University of San Diego - Associated Students

Associated Student Budget Committee

November 08, 2016


Organization / Event / Amount requested / Amount Funded
USD Medical Brigades / General Body Meeting / $800 / $800
People of the Islands / General Body Meeting / $200 / $200
Student Finance Association / General Body Meeting / $900 / $900
Jewish Student Union / General Body Meeting / $130 / $128
Spoon University / General Body Meeting / $88 / $88
MEChA / General Body Meeting / $650 / $650
Operations Christmas Child / General Body Meeting / $100 / $100
Founders Club / Operation Sack Lunch (Open to entire student body) / $350 / $350
International Student Organization / ISO Holiday Dinner (Open to entire student body) / $3450 / $3450
Marine Science Club / Bonfire(Off-campus educational) / $70 / $70
Society of Hispanic Engineers / Career Panel (Open to entire student body) / $180 / -
$6,918.00 / $6,736.00


Tabitha Plummer (Finance Chair)

Julio Morales (Controller)

Glenn Gansert

Robert Warren

Samantha Alfaro

Simon Truong

Selam Worku

Noelle Souza

Patrick Clark

Robert Henderson

Madeline Kreig (Advisor)

Discussion Minutes



Motion to approve minutes from week 8

  • In favor: 4
  • Opposing: 0
  • Abstaining: 4
  • Motion Passes

General Body Meetings

  • Discussion
  • Motion to approve general body meetings for $2,866

•In favor: 7

•Opposing: 0

•Abstaining: 1

•Motion passes

Founders Club


•Move to approve $350

  • In favor: 8
  • Opposing: 0
  • Abstaining: 0

•Motion passes

International Student Organization

  • Very significant because it combines people from different groups of people.
  • This is in the theme of thanksgiving. Have been doing this event for a long time.
  • Many international students do not travel during thanksgiving break and this is a place where they are able to celebrate with everyone in their organization.
  • Approximately 350 people attended last year.
  • Marketing this event with flyers and poster around campus.
  • Will also be creating an event on Facebook and sharing the event online.
  • Will use the A-frames for Marketing.
  • Discussion:
  • This is a very successful event
  • They bring students that will be attending USD
  • Sounds like a great event
  • Motion to approve $3450
  • In favor: 8
  • Opposing: 0
  • Abstaining: 0
  • Motion passes

Marine Science Club

•Where is the educational component?

•Can do trivia


•They actually do trivia every time

•Move to approve $70

  • In favor: 6
  • Opposing: 1
  • Abstaining: 1
  • Motion passes

Society of Hispanic Professionals

  • This event happened two weeks ago.
  • Had urbane for the executive board and the professionals that attended.
  • Had pizza for the students.
  • About 85% of the cost went towards undergraduate students. More went for the undergraduate students.
  • Have 4-6 students on their executive team
  • Have about 40 people on torero orgs.
  • There were several engineer’s students there outside of the organization
  • Put flyers around campus.
  • Discussion:

•Did he go to the event?

•Motion to table the event

  • In favor: 8
  • Opposing: 0
  • Abstaining: 0
  • Motion passes; Follow up and ask for receipts and sign-up sheet

Meeting adjourned at 12:57pm