Viera High School – Educational Systems Review (ESR)

September 19, 20, 23, 24

Goal: An accurate view of our current reality, and a commitment to school improvement.

5 Stages of an ESR

Stage 0
Prepare school team for self-study and problem solving process / Gather and display student performance data for analysis. Develop team norms. Ensure stakeholders understand ESR purpose and process. / Tools:
Faculty meeting briefing
Review of FCAT data
Department Head Problem Solving Meeting
Stage 1
Determine student performance target goals / Determine where we want to be next year and where VHS wants to be 3 years from now. / Tools:
Goal Setting by teachers and leadership team
Stage 2
Select priorities for action planning / Identify high probability barriers to achieving student performance target goals. What barriers may need to be addressed? Focus: Standards-Based Instruction, Student Engagement / Structured Observation Tools
Setting and communicating purpose for learning
Gradual release and student engagement
Instructional Rigor
Engaging Instruction
Stage 3
Identify Barriers / Determine contributing barriers that will be addressed in school improvement plan. / Teacher, Student, and Parent Surveys
Stage 4
Action Planning / Action Planning – School Improvement Plan / Administration, Teacher, Student, Parent Focus Groups give input.
Stage 5
Progress Monitoring / Evaluate if our School Improvement Plan worked. / End of year measurable outcomes of SIP


  • Four person team looking for the four components of observation tools.
  • Quantitative in nature
  • They will take notes, no names will be used.
  • Take place over 3 days Sept. 19, 20, 23

Examples of how data is reported:

  • Teachers report that they work collaboratively with their MESH team and as part of a collaborative (mutual accountability) team that addresses concerns of lowest 25%.
  • Teachers report that to be more productive as a team, they need more time to plan.
  • Classroom observations reveal whole group instruction taking place in45% of classrooms.
  • Teacher survey indicates that 79% of teachers feel that teachers at Happy Middle School are above average (76%) and very effective (3%) at implementing differentiated strategies, assignments, and assessments in the classroom.
  • During classroom observations, essential questions/learning goals were evident in 85% classrooms and was related to instruction taking place.