Application Form for Discussion Facilitators of the 45thSSEAYP in 2018
Part I: Please choose a GroupTheme you are interested in.
Discussion GroupTheme / ☐1. Good and Bad Aspects of Globalization☐2. Information and Media
☐3. International Relations (ASEAN-Japan Cooperation)
☐4. Living in the Longevity Society
☐5. Quality Education
☐6.Resilient and Sustainable City Design
☐7. Soft Power and Youth Private Diplomacy
☐8. Use of Affordable, Reliable and Sustainable Energy Services
Part II: Personal Information
/ (Photo)-Upper half body
-No hat
-Plain background
-Within the past six months
Nationality :
Gender : / ☐Female ☐Male
Date of Birth :
(DD/MM/YYYY) / / / / Age:
Experience of SSEAYP: / Year Batch
Contact Information: / Address :
Home Phone :Fax :
Mobile Phone :
Occupation : / ☐Employee (☐Government ☐Private ☐NGO/NPO)
☐Self-employed ☐Teacher ☐Student
☐Other ( )
Position :
Office/School: / Name :
Address :
Phone :
Fax :
Final Schooling : / Major field:
Language :
- indicate test score / English: (test score: )
Special skills (if any):
Experience of residence
in Japan :
*excluding SSEAYP / ☐Yes (Date and Purpose: )
Food Restriction
(What you don’t eat) / Religion / ☐Non-halal food ☐Meat (☐Beef ☐Pork ☐Chicken ) ☐Alcohol
☐Others ( )
Vegetarian / ☐Meat ☐Fish ☐Egg ☐Dairy ☐Others ( )
Health Issues / Case history:
Prescription (drugs, injection, etc):
Allergy to medicine:
Smoking: ☐Yes ☐No
Part III: Record of Activities
- Please explain your work history (name of organization/company, job description, year, etc.).
(200 words)
- Please explain your experiences of facilitation in English speaking environment.
(200 words)
- Please describe your background and experiences in the GroupTheme/field you have chosen.
(200 words)
Part IV: Discussion Session Proposal
Please prepare aDiscussion Proposal on the theme of your choice.Please make your plan in accordance with theGroup Themes Focus. (2 pages)
Attached sample is from last year for your information, but you do not necessarily follow the way it’s written.
Achievements and Expected Outcomes
* This part shall describe broad learning outcomes and concepts (what you want PYs to gain from the group discussions) expressed in general terms. Make sure this shall be relevant to the Group Theme Focus.
Competencies to be Acquired
* This part shall be the specific competencies PYs should achieve at the end of the Discussion Program. The competencies shall include (1) knowledge, (2) skills, and (3) behaviors.
(1) Knowledge (ex. current situation and challenges of XX )
(2) Skills (ex. practical presentation skills, SWOT analysis, information literacy, discussion skills)
(3) Behaviors (ex. interpersonal and/or cross-cultural tolerance)
* Prepare a 5- session group discussion plan. Each session has 2 hours and 45 minutes including breaks, etc. It is not necessary to include ice-breaking activities norpreparation for the Presentation of Discussion Resultsin these 5 sessions.
Objectives / ActivitiesGroup Discussion 0 / Icebreaking
Group Discussion I /
Group Discussion II /
Group Discussion III /
Group Discussion IV /
Group Discussion V /
Group Discussion Ⅵ / Presentation of Discussion Results
* Pleasedo not to exceed the prescribed word / pagelimit;otherwise your application might not be included in the selection.
* The provided information will be used for the selection of the Facilitators of the 45thSSEAYP in2018. The information of the person who is appointed as a facilitator may be provided to the other invitees and those who are concerned with the program.
*All data is securely held in accordance with “Act for Protection of Personal Data Held by Administrative Organs.”