A. Pediatric Research & Scholarship Committee Scientific Merit Review Form
This form is to be completed by a member of the Pediatric Research and Scholarship Committee after reading a research proposal. Upon receiving the proposal from the chair of the Pediatric Research & Scholarship Committee, the reviewer has 7 days to complete this form, review it with the investigator, and turn the form into the committee chair.
Please remember, the purpose of this review is to provide helpful feedback to our colleagues and to aid them in developing a stronger proposal.
1. Please list the strengths of the current proposal:
2. Organization: Is the proposal well organized, clearly written, and checked for typographical and grammatical errors?
3. Aims: Are the aims of the project clearly stated? How could the investigator improve the stated aims?
4. Significance: Does the project have clinical or research significance? How could the investigator improve the significance of the project?
5. Experimental Design and Data Analysis: Is the experimental design appropriate to address the aims of the project? Do the proposed analyses seem appropriate for the investigation proposed?
6. Please list whatever weaknesses you noted during your review:
7. Do you have sufficient concerns about these weaknesses that you feel this project should not go forward? If so, please list them here.
Reviewer Signature: ______
8. If the investigator has any comments or concerns about this review, please list them here.
Investigators – if this is a clinical grant and affects clinic staff time, I have (or will soon) talk with the Clinic Nurse Manger to alert him/her of my needs. ______(initial here).
Investigator Signature: ______
**Please turn this completed scientific merit review form in to the chair along with your internal RI checklist so the chair knows this has been completed. Please also keep a copy for your records as the IRB will require this form if/when you submit to them post funding.
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