A report of a meeting of St Paul’s Parochial Church Council held in the

Community Centre on Tuesday 16th July 2013

Present: Rev John Watson (in the chair), Tracey Hey (PCC Secretary), Tony Bailey, Carol Teasdale, Dave Simms, Val Simms, Lyn Watts, Jean Loosemore, Caroline Evans, Rob Gibbon, Lindsey Somers, Fiona Richards, Phillip Hey, Mandy Williams, Pat Rawson, Ann Gabb, Joyce Busby (Hampton Park)

Apologies: Pam Duggan

Welcome and Prayer

John opened the meeting with prayer.

Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes were approved. John signed as a true copy.

Matters Arising

a) PCC as Employer – Restructure

As part of the restructure there is now only 1 matter still outstanding.

It was agreed that a meeting of the HR committee would be called.

b) Whitehouse Project

David advised the PCC that the tender has now been won by SC Joseph a local firm however we are still awaiting the final figure from the company before we officially apply for grants and funding. John did however confirm that a funding plan is in the process of being prepared and a large donor has been approached.

c) URC and St Paul’s Review

There is no further update although Joyce did advise the PCC that the review committee would be meeting to view the coffee shop on the 17th July. We await further updates.

d) Tupsley Voice

A meeting was held with people who were very much interested in this project and a new issue of Tupsley Voice has gone out this month. There is still an issue with delivery and if this project continues we will need to seek further support with this.

John read the first paragraph from the minutes of the Tupsley Voice meeting and has asked for it to be minuted that at no point did the PCC or the Clergy ever say that they were “not interested “ in this project but rather they were unsure of how it was to move forward and get going again.

Following the meeting Joyce was looking for the funding for the project to be backed/sponsored by the 2 Churches; John and the PCC were concerned about this. The PCC would be happy to support this project and John agreed to meet with Joyce following the meeting to discuss further.

John and the PCC are happy for the people who attended the meeting from St Paul’s Church to take responsibility if they so wished.

Val stated that to her knowledge St Paul’s has never been sponsors of the Tupsley Voice in the past.

It was thought that contacting the Central Tupsley committee is probably the way to go.


a) Budget

Due to Karen’s annual leave there were no figures for June. In May’s statement it showed that income and expenditure were still on track and within the budget set.

The treasurer did mention that an email had arrived which could result in demands for financial support for the hall ~ further details to follow.

John announced that in September we will be getting five thousand pounds for the youth work from the Dioceses. More applications for money are in the pipeline.

A request for Kim to hold petty cash was put forward ~ this is being looked into.

A new lawn mover has been sourced by Phillip (Caretaker) and purchased.

b) Stewardship

No further update

c) Deanery Plan re Parish Share

John distributed a matrix showing the Deanery Target for 2013 and the 4 different models which could be adopted at the next Deanery Synod Meeting.

Following a conversation on all 4 models it was the decision of the PCC that they should follow the lead of the Deanery Standing Committee and recommend that example D is adopted and put to the Deanery Synod meeting on the 18th September.

Ann Gabb proposed this decision

Lyn Watts seconded

All in Favour

Ann and Lyn will represent the PCC and St Paul’s at this meeting.

Lyn was voted onto the deanery synod with an all in favour vote.

Mission Action Planning

An update by John confirmed that a lot of good things are still happening with the introduction of Sermon notes each week and from September 2-3 questions from the Clergy will accompany these for individual or group teaching.

On the 4th Wednesday of each month the Church will hold a “digging deeper session” which will look at either a bible passage or an issue raised in a recent Sermon. This will run from 7.30pm until 8.30pm.

The first prayer evening took place last month and was a great success. The next evening will take place on the 17th July from 7.30pm until 8.30pm.

John is very much looking forward to the September service changes but wanted to stress that the normal 10am service will remain the same and there will be no change to either the service itself or the music.

Following prayers it was announced that John Weller has secured permanent posts of employment.

Facilities and Grounds

a) Pathway

Nothing to report at this time.

b) Friends of St Paul’s Chruchyard

The flyer is due to be completed and sent out this week with a letter from John to all those who use the Churchyard regularly. We are awaiting a perspex box for the leaflets to be put outside.

c) Parish Office

The new office in now in action and is working well. There is a great sense of togetherness and team spirit.

d) Memorial Wall

The PCC were advised that someone had come forward with an offer to pay/donate towards the above project in the remembrance garden. John will take this further with the Archdeacon once he is in possession of more detail of this generous offer.

e) Broadband in the Vestry

BT has contacted the Church to renew the contract they offer. John has managed to get the call charges reduced as well as the agreement from them to fund Broadband in the Vestry for the young people to use.

The engineer has confirmed this can be done following a site visit and the Archdeacon and the chancellor have given their full authority for this to be done.

Carole Teasdale proposed this initiative

Tony Bailey seconded

All in favour

f) Church Heating

This issue was briefly discussed at the standing committee before the APCM when John announced it would take approx £50k to take this forward.

Tony has done some research and with the setting up of an action group would like to take this forward.

Val Simms proposed that a group should be put together

Jean Loosemore seconded

All in favour

First meeting to take place in September

2014 - 150 Years Celebration

Next meeting 12th September – no further update.

Strategic Development – Decision making Process

John stated that the Church was now entering a new phase both for Church life and new staff joining.

The PCC needed to rethink the way decisions are made; the Standing Committee started working on this and has put together a matrix which was handed out for the PCC to work on during a short discussion session.

John collected the documents back in to collate and put into a fuller version for discussion in September where a working solution can be approved.

John also advised the PCC that as the ministry team and clergy grow regular leadership meetings have been put in the diary and his time in a supervisory role is increasing.

The ministry team now includes – John, Mandy, Mark, John Weller, Karen, Heather Pyne and Laura.


22nd September

Just a reminder that even though this is the date for the new services there is also a concert at 2.30pm on the same day and Tony would be delighted to see everyone there to support this event.

13th September – Night of the Churches

Notices will be put up around the Church about events taking place on the 13th September across various Churches across the county ~ from 7.30pm until midnight.

14th/15th September

An event at St Andrew’s, Hampton Bishop by Derek and Thelma who will be decorating the Church with family memorabilia and floral displays

Vicars sabbatical

John’s sabbatical will take place in May/June/July 2014 with 2 months at Trinity College Bristol.

Church Centre Management

Tim Wright has resigned as the Chair of the Church Centre Management group and the PCC would like to send him our thanks for the work he has put into this role.

We will need to look at where we take that role in the future.

The meeting ended with the Grace.

The dates of the next PCC meetings are: 24th September, and 26th November at 7.30pm