Lifepoint at The Ohio State University


Article l - Name, Purpose, and Non-Discrimination Policy of the Organization.

Section 1: Lifepoint at The Ohio State University

Section 2:


To help students at The Ohio State University come to faith, and grow in their walks with the Lord. To see God change people through spiritual intimacy with God and authentic community with other students.


Provide spiritual growth and development resources for students consisting with Bible studies, spiritual conversation groups, Bible study leader training, community service, and outreach training and activities on Ohio State University campus. Students would develop their own personal ministry because of their gospel identity through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and have a reaching priority to invite students into the group.

Section 3: This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.

Article II - Membership: Qualifications and categories of membership.

Voting should be limited to Ohio State University students on officers. Members will be able to hold roles and leadership positions outside of the leadership team. Our events will be student led and events coordinated by students. No requirements for membership, students are welcome to come and go as they wish.

Article III - Organization Leadership: Titles, terms of office, type of selection, and duties of the leaders.

Leadership will contain one president, vice president, and treasurer. Their term will be one year and will be voted on during the end of the spring semester. Students may be elected for multiple terms. All officers must be full time students.Leaders must show an agreement to the Lifepoint church’score values.

The President will be in charge of communicating with the university, scheduling university events, and help with leadership and decisions as a whole. They will play a part in reaching students on campus and outreach events.

The Treasurer will look at all financial transactions and sign off on them.

Article IV- Method of Removing Officers and Members

Any student who is in the way of the betterment of the student organization will be asked to stop in a professional way. If problems continue they will be asked to not be a part of the student organization due to their lack of respect and advancement of the student organization. Director and President will get be involved with both of these transactions.

Article V- Staff Advisor

The advisor must be a full time staff or faculty member for The Ohio State University.

Article VI- Method of Amending Constitution

Amending the constitution must come with a proposed amendment to the officers and staff and there must be a two thirds vote to amend.

Article VII- Method of Dissolution of Organization

When there are no officers or less than 5 members with the organization. The university and staff advisor will also be notified and the student organization will be no more.