Thursday, November 10, 2016
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
CRC Campus, Sponsored Programs, 25 Buick Street, Conference Room 201
Attendees: Diane Baldwin, Cynthia Bradford, Nancy Clinton, Jean Daley, Patrick Decoste, Andrew Freed, Kevin Gonzales, Michael Gooley, Gretchen Hartigan, Aline Hillman, Marla Krauss, Renna Lilly, Jen Marron, Linda Martin, Kate Petcosky, Geraldine Pierre, Suzanne Rocha, Erin Ryan, Robert Schaejbe, Marianne Taylor, Gloria Waters
Agenda Item:Announcements and Updates - all
PAFO Announcements – Gretchen Hartigan
- RA Portfolio Change
- Glossary/SAP Usability Updates – minor updates ex. ‘SAP Grant Number’, changed to ‘Grant’. Working on Glossary (variable screen terms, will be released after Intersession)
- Brown Bag Trainings – Next one on Cost Transfers 12/7
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) – NRSA Updates – Renna Lilly
- NIH Fellowship &Training (F&T)PostDocstipend levels 0,1, 2 (3 and above, no change) levels increase effective 12/1.
- Per NIH, must submit supplement applications. Only include current active appointees in the supplement request. Appointees to XTrain on or after 12/1 will automatically receive the increased stipend.
- OSPwill run a report to find active F&T awards and will contact the appropriate departments.
- Submit for the difference in funding above the salary level that was used in the original application, through Dec.1st.
- Internal PSF not required
- Please use ASSIST. For assistance, contact OSP.
- Per NIH, submit as soon as possible.
M-Grasp clarification communication – Diane Baldwin
- CRC Academic Deans received memo on 11/8
Agenda Item:Finalize Institutional Prior Approval Request (IPAR) /IPA transmittal forms (consolidated IPAS Form) –Renna Lilly
- Discussion Item: Should IPAR be required for only 1st NCE or all? Overall consensus = ALL
- Discussion Item: Is there value added for OSPto add a drop down of all possible line item/cost categories or is it better to leave as a fillable text box?Overall consensus = no added value
- Discussion Item: Dean/Dean Designee signature required on all IPAR actions Overall consensus = OSP to work with Deans, why is it needed? (some request to see the form, some do not). We want to make sure there is consistency while keeping in mind reducing administrative burden.
- Process change: IPAR must be submitted for all “appropriate” re-budgets regardless of sponsor prior approval requirement. This isat the request of the Deans, they want to know if it impacts F&A, equipment, etc… even if it’s approved by the sponsor.
Agenda Item:Proposed PSF revisions – Renna Lilly
Overall, most Departments are now utilizing the new PSF form, with great feedback!
- PI Status confirmation
- Sponsor Type
- Sub-recipient vs. Contractor determination (see Agenda item below)
- Suggestion: Multiple college proposals/sharing IDC. Add a block to say ‘is this is a multi-college/interdisciplinary proposal?’ Should IDC allocation be the PI’s decision vs. the Deans? Need to agree upon principle. Status = OSP/OVPR to look into this, remain open item
- Suggestion: Take down F&A Waiver form from OSP website.
- Suggestion: Add export control check box to indicate PI adherence, e.g. e.g. adding a “non-applicable” box.
Agenda Item:Sub-recipient vs. Contractor determination – Sharon Ciccarelli
Per Uniform Guidance (UG) we need to show that there was a determination on using a subrecipient vs. contractor. OSP to add a yes/no check box to the PSF, also language noting the PI’s signature on PSF denotes that the necessary evaluation was done.
Agenda Item:New Research Website Demonstration - CJ Hathaway
New site will role in content from all research sites (PAFO, OSP, Compliance, etc.). It is more about functionality/process, rather than separate offices and what each does.
- Enhanced search engine
- Consolidating policies
- Looking for suggestions, any missing information that we can link to?
- Suggestion: Would be helpful to have real time access to IACUC/IRB protocol info.
- Suggestion: Make contact names linkable (email)
- Suggestion: Adding Sponsored Programs Information Sheet to website
Agenda Item:Training Task Force update – Jen Marron
Task Force has met two times now and have discussed numerous items.
- Streamlining pre-award/proposal templates used at the department level (many exist)
- Potential post-award shadow system
- Training: When is the right time to take BU works training?
- Enhancing grants administrator community communication
- Suggestion: OSP and/or PAFO could create a dedicated general ‘help’ email address for situations when an answer is not easily available; post common Q&A on web as a reference tool.
Agenda Item:Proposal Submission Policy compliance update – Diane Baldwin
- Metrics: Some of the information on the metrics seems duplicative
- Proposal timeliness table is just reformatting the data on the top of the document
- Proposal Quality Issues: This section incorporates two tables (fast pass and all issues), which provide similar data.
- Trends and Analysis – People did not find this section useful
- Compliance with Policy: Currently the trend is reflecting that people are not following the proposal submission policy.
- Recommendation: Have OSPemail PI’s who do not comply with the policy during the submission process and warn them that this may affect their timely submission.
Regular ACRA Meetings:
ACRA will not meet in December
Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 30, 2017
We welcome presentation’s from schools on many topics
Email any priority items, topic suggestions,or comments for January meeting to .
If interested in hosting, please email . We ideally need:
- A room with a table that can hold 25
- Audiovisual capability
- A room that allows food
- 2 hour availability
- White board space (optional)