The Parish Church of
St. Margaret's Horsmonden
PEW SHEET for week commencing SUNDAY 27th November 2016
Church Wardens: Roger Marsh - Tel: 01622 832497
David Bell - Tel: 01892 724495
Pastoral Assistant: Pauline Bell - Tel: 01892 724495
Rural Dean: Rev Bryan Knapp- Tel: 01892 833917
Church administrator: Sue Staddon - Tel: 07415801794
Church Website:
Our 9am service of Holy Communion is led by Joe Champney and our 10.30 café style service in the Church Hall is led by Ron Wetton
Readings for both services are taken from: Isaiah 2 v1-5, Matthew 24 v36-44
Whichever of our services you are attending today, we hope that you feel welcome among friends and get the inspiration you seek from worshipping together with others from our community and beyond.
Operation Christmas Child- Please remember to support this worthwhile appeal. Pack a covered shoebox with a hat, gloves, scarf, some toys and sweets, colouring books and crayons, soap, flannel, toothbrush and paste. Deliver it to 5 Oast View, by the end of the month. It will be received with open arms by children in war zone countries.....
Imagine the joy and pleasure it will give to those who have never had a present.
If you prefer, just donate a few items which can help fill a box.
We hope to have more than 100 boxes to send this year.
Thank you for your support, Mary Watts.
From Kell……..The next Pie and Pint night at the Social Club offers an excellent
opportunity for church members to engage with our wider community. More
so this time because the speaker is our friend Campbell Padget, Rector
of Brenchley.This event is on Thursday 1st of December and is at 7.30
for 8 pm. Places can be booked by mailing Gary Bignell at
. The cost is £15 payable on the night (if
you book and don't turn up you will still be asked to pay!). For this
'bargain price ' you will receive a high standard and substantial 2
course meal and a free pint (or first drink). Not to mention the good
company and an engaging talk from Campbell. He has led, and continues
to lead, an amazingly varied life indicated by the title of his talk
'Spy, Soldier, Trader and Priest'
Please feel free to attend and bring friends. These regular events are
no longer a male domain and Ladies are very welcome. Due to space and
catering restrictions places are limited to 50 - so book early.
Angie Jenkins has ordered 24 wreaths for decoration and sale at the Christmas fayre (Sat 10th Dec). She is inviting people to wreath make in her kitchen on the afternoon of Thursday 8th December. She will supply greenery and cones but all other trimmings please bring along yourself. This has been lots of fun in previous years so please let her know if you are interested so she can plan for enough mulled wine!!
Christmas fair-
We are very much in need of donations of raffle prizes and bottles for the tombola. Items for the raffle hamper and inexpensive bottles of lemonade, wine or similar would be really appreciated. Please pass items on to Erica or Jane GP or items can be left in the vestry. Everyone’s support is needed!
For further info- 01892 730866
Dates for your diary-
Advent Course-Gill Heasman is planning an advent course every Tuesday evening in November entitled ‘Receiving Christ’. This is being held at Maybanks, Angley Court from 7.45pm to 9.30pm. Please see Gill for more details.
Bazaar & Wesley’s Kettle- Saturday 26th November. Stalls include: cakes, plants, gifts, etc. Refreshments will be served throughout the morning.
Pie & Pint night- Thursday 1st Dec, Horsmonden Social Club, 7.30pm
Wreath making at Angie’s house-Thursday 8th December
St Margaret’s Christmas Fair-Saturday 10th Dec 10am – 12noon in Horsmonden Social club
Carols by candlelight, -St Peter’s Church, Pembury, Saturday 10th December, 7.30
St. Margaret’s Pastoral Team
Please remember that the Pastoral Team are always available to help simply anyone who may need comfort or assurance. If you know of someone who has a need please let one of the team know. Be assured that all their actions are conducted in absolute confidence.
One point they asked to be advertised is the ever present existence of
Ready Call. This is a fantastic service available in our community. Headed by
Jenny Dixon and her team they organise volunteers to take those not able to travel easily to appointments, visits or just simple things like shopping. This is real outreach and we need to continually make all aware of it.
Dear Church Family
You may not be aware that in the spring, St Margaret’s hopes to start a parent and toddler group in the Church Hall, subject to the installation of a new leak proof roof and disabled toilets! We also hope to create a safe picket fenced outdoor play area behind the hall.
With Christmas approaching and families buying and receiving new toys, please spare a thought that we will be starting from scratch in accumulating a selection of toys, teddies, books, puzzles, outdoor play equipment and other play things for the under 5s. If your children or grandchildren have good quality ‘cast offs’ then please accept them graciously on behalf of the Church and let me know, but kindly store them at home for the present time! We’re in the early stages of planning and not ready yet, however I didn’t want to miss this timely opportunity for requesting toys.
Clearly the cost of bringing the Hall up to specification is a concern to the PCC, so they have asked if I would raise the profile of the building work about to start in the hope that members of the church family will make individual pledges to help meet the costs. My understanding is that the roof will be around £8,750 the toilets have yet to be confirmed and the fencing will be approx £800. The work has been contracted to local tradesmen thus supporting our local economy.
Please pray about this and give as you can afford, contacting Steve Jones (Treasurer) direct with your pledge.
This project is breaking new ground for St Margaret’s and putting our faith into action serving our community. I feel very optimistic about it and if anyone is interested in joining a team of helpers on a rota to staff the sessions (probably 1st and 3rd Wednesday morning of the month during term time) then please let me know.
Thank you.
Angie Jenkins 722566
St. Margaret’s Pastoral Team
Please remember that the Pastoral Team are always available to help simply anyone who may need comfort or assurance. If you know of someone who has a need please let one of the team know. Be assured that all their actions are conducted in absolute confidence.
One point they asked to be advertised is the ever present existence of
Ready Call. This is a fantastic service available in our community. Headed by
Jenny Dixon and her team they organise volunteers to take those not able to travel easily to appointments, visits or just simple things like shopping. This is real outreach and we need to continually make all aware of it.