions see Mrs. Hansberry.
Boys’ basketball: Anyone planning on trying out for the boys’ basketball team this year must have an updated physical and register online before 11/20. Also, there will be a meeting in room 113 at 2pm on Thursday, 11/16.
Class of 2019: Juniors, the second payment for the “extended senior trip payment plan” is due by the end of the month. See Ms. Downey in 225 with any questions. Also knit hat fundraisers are due in the next two weeks, so sell, sell, and sell!
Class of 2019: Prom Committee will meet on Tuesday, November 21st @ 2pm in room 225. Please come with any ideas for invitations and favors. Any questions see Ms. Downey.
Class of 2020: The second payment of $65 for NYC trip is due no later than Friday, December 1st for any student who already signed up. Any student who is still interested in going on the New York trip must see Ms. DiMiero or Mrs. Potts ASAP! Any questions please ask!
Any students interested in attending the ASVAB Interpretation of Results should sign up in the guidance office by 11/22/17.
Any student interested in the Culinary Arts (Wanting to be a chef or baker), please sign up in guidance to attend The Restaurant of Walnut Hill College Presentation, on Tuesday, November 21, 2017.
A Mini College Fair will be held in the media center on November 15th from 10 AM to 12 PM. Any high school students interested in attending MUST sign up in guidance.
College Visits
Keystone College will be here during A&B lunches November 16th
Happy Birthday… Gavin Martinez, Sareyna Rossi, and Jordan Jackson