O & M CIRCLE, Gondia
Bid Reference
SE /GND / Tech/ 08-09/ T- 06
Tender form Issued To Payment Details :
M/s. ______
Executing Agency
Superintending Engineer
O & M Circle, Behind Old Power House, Ramnagar, Gondia.
Ph No : 07182-253240, 253242, Fax No : 07182-252628
Tender No. :- SE/GND/TECH/08-09/T-06
Sub :- Outsourcing of Operators for up-keeping of 33KV
sub-stations under O & M Circle, Gondia.
Estimated Cost :- Rs. 25.00 Lakhs E.M.D. :- Rs. 25,000/-
Date of submission:- 31.05.08 upto 13=00 Hrs.
Date of Opening :- 31.05.08 at 15=00 Hrs. (If Possible )
Cost of Tender :- Rs. 2000/- + 4 % VAT ( Non Refundable )
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer
Sub :- Tender documents for tender NO. SE/GND/TECH/08-09/T- 06
Dear Sirs,
As per your request and on payment of necessary tender fee, I am enclosing herewith the tender Documents. You are requested to go through the instructions to the tender carefully and quote your lowest rates in the Schedule ‘A’ and submit the tender form completely filled in & duly stamped & signed on all pages along with the EMD as mentioned therein, before due date and time.
Tender received without superscribing the information on the envelope shall not be opened.
Thanking you.
Encl : As above.
Superintending Engineer,
O&M Circle, MSEDCL.,
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer
Sr.No / Particulars / Page No.1 / Schedule of tender / 1-1
2 / Consent / 2-2
3 / Instructions for Tender submission / 3-3
4 / Instruction to the tenderer / 4-5
5 / Terms and Condition / 6-6
6 / General Terms and Condition / 7-8
7 / Scope of work / 9-15
8 / Schedule ‘A’ / 16-16
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer
1) Tender No. :- SE/GND/TECH/08-09/T- 06
2) Name of work to be carried out :- Outsourcing of Operators for up-
keeping of 33KV Sub-stations under
O&M Circle, Gondia .
3) Estimated Cost :- Rs. 25.00 Lakhs
4) E.M.D. :- Rs. 25,000/-
5) Cost of Tender Document :- Rs. 2000/- + 4 % VAT
6) Period of sale of Tender Document :- From 26.05.08 to 30.05.08 during
office hours on working days only
7) Last date of E.M.D. :- 31.05.08 upto 12.30 Hrs.
payment in Cash or D.D.
8) Last date of submission of Tender :- 31.05.08 upto 13.00 Hrs.
9) Date of opening of Tender :- 31.05.08 at. 15.00 Hrs.(If Possible)
Signature & Seal of the Tender
The Superintending Engineer
Sub:- Work contract for providing operators services & periodic maintenance at various 33KV Sub-Stations (newly commissioned & down graded) under O&M Circle, Gondia
Ref :- Tender No.SE/GND/Tech/08-09/T- 06
Dear Sir,
Having examined the above tender specification including Terms & Conditions of the contract specifications as per schedule and bill of quantities there in, I/We hereby offer to execute the whole work as described in work schedule according to the specification and conditions referred to therein with rates entered in the attached sheet of work
I / We hereby undertake to commence and to complete the works as per schedule within stipulated period from the date of receipt of your letter of intent/ work order.
If my / our tender is accepted, I / We will provide the performance security equal to 10% ------of contract price.
I/We agree to abide by this tender for the period of days from the date fixed for tender closing and it shall remain binding upon me/us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period.
I/We attached the tender form duly completed and singed.
Placement of work order, receipt of S.D. your acceptance together shall constitute a contract between me/us which will be followed by an agreement.
I/We understand that you are bound to accept the lowest priced or any other tender that you may receive.
I/ We, enclose herewith a Demand Draft / Pay order No. ______Dt.: ______for Rs.______drawn on ______payable at Gondia as Earnest money deposit.
I/We have deposited Earnest money in cash vide M.R.No ______Dt: ______
Thanking you,
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer
Address :-
Date :-
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer
The tender can be purchased from the Office of superintending Engineer on any working days and hours as mentioned in the Schedule above or the tender can be downloaded from the MSEDCL website Tender even if downloaded should be accompanied by tender form fee as mentioned above.
The Tender documents shall be submitted in three envelopes in following manner only
This envelope shall contain copies of the following certificates. Photo copies of the certificates should be attested by Govt. Gazetted Officers not below the rank of class –II officers. The originals certificates will have to be produced by the tenderers if demanded before acceptance of the Tender. The Tender document purchased by the bidder should invariably be returned in this envelope and not be kept with bidder, without which the Tender is liable to be rejected. The envelope shall be sealed properly and should be superscribed with QUALIFICATION BID and TENDER NO.
The Documents as below are compulsory primary qualifying documents for opening bid envelope.
1) Attested photo copy of Electrical contractor license for carrying out works.
2) Attested copy of the certification of registration of the firm.
3) Attested photo copy of last three years I.T. return filed with PAN card.
4) Attested photo copy of registration for EPF (Employee provident fund)
5) Attested photo copy of registration for central Excise (Service Tax)
6) Solvency certificates issued by Nationalized/ Scheduled bank only ,equivalent to
amount not less than 50% of the estimate cost of the work & shall valid for the period of current year.
8) Photo copy of Money receipt or demand draft as proof of EMD amount paid. The price bid will not be opened without payment of EMD.
9) Attested photo copy of registration for ESI (Employee state Insurance)
10) Attested and Notrified photo copy of partnership Deed (For partner-ship firms), if
11) List of similar type of work executed & currently in-hand along with order reference & submitted the certificate similar type of work up to 50% of the tender value not below the rank of Executive Engineer , MSEDCL.
12) List of supervisory / Technical Staff.
13) Attested list of ITI Operator approved by Electrical Inspector PWD.
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer
This envelope shall contain the price bid duly filled in with rates both in figures and words, as per schedules applicable. The envelope shall be sealed properly and should be super scribed as PRICE BID and TENDER NO.
The envelope shall contain envelope No.1 & 2 as above. The Tender No., Name of work, due date of opening, EMD Payment details shall be written on this envelope without fail and the envelope should be sealed.
(PRICE BIDS shall be opened only of qualified bidders, who quality after opening of QUALIFICATION BID.)
The envelope no. -3 should be enclosed with the tender form fee of Rs. 2000 + 4% VAT duly paid in the form of Cash or pay order / DD drawn in favor of Superintending Engineer, O & M Circle, MSEDCL, Gondia payable at Gondia only. Tenders submitted without tender form fee and EMD will be rejected and no excuse in this respect will be entertained.
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer
Tender from complete in all respect with duly signed and sealed, along with supporting documents mentioned above, enclosed in a sealed covers and addressed to the Superintending Engineer, O & M Circle, MSEDCL Gondia must be delivered at the above address on Dt: 31.05.08 up to 13:00 hrs. The sealed envelopes should be super scribed with the following information. Tenderer received after the due date and time due to postal delay or delay due to any other reason will be rejected.
1. Tender No. SE/GND/Tech/08-09/T- 06 Outsourcing of operators for up-keeping of 33 Kv sub-stations under O & M Circle, Gondia.
2 Offered rates should be quoted as enclosed “ Annexure A’’ only
3 The Tenderer’s must return Tender Form and schedule of rate duly filled in and signed. The Tenders not bearing signature of bidders on all the accompanying documents shall be liable for rejection Tender should be written in legible ink only.
4 Tenderer’s should carefully read the TERMS AND CONDITIONS of the tender and follow the instructions contained therein scrupulously before submission of tender. In case of any omission in the tender, the said tender shall be liable for rejection.
5 If any doubt in respect of any of the conditions; same should be got clarified in writing, from the office of the superintending Engineer, O & M Circle, MSEDCL, Gondia before submitting the tender.
6 The tender must be accompanied by Earnest money deposit.
7 All corrections in the tender and particularly in rates must be signed, initiated and dated by the tenderer and all pages should bear the initials of the tenderer’s at the foot of each page.
8 The tender which to not fulfill any of the above conditions or incomplete in any respect will be summarily rejected and no queries in this respect shall be entertained.
9 The Tender shall be strictly submitted in manner as specified in TENDER-NOTICE.
10 The undersigned not bound to place contract order to the lowest bidder. It is the decision of the undersigned to whom the contract order is to be placed.
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer
TENDER No.SE/GND/Tech/08-09/T- 06
Name of Work:- Outsourcing of operators for up-keeping of 33KV sub-stations under O&M Circle,Gondia
1] The rates should be quoted on a firm quotation basis inclusive of all taxes & duties including service tax applicable as per Govt.rules etc,for the work as mentioned above.
2] Work is to be carried out as per directives of MSEDCL and instruction of Engineer in-charge will be final and binding on the contractor.
3] Advance payment will not be made before starting of work.
4] The Superintending Engineer O&M Circle, MSEDCL, Gondia reserves the right to make the modification in terms & condition of the contract if necessary in the interest of MSEDCL.
5] Please ensure that persons engaged for operators service must have following qualifications:
a) The person should be ITI passed.
b) He should having completed apprenticeship with MSEDCL and
c) His name should be authorized by Electrical Inspector.
6] Please ensure that the persons engaged to carryout works are well experienced.
7] The contractor shall have to execute the works as described in details under head “SCOPE OF WORK” enclosed herewith.
8] Insurance of operators, if necessary will be done by contractor at his own cost.
9] Any loss or damage to MSEDCL property, material and equipment during execution of this contract will have to be made good by contractor, otherwise cost of loss of damage will be recovered from any of his bill or through S.D. available with MSEDCL
10] Any accident to operator / Labour or to any third party will be contractor responsibility.
11] Adequate and standards T.& P will have to be provided by the contractor to the operator so as to kept in his custody.
12] Income-tax as per rules shall be deducted from bills as per income-tax Rules in force.
13] The contract will be placed for the period of 12 months or upto exhaust of order amount whichever is earlier.
14] General terms and conditions for the work and service contract printed in MSEDCL. Booklet are also application to this contract.
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer
15] Subletting of contract will not be allowed at any cost.
16] If the operators does not give proper service inspite of several instructions by the in-charge then, penalty @ ½ % (half) percent per week limited to maximum of 10 % of contract value shall be levied by this office and will be recovered from any of the contractor’s bill.
17] Contractor have to pay security- deposit in cash to the extent of 10% of order value and the same shall be released on satisfactory completion of work after 3 months from the payment of final bill.
18] Power to reject or accept any or all tenders are reserved by the undersigned.
19] The undersigned reserves all the rights to terminate this contract at any stage of work without assigning any reasons thereof for unsatisfactory quality or unsatisfactory progress of service.
20] If the contractor fails to execute the order as per terms and conditions /instructions or terminate by any reason, the same will be completed through other agency and the difference in the cost of any shall be recovered from contractor’s bill
21] All the disputes and differences arising out of or in the connection with the contract shall be subject exclusively to the jurisdiction or Gondia court.
Superintending Engineer
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer
1. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT :- All Tenderer are required to pay EMD as per existing rules to the extent of 1% of the estimated value of the tender
2. REFUND OF EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT :- Bidders should surrender the
original money receipt issued by this office to facilitate refund of EMD. Therefore, the bidders are advised to preserve the money receipt properly. Bidder should submit the application along with original money receipt for refund of EMD No interest will be payable by MSEDCL on the E.M.D.
3. VALIDITY:- The tender offer shall remain valid for 90 days from the date of opening.
thereafter also, it will be treated as valid until withdrawn by the tenders by giving notice in writing to this office. For annual contract, rates should be valid for complete contract period & extension thereof.