Every process step in winemaking requires some form of energy consumption.
The need to conserve our natural resources, reduce our carbon footprint, and offset the rising and unpredictable costs of energy, compel us to use sustainable energy practices to ensure the sustainability of our winery business.
Winewise provides evaluation tools to help you determine what you need to know about your winery’s energy consumption and plan for successful development of conservation practices.
· Determining consumption information.
· Energy efficiency and conservation programs.
· Carbon footprint and carbon offsetting.
· Promoting energy efficient practices through employee training.
· Developing further sustainable energy conservation practices to achieve optimum energy efficiency.
What do I need to know about the energy consumption of my winery?
Checklist of questions to answer:
· What sources of energy and how much of each does my winery use?
1. What sources of energy does my winery use?
2. How much of each energy source does my winery use?
3. How much of each energy source does my winery use for each operation?
4. How much energy is used for each gallon of wine produced?
5. How does my winery’s energy use compare to industry standards?
· Are we utilizing programs to optimize energy efficiency and control consumption?
1. Are we utilizing lighter packages to reduce transportation energy?
2. What have we done to optimize our building envelope?
3. What have we done to optimize our process flow and building efficiency design?
4. Are we using the most efficient lighting sources and controls available?
5. Are we utilizing programs to maintain and operate all process and operational equipment for optimum energy efficiency?
6. Do we use water conservation practices to reduce associated energy needs?
7. What is our Power Quality?
8. What tax incentives, credits, and/or rebates are available through our energy suppliers?
9. Are we using any forms of alternative renewable energy?
· What is my winery’s carbon footprint and do we have any carbon offsetting practices?
1. Have we completed the carbon footprint calculator?
2. Do we have any carbon offsetting practices?
· Does my winery train employees to use energy efficient practices?
1. Are our employees trained in energy and water conservation?
· How can we lower our carbon footprint and improve energy efficiency at our winery?