Los Angeles Valley College
Service Outcomes Assessment Report
Service Area: CalWORKs Semester/Year: Fall’2012
Division (Academic Affairs, Admin Services, President’s Office, Student Services):
Submitted by: Kristine P. Aslanyan; Counselor Service Area Supervisor: Ellie Rabani; Director
Service Outcome Assessed #1 / Upon needs assessment or orientation, participants will be able to state goals for attending college by:• Conceptualize relationship between major, courses, and employment.
• Identify courses leading to vocational certificates, Associate degrees, or transfer to four year universities
• Receiving Career Counseling/Advisement
Description of Assessment Method
a. Describe the assessment tool (e.g., survey, document analysis, service tracking, etc.)
b. Describe how the data was analyzed (rubric elements, etc.). Attach rubric if applicable.
*** Please keep all data for at least 3 years. / Service tracking method was utilized as an assessment method. Each participant in the CalWORKs Program has a folder in which all types and dates of services are noted.
Description of Sampling Methodology
a. If a survey was conducted, who was the survey sent to and what was the response rate?
b. If document analysis, how were the documents or files selected?
c. If service tracking, what services and for what period of time? / a. N/A
b. Of 605 active GAIN participants and 226 active CalWORKs participants, 50 files were selected by choosing every 16th file starting at number 3.
c. Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 semesters
Assessment Results
a. Describe the relevant findings according to the criteria set by the assessment tool. (e.g., report results according to rubric evaluation criteria)
b. To what degree was the service outcome achieved? / Of the 50 files, 16 participants were provided 5 out of 5 document verifications, 19 participants 4 out of 5, 8 participants 3 out of 5, 6 participants 2 out of 5, and 1 participant 1 out of 5.
This indicates that SLO goal was met on target by providing paperwork, verification, and documentation as requested by Department of Social Services for CalWORKs participants at Los Angeles Valley College.
22 participants were provided Work Study on-campus through CalWORKs budget.
Child Care Services Grant: a certain amount is transferred to LAVC Child Development Center to provide services to 20 CalWORKs families and additional fund allocated for off-campus child care.
Collaborative Review
a. Describe the norming process and how inter-rater reliability was achieved (if applicable).
b. Describe which personnel were involved in the data analysis/assessment process. What is the total number of personnel in this area? / a. Counselor and Case Manager reviewed the folders and compared outcomes.
b. CalWORKs Director, Counselor, Coordinator and Case Manager.
How Results were Used for Service Improvement
a. Describe how the results are going to be used for the improvement of the service or institutional effectiveness based on the data assessed.
b. Describe how results will be shared with others in the service area. / a. The outcomes were shared in Staff Meetings and Annual Retreat. Upon discussion it was suggested to enhance CalWORKS intake procedures.
b. Procedures will be outlined for staff to follow.
Comparison to last Assessment Cycle Results (if this is the first time the service was assessed, leave this section blank)
a. Please state the improvement plan that was included in the report from your last assessment cycle.
b. What changes were implemented from the last cycle’s improvement plan? What changes, if any, were made that were not included in the improvement plan? What changes, if any, were made to the assessment process?
c. How are the results from this cycle similar to or different from the results from the last cycle? / The findings are similar to the last assessment cycle.
Insert Rubric or Assessment Tools below:
Revised 9/21/12