Department/School/Area: …………………………………………… / Assessor(s): ……………………………………………………………
Location: ………………………………………………………………. / Date of inspection: ……………………………………………………
This checklist is provided by the Department of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS) as a template, and provides a basic framework for a health and safety inspection. It can be amended to address fully the specific requirements of the area to be inspected, and therefore should not be regarded as exhaustive. If you want a specific list developed for any specific area or activity then please contact DOHS.
Administrative Procedures / Y / N / N/A / Action required / Sign when action completed
Do all members of staff have a copy of the Health and Safety Information Guide? / /
Have new staff received induction? / /
Are staff aware of the DOHS website where more detailed information is available? / /
Have up to date copies of the School Safety Policy/Code/Rules also been made available? / /
Are staff aware of the University’s No Smoking policy? / /
Are staff aware of the need to report Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences and where to find the Accident Book? / /
Are pink copies of completed Accident/Dangerous Occurrence forms always removed and filed confidentially? / /
Do staff know how to report defects in the fabric of the building or defective services to Estates and Development? / /
Are staff aware of the need to obtain a Permit to Work from Estates and Development for any changes to the fabric of the building? / /
Has a general risk assessment been carried out and recorded in writing on all significant activities in the area(s)? / /
Can the risk assessments be easily explained? / /
Emergency Procedures: Fire & First Aid (consult with first aiders and fire stewards as appropriate) / Y / N / N/A / Action required / Sign when action completed
Are Fire Action Notices (white, blue and red) displayed by all alarm break points?
Are there separate storage facilities or arrangements for flammable materials?
Are staff, students and visitors made aware of what action to take on the sounding of the fire alarm? I.e. emergency and evacuation procedure
Are fire exit signs clearly marked?
Are staff and visitors made aware of their assembly point?
Are fire doors wedged open? If yes immediate action required
Are printers and photocopiers situated away from the main fire escape routes?
Do staff know who the Senior and Deputy Fire Stewards are for their building?
Are there sufficient First Aid notices (green and white) informing staff of how and where to gain First Aid help?
Do staff know how to contact the emergency services / Security?
Do staff know how to contact their First Aider and what to do if no First Aider is immediately available in the building?
Is there a suitably filled first aid box readily available and suitably stocked?
Electrical Safety
Is there an inventory of all items of portable electrical equipment so that they can be visually examined and tested for electrical safety?
Is there a procedure in place for adding new items of equipment to the inventory?
Is PAT testing up-to-date? (Check a random sample of items to see that they are labelled with the date)
Are non-essential electrical appliances switched off overnight?
Are sockets / extension cables overloaded?
Manual Handling / Y / N / N/A /

Action required

/ Sign when action completed
Has a written Manual Handling risk assessment been carried out for any task that requires the transporting or supporting of a significant load?
Are checks made that the findings of the risk assessment are being put into practice? e.g. are mechanical aids available
Are heavy items which are used frequently stored at a convenient or adjustable height?
Are the weights of heavy loads clearly marked?
Are suitable maintained steps provided for reaching heights where storage at height in unavoidable?
Have staff been shown how to handle the water bottles so that they can change them safely?
Hazardous Substances / Y / N / N/A /

Action required

/ Sign when action completed
Has sufficient hazard information been acquired for all hazardous proprietary products to allow these to be used safely?
Is a COSHH data sheet available?
Are chemicals and containers clearly labelled with contents, hazard warnings and specific precautions to be taken?
Are staff specifically informed of any required safe systems of work which are to be followed to ensure their health or safety when working with these products?
Are checks made that relevant staff are aware of the hazardous chemical risk assessments and recommendations are carried out?
Is personal protective equipment (PPE) provided when required?
Do staff know how to use the PPE provided?
General Safety / Y / N / N/A / Action required / Sign when action completed
Have VDU users carried out the training available on-line and completed a VDU Risk Assessment Form and returned a copy to DOHS?
Are the workstations suitable and comfortable, both for the person(s) using the workstation(s) and for the type of work undertaken?
Are desks/worktops/furniture in good repair?
Where required, have adjustable window blinds been supplied, to prevent glare?
Where filing cabinets are of the type that allows more than one drawer to be opened at a time, are the cabinets labelled with a warning of tipping risk or prevented from tipping?
Are the tops of lockers/filing cabinets/cupboards kept clear of stored items, such as cardboard boxes, which may fall or add to the fire loading of the area?
Is rubbish regularly disposed properly and kept to a minimum?
Are stairs and corridors appropriately lit?
Are passageways/ traffic routes kept clear e.g. items such as cables, boxes, general stock & rubbish?
Is there sufficient circulation space within the office to allow staff to get to/from their workstations safely?
Are floors checked for slippery, loose or torn surfaces?
Is the standard of general room ventilation and temperature satisfactory for the type of work undertaken?
Where the Department/School has drinking water dispensers, are these subject to a cleaning/maintenance agreement with the suppliers?
Are there adequate handwashing facilities available in close proximity – ie a suitable provision of soap, towels (or hot air drying) etc?
Are staff reminded that bicycles should be securely locked in the stands provided outside and not stored in offices?
Disability Issues (please liase with your Disability Liaison Officer (DLO)) Please ask if in doubt / Y / N / N/A / Action required / Sign when action completed
Is access and egress suitable for disabled persons? / /
Has a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) been produced for those persons needing one? / /
Are welfare arrangements adequate? / /
Are fixtures and fittings suitable? / /
Once the inspection has been completed some items may require remedial action. Deficiencies identified which cannot be resolved within the Department/School should be notified to the appropriate office, e.g. Estates and Development, DOHS etc and appropriate action requested. A copy of this checklist should be sent to DOHS
Names of first aiders
Names of Fire Stewards
Name of Disability Liaison Officer
Are the following relevant – please ask for advice from DOHS if unsure /
Comments / Action required
Falls from Height
Lone Working
Gas cylinders – asphyxiation or flammable risk
Machinery Safety – guards in place etc
Pressure systems
Restricted Areas
Inexperienced workers
Traffic movement
Adverse weather

For further advice please contact DOHS: