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Straight from the hobby room into the limelight -

Privately owned model railway layout competition with 9 entries at Faszination MODELLBAHN Sinsheim 2018

Bernd Rüger: Dorfchemnitz Station (gauge H0e)

Here we see the station and outbuildings but also replicas of a fortified church and a historic guest house typical for the Ore Mountains region of Germany. All structuresare hand-crafted models of original buildings. The entire layout was constructed over a period of several years. Rolling stock consists of locomotives, wagons and model cars from the 1960s era in the former GDR.

Dr. Michael Giersberg: "Annerode"Narrow gauge line between factory and harbour (gauge H0e)

Until the 1980s narrow-gauge railways constituted an excellent means of transport in agriculture and forestry, in peat extraction, gravel-mining and for an array of companies for internal transport. The layout "Annerode" depicts a wood-processing works on a river in central Germany in the 1960s. Wood is delivered by means of narrow gauge lines or by barge on the river. It arrives as logs or already cut to planks and is put into temporary dry storage or stacked outdoors. After processing the wood leaves the works by the same means of transport, for which the layout has various sidings. The wood can also be transported from the drying shed to the factory. The works are located just outside a village, and smaller passenger trains as well as combined passenger/freight trains can also be seen in action.

Rainer Frank:Moselle station Mülheim (gauge H0e)

Construction of this module system took around 3 years. It consists of 5 individual modules in scale 1:87 depicting the station and track layout. In addition, accessible via two 180° curves, there is a centrally dividedthree-track fiddleyard behind the station modules, representing the routes towards Trier and Bullay. The fiddleyard is concealed by a backdrop that portrays the genuine landscape behind Mülheim. The station modules are separated from the hidden tracksby a 2 metre high side screen, and an all-round frame construction with spotlights gives the impression of a stage set.

Jonas Sommer: Narrow gauge railway at the Loesche ceramics factory (gauge H0e)

The layout depicts a narrow gauge railway in the 1950s and 60s era. The line supplies the Loesche ceramic factory with quartz sand and other materials. The layout is divided into three modules, each measuring 90 x 50 cm. At the right end of the layout there is a quartz sand pit and a small railway depot. From there the route winds alongside a path and around narrow bends towards a steel girder bridge. After crossing the bridge the railway enters the factory premises. As well as an unloading siding in the factory warehouse there is an engine shed. Numerous storage facilities on the layout lead to interesting and varied analogueoperation. Thanks to passing points it is possible to drive from A to B, but a tunnelalso enables circular operation.

Otto Gisch: "Fattoria Ottdori" (gauge H0e)

This layout is 2 square metres in size and depicts a northern Italian landscape bordering on the Tuscan Alps. We see a fattoria where wine and oil are processed and savoured. All the houses and town squares are lit up. The trees are handmade and the figures hand-painted. An H0e gauge train saunters along the shuttle train route. Car system vehicles and a cable car with mountain hikers enliven the scene.

Wolfgang Stösser: Valle de Vinales, Cuba (gauge H0e)

The construction period was 9 months, the overall size of the layout 210 x 90 cm. It is a box construction with 4 x 3 halogen spotlights. The paint is applied wet-on-wet and the green processed purely in spray technique. The palm trees are handmade and water design creates delightful natural effects. Some of the vehicles (H0e) were refurbished and repainted. Small lighting effects like a fire pit, welding in an old nickel mine and somecave illuminationsadd highlights, with figures of people and animals rounding off the scene.

Gerd Ziller + Bernd Irion: Timber hauling between Palatinate and Alsace (gauge H0e)

This layout combines two separate model railways, brought together for the first time to form a single narrow gauge layout in H0e. On the right-hand side the "Eussertal Forest Railway" from the Palatinate serves mainly to transport logs and timber. On a transition module between the two railwayswe find a small sawmill where the raw logs are sawn. From there the cut timbercontinues its journey on the Alsatian "Gross Rommelstein Railway". Both railways are modelled on a variety of European forest railways of the early to mid 20th century. Typical forest railway locomotives are used, and in addition to the obligatory timber transport wagons, rolling stock also includes passenger and freight wagons with which the forest workers and their supplies were transported.

Ulrich Reiff: (gauge H0)

K-tracks are used on this Märklin layout. A 2-track main line leads over 3 levels. A 3-track fiddleyard station is installed in each direction. The main and panoramic route is well visible and equipped with catenary lines. The station itself is located on the top level, where the train changes can be seen. In addition a single line connects the lower level with the station on the upper level. A total of 11 alternating trains can be seen. Forthe spectators' enjoyment several movablefeatures were installed, which can be operated by pressinglabelledbuttons.

Manfred Grabenstein: Spatzenhausen (gauge H0)

The layout depicting a small branch line measures 140 x 120 cm. A spiral oval leads to a fiddleyard. Two rock formations on the layout increase the attraction of the scenery. At the foot of the rocks there is a little swimming lake and a meadow for sunbathers.

Further photos for your coverage can be found here:


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