ENS 480 / Special Topics in Engineering and Natural Sciences I - “Steel Making Around the World” / Fabio Miani
/ 3 ECTS

Aim of the Course is an elementary but thorough understanding of Steel Processes by means of a mix of Simulations, Modeling and Information Gathering.. with an eye also on the social, economic and environmental implications of steelmaking

First week

STEP 0 Purpose and aim of the course

Lesson 1

Overview of the Course - Learning needs discussion and evaluation. Elementary metal/steel/steelmaking processing

questionnaire discussion and evaluation. Hystorical, Economic, and Social Perspectives of the metal related activities.

Lesson 2

Metals and materials. What is a metal in a elementary perspective. Metal extraction procedures from an elementary

perspective. Metal oxydes and metal recycling: a way to a greener production. Pandat software and metallurgical thermochemistry*

Lesson 3

Steel related business and steel applications. Where and when you need to use steel. Is the relation between PNL

and steel production steel valid Steel classification and families: steel for the civil sector - steel for industrial


* This topic, according to the class needs may be substantially developed

Second Week

Lesson 4

Steeluniversity - learning a technology may be a game? Tour of a virtual steelwork. Pandat Simulation of Fe-C phase diagram. Working on the Fe-C phase diagram and.. Matlab!

Lesson 5

Integral steelmaking versus minimills.

Ferrous Minerals and Blast Furnace "ingredients".

Lesson 6

Working on the blast furnace simulation - discussion of the results of the student work

Pro and cons of the integral cycle steel production: logistic and economic boundaries.

Environmental and social problems of blast furnace plants

Third week

Lesson 7

Basic oxygen steelmaking in an elementary perspective.

Basic Oxygen Steelmaking simulation

Discussion on BOS peculiarities and limitations

Lesson 8

Where you taylor the properties of steel: secondary metallurgy. Which are the harmful and which are the useful

elements in steel? Steel metallurgy revisited in an elementary perspective Pandat simulation and Fe S and Fe P phase diagrams; Pandat simulation and Fe Mn, Fe Cr and Fe Ni phase diagrams.

Secondary steel simulation introduction. Pandat simulation and Fe O, Fe H and Fe N phase diagrams.

Lesson 9

Secondary steel simulation. A word of caution in the specific simulation.

Fourth week

Lesson 9

Electric Arc Steelmaking: the “minimill”.

Energy needs and energy inputs in an elementary framework.

Lesson 10

The Electric Arc Steelmaking Plant: make your own plant design!

EAF Simulation

Lesson 11

Casting Metals. Foundries versus Steelmaking plants. Ingots and Continuous Casting. Elementary considerations on

the solidification of metals and steels.. A brief history of continuous casting. The continuous casting machine

Fifth week

Lesson 12

Continuous casting Machine Simulation.

Lesson 13

Metal rolling. Flat and long products,

Flat Steel rolling simulation

Lesson 14

Long products steel rolling simulation.

Sixth week

Lesson 15

Worldsteel site. Global steel production. Steel production statistics. Logistics, economy and industrial organization

needs. The old concept of a steelmaking plant.

Lesson 16

Steel geography. The 'old' world: Europe, Northern America. Asia: so many countries.. so many economies..

Japan/South Korea and the big giant China. India playing a tough game. The big rise in the mediterranean area steel produciton: Turkey!!

Lesson 17

Steel Giants. The top ten in steel production. Trying to understand reasons of success..

Seventh week

Lesson 18

Still a good business: the healthiest area for steel production. Elementary organization in a steelmaking company.

Human resources and local competencies. Will automation substitute them all?

Lesson 19

Classroom work on the peculiarities of a specific company

Lesson 20

Classroom work on the peculiarities of a specific area

Conclusions / Final Exam by Presentation and Discussion of an Original Final Project/Program

Any enquiry please do refer to prof. Fabio Miani, University of UdineItaly:

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