Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Service
Manchester Civil Justice Centre
M60 1TT

08 April 2013

Dear Sir / Madam,

Subject: Direct Lodgement of Benefits Appeals – Forms and Guidance

As you will probably be aware, forthcoming changes to the benefit system by the Department for Work and Pensions, arising from the Welfare Reform Act 2012, will result in changes to the arrangements by which benefit decisions made by DWP are appealed to HM Courts & Tribunals Service.

The changes will see DWP introduce Mandatory Reconsideration of all disputed decisions, providing claimants with the opportunity to discuss the decision, and any additional information, with a DWP decision maker. If the decision maker upholds the original decision, the reasons for this, and the relevant rights of appeal, will be set out in a Mandatory Reconsideration Notice. If a claimant disagrees with the decision they will lodge an appeal directly with HMCTS, rather than with DWP, which are the current arrangements.

The timetable for change is gradual with the new process applying to new Personal Independence Claims from 8th April 2013, and Universal Credit claims from 28th April. This will initially be through a limited and controlled start before full national rollout from 28th October after which all appeals against DWP decisions will be subject to these direct lodgement arrangements with HMCTS. There will still be some appeals with legacy appeal rights that continue to be lodged through DWP but we expect these to have decreased significantly in volume by January 2014.

To support this change a new appeal form (SSCS1) and supporting guidance, have been developed to replace the existing DWP supplied GL24 form. The form and guidance are now HMCTS products, reflecting the fact that the appeal process itself will sit solely with HMCTS and not the decision making department.

I understand that you currently stock the GL24 at your local offices and assist customers with filling them in. I am writing to you to ask for your valued support to move to the new arrangements as smoothly as possible. You can support us by ensuring:

  • Your local offices are signposted to where the new form and guidance are available in electronic format from 15th April;
  • Your local offices use the new form and guidance to assist in ensuring that the forms remain as accessible as they currently are;
  • You communicate the methods of obtaining the forms to your local offices to ensure forms are available.

We ask for your support in ensuring claimants who decide to bring an appeal to HM Courts & Tribunals Service use the new form as it provides the right information to ensure we can process compliant appeals as quickly as possible and avoid unnecessary delays by having to contact claimants for additional information to progress their appeals.

The forms and guidance will be available online to be printed at and from 15th April. If you do not have access to online content hard copies can be made available by contacting, via e-mail, from 22nd April.

If you have any queries regarding the new form and guidance please contact HM Courts & Tribunals Service at: .

Yours faithfully,

Jason Latham

Deputy Director, Tribunals

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