International Civil Aviation Organization



Montreal, 17September – 26September 2012

Agenda Item 6: / Any other Business

AeroMACS frequency bandin SARPS

(Presented by Claude Pichavant)

The aim of this paper is to propose to WG-F members a choice between the proposed options regarding the specification of the AreoMACS frequency band in the associated SARPs
To note the paper and take the provided information into consideration to propose an option to WG-S regarding the specification of the AeroMACS frequency band in the SARPs.


During the last WG-S meeting(Surface Air-Ground Datalink Communication System) held in

Montreal, Canada, 19th – 20th March 2012; a point was raised regarding the frequency range that the future SARPs (Standards And Recommended Practices) for AeroMACS will have to specify.

It has to be reminded that during the lastWRC-12, no new allocation to Aeronautical Mobile (Route) Service was made in the 5000-5030 MHz frequency band in addition to the existing allocation for AeroMACS in the 5091-5150MHz frequency band.

Then two possibletrackscan be chosen:

-if the SARPs for AeroMACS were to mirror the RTCA and EUROCAEstandards and quote a frequency range of 5000-5150 MHz then the SARPs would not be aligned with the Radio Regulations, and

-if the SARPs for AeroMACS were to mirror ITU Radio Regulation, this would be omitting the fact that, in at least one State, allocations in the national frequency tables will permit use of AeroMACS in the 5000-5150 MHz band, and could hide the interoperability need for the aircraft flying into that state, to cover the frequency range 5000-5150 MHz.

It was mentioned that WG-S schedule is to fix the draft SARPs for AeroMACS at the end of 2012. It is then necessary for WG-F to conclude on this issue during the September2012 meeting.


After some discussionsduring the last meeting WG-F held in March 2012,in Montreal,between WG-F members, two potential options were developed for further consideration:

-Option 1 : No mention of the frequency range in the SARPs and in the manual. The SARPs will stipulate that deployment of AeroMACS will have to be made in frequency band allocated to AM(R)S. In the manual a reference to the RTCA and EUROCAE standards will be given.

-Option 2 : Include a requirement in the SARPs stating that the 5091-5150 MHz frequency band is the main frequency band for deployment of AeroMACS,

and include an additional recommendation informing that AeroMACS can also be deployed in the band 5000-5091 MHz in the countries where an AM(R)S allocation exists. This option, if selected, will have to be expressed in a manner that clearly does not conflict with the Radio Regulations.

In any case, it seems obvious that any misalignment with the Radio Regulations should be avoided.

Regarding frequency bands, alignments between ICAO documents and Radio Regulation onesareusually expected,so that to avoid any confusion or misinterpretation by system designersand/or suppliers.

Nevertheless an option 3 could be envisaged:

-Option 3: Include a requirement in the SARPs stating that the 5091-5150 MHz frequency band is the main frequency band for deployment of AeroMACS,

then any additional recommendation informing that AeroMACS can also be deployed in the band 5000-5091 MHz in the countries where an AM(R)S allocation exists will be made in the associated Standards (like MOPS).

From this perspective,on one hand the option 2 seems to be appropriate, as the information on the AeroMACS frequency bandwill be present in all documents, with coherency and consistency between the different documents (Radio Regulation, SARPs,...) ensured by the ACP activity, and any misinterpretation by the reader will be in principle “de facto” avoided.

The other advantage offered by option 2 is that the reader will not need to own the ITU Radio Regulation to check the allocated frequency band.

On the other hand, the Option 3 offers also a clear alignment between the SARPS and the Radio Regulationswhile allowing system designers and manufacturers to be aware of a possible extension band in some countries through Standards compliance. This option was used in the past for the VHF system during 8,33khz spacing and 112 MHz extension definitions.


The ACP WG-F is invited to take into consideration the information provided, to make a choice between Option 1, 2 and 3, and once the choice is made to forward it to WG-S.

WG-S will then be able to specify the AeroMACS frequency band adequately in the associated SARPs.