Montana FFA Scholarships

Descriptions and Applications

These are the applications for the following scholarships:

Montana FFA Alumni Leadership Camp
Pat Cavey and Brad King Alumni Leadership Camp Scholarships
Montana FFA Foundation
National FFA Convention
Irene Andres Memorial Scholarship
Holt Family, John Bliss Scholarship
Washington Leadership Conference Scholarship
Montana FFA Alumni Association
Montana FFA Foundation
National FFA Alumni Association
Vern Dahlstrom Memorial Agriculture Scholarship
Lars Ronning Memorial Scholarship Application
Murdoch’s Ranch & Home Supply FFA Scholarship

DUE: March 9, 2012

Rev 02/11

Leadership Scholarships

Montana FFA Alumni Leadership Camp

Montana FFA Alumni Leadership Camp Scholarships

The Pat Cavey and Brad King Alumni Leadership Camp Scholarships provide up to five (5) $100 scholarships for active Montana FFA Association members to attend the statewide leadership camp, held annually in Highwood, Montana. The Montana FFA Foundation provides up to four (4) $100 scholarships for active Montana FFA Association members to attend the annual FFA Alumni Leadership Camp.

Pat Cavey and Dr. Brad King were members of the very first Alumni Leadership Camp planning committee and staff in 1983. Two of Pat’s sons were very active in FFA, and served as State Presidents, Brian (1981-1982) and Scott (1982-1983). Brad was a state officer (1982-1983), an agricultural education teacher in Stevensville (1986-1998), and currently serves as the OPI Agricultural Education Specialist.


  1. The applicant must be an active FFA member in the Montana FFA Association.
  2. The applicant may not have attended this camp in the past.

Application Procedure:

  1. Submit to your chapter advisor the completed application form in an envelope addressed to the Montana FFA Foundation. See address below.
  2. Attach a current photo of the applicant that is appropriate and ready for reproduction and publication. Please write applicant’s name and chapter on the back.
  3. Read the release statement and sign if you agree to the terms. Include the signed cover sheet / release statement in the application packet. Note: The release statement allows Montana FFA and/or the Montana FFA Alumni Leadership Camp to use the photo and information contained in the application for publicity and/or website purposes.
  4. Chapter advisor completes the CONFIDENTIALAdvisor Reference Form, places it in a sealed envelope, and mails it together with the completed application form, current photo of applicant, and signed cover sheet / release statement.
  5. The application packet must be received at the Montana FFA Foundation office by close of business on March 9, 2012.

Send application packet to:Montana FFA Foundation

502 South 19th, Suite 110

Bozeman, MT 59718


These scholarships are administered by and provided through the Montana FFA Foundation and will be announced during the Montana State FFA Convention. Money will be paid directly to the Montana FFA Alumni Leadership Camp upon verification by the camp director of receipt of camp application and balance of the camp fee.

These awards are funded by the Montana FFA Foundation through private and business contributions.

DUE: March 9, 2012

Rev 02/11

Leadership Scholarships

Montana FFA Alumni Leadership Camp

Montana FFA Alumni Leadership Camp

Scholarship Application

Name: Chapter:

(First) (Middle) (Last)


(Street)(City)(State)(Zip Code)

Telephone: Email address:

Date of Birth: Gender: M / F Grade: Years in FFA:

Office(s) Held:

Name of Hometown Newspaper:

Newspaper Address:

(Street)(City)(State)(Zip Code)

Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Limit your typewritten answers to each question to 125 words or less. Include the question and question number for each response and place your name and chapter in the page header.

  1. Why do you want to attend the Montana FFA Alumni Leadership Camp? What benefits would you like to gain?
  2. What skills would you like to develop by attending Alumni Leadership Camp?
  3. Why should you be awarded a scholarship to attend Alumni Leadership Camp?
  4. Describe your level of financial need for this scholarship award. Is attending Alumni Leadership Camp contingent on receiving this scholarship?
  5. What is your definition of leadership?
  6. How will you share with others your camp experiences and the skills you learned? (FFA members, FFA Alumni, school administration, potential supporters, the community)
  7. List and describe your participation in the FFA to date (e.g., offices, CDEs, leadership events, fundraisers). Use a table if necessary. (Note: The 125 word limit does not apply to this question.)
  8. List and describe your school and community service activities to date. Use a table if necessary. (Note: The 125 word limit does not apply to this question.)

I hereby release the information and picture provided in this application to the Montana FFA Association and Montana FFA Foundation for publicity and/or website purposes.

Signature of Applicant Date:

Signature of Parent / Guardian Date:

DUE: March 9, 2012

Rev 02/11

Leadership Scholarships

National FFA Convention

Montana FFA Alumni Leadership Camp

Advisor Reference Form


ADVISOR: Please complete this reference form confidentially (place in a sealed envelope). Include it with the member’s completed application and mail it to the Montana FFA Foundation by March 15, 2011.

Member’s Name: Chapter:

Advisor’s Name: Email address:

School Telephone Number:

School Address: (Street) (City) (State) (Zip Code)

DIRECTIONS: Please answer the following questions as completely as possible.

  1. Rate the level of involvement of this member in the chapter’s activities. If the member is just entering FFA, consider the interest level of the member. (Circle one.)


  1. How would you rate the current leadership skills of this member? (Circle one.)


  1. How would you rate the leadership potential of this member? (Circle one.)


  1. Rate the work ethic of this member. (Circle one.)


  1. What is the member’s level of financial need for this scholarship award? (Circle one.)


  1. Why should this member be awarded a scholarship to attend the Alumni Leadership Camp? Consider factors such as leadership potential and financial need, and describe how you think the member will benefit by participating in this camp.
  1. Please include any additional comments that you feel are important to the scholarship selection committee.

Advisor’s Signature Date:

Irene Andres Memorial Scholarship

National FFA Convention

Irene Andres (1942-1999) was a heart-felt supporter of the FFA. She was the mother of ten children: eight of whom received the State Degree and six served as State FFA Officers. She was awarded the Honorary State Degree and the Chapter Eagle Award. She was an active member of the Missoula FFA Alumni for twenty years and “mothered” the students as she knew best. She was involved in most of the chapter activities and chaperoned many events. Her favorite was the National FFA Convention. She attended many times and always viewed it as her annual dose of inspiration. It is in her honor that the Andres Family will award a deserving member the opportunity to experience the National Convention by providing a $200 scholarship.


  1. To be eligible for this award, the applicant must be an active member of the Montana FFA Association.

Application Procedure:

  1. Submit to your chapter advisor the completed application form in an envelope addressed to the Montana FFA Foundation. See address below.
  2. Attach a current photo of the applicant that is appropriate and ready for reproduction and publication. Please write applicant’s name and chapter on the back.
  3. Read the release statement and sign if you agree to the terms. Include the signed cover sheet / release statement in the application packet. Note: The release statement allows the Montana FFA Association and/or the Montana FFA Foundation to use the photo and information contained in the application for publicity and/or website purposes.
  4. Chapter advisor completes the CONFIDENTIAL Advisor Reference Form, places it in a sealed envelope, and mails it together with the completed application form, current photo of applicant, and signed cover sheet / release statement.
  5. The application packet must be received at the Montana FFA Foundation office by close of business on March 9, 2012.

Send application packet to:Montana FFA Foundation

502 South 19th, Suite 110

Bozeman, MT 59718


The winner will receive $200 to help defray the cost of attending the National FFA Convention. A certificate will be presented at the Montana State FFA Convention. The scholarship will be paid to the chapter prior to the National FFA Convention. If the winner is not able to attend the convention an alternate will be chosen to receive the funds.

This award is funded by an Irene Andres Family Endowment through the Montana FFA Foundation.

DUE: March 9, 2012

Rev 02/11

Leadership Scholarships

National FFA Convention

Holt Family, John Bliss Scholarship

National FFA Convention

The Holt Family of Lolo, Montana, annually provides a scholarship in recognition of John Bliss, and is a long time supporter of the Montana FFA and of Western Montana. The Holt boys: Bret, Pat & Roger were all FFA members and classmates of John. This award has been sponsored by the Holt Family since 1981 in memory of John.

John Bliss was born on August 14, 1955, in Miles City, raised on a ranch near Sand Springs, and attended rural schools in Eastern Montana. He attended Sentinel High School in Missoula and was an active member of the Missoula FFA Chapter all four years. He held the office of Vice President and various committee chairmanships; was a member of the chapter livestock judging team as well as the district and state contest teams; was a delegate to the Washington Leadership Conference and the National FFA Convention in Kansas City, MO.

The chapter could always depend on John to be present and actively working to promote the success of all chapter endeavors. His willing attitude and sense of humor were just two of his personal traits which influenced his fellow members. He was awarded the Chapter “Workhorse” Award for his active participation in various projects and culminated his FFA membership when he received the State Farmer Award in 1973. After his graduation, he moved back to the family ranch in Eastern Montana where he and his brother operated a large wheat and livestock operation.

John was an aviation enthusiast; a charter member and director of the Ag Pilots Association; held commercial and multi-engine pilot ratings; was a certified Ag Pilot and operated his own crop spraying business along with the ranching operation. John lost his life due to a malfunction of his airplane on June 14, 1980, while making a return flight to the ranch after a spraying job.

The memory of JOHN BLISS will live on through the recipients of this award who will strive to work for the betterment of themselves, their chapter, their state, and their nation.

JOHN BLISS: August 14, 1955 - June 14, 1980


  1. Must be younger than a senior in High School. No high school graduates or graduating seniors are eligible for this scholarship award.
  2. Only one applicant allowed per Montana FFA chapter.
  3. Applicant must be an active member of the Montana FFA Association.

Application Procedure:

  1. Submit to your chapter advisor the completed application form in an envelope addressed to the Montana FFA Foundation. See address below.
  2. Attach a current photo of the applicant that is appropriate and ready for reproduction and publication. Please write applicant’s name and chapter on the back.
  3. Read the release statement and sign if you agree to the terms. Include the signed cover sheet / release statement in the application packet. Note: The release statement allows the Montana FFA Association and/or the Montana FFA Foundation to use the photo and information contained in the application for publicity and/or website purposes.
  4. Chapter advisor completes the CONFIDENTIAL Advisor Reference Form, places it in a sealed envelope, and mails it together with the completed application form, current photo of applicant, and signed cover sheet / release statement.
  5. The application packet must be received at the Montana FFA Foundation office by close of business on March 9, 2012.

Send application packet to:Montana FFA Foundation

502 South 19th, Suite 110

Bozeman, MT 59718


This memorial scholarship will provide $400 for an active Montana FFA Association member to attend the National FFA Convention. A certificate will be presented at the Montana State FFA Convention and a check will be sent to the chapter prior to the National FFA Convention.

This scholarship is provided by William and Ramona Holt of Lolo, Montana and is administered through the Montana FFA Foundation.

DUE: March 9, 2012

Rev 02/11

Leadership Scholarships

National FFA Convention

Irene Andres Memorial Scholarship

Holt Family, John Bliss Scholarship



(First) (Middle) (Last)


(Street)(City)(State)(Zip Code)

Telephone: Email address:

Date of Birth: Gender: M / F Grade: Years in FFA:

Chapter: Advisor:

Office(s) Held:

I hereby release the information and picture provided in this application to the Montana FFA Association and Montana FFA Foundation for publicity and/or website purposes.

Signature of Applicant Date:

Signature of Parent / Guardian Date:

DIRECTIONS: This application consists of three parts: resume of FFA, school, and community activities (leadership, chapter, CDE, other), response to questions, and the advisor reference form.

Fill in the following tables as completely as possible. Add rows to the tables as needed.

  1. List FFA chapter offices held and the year the office was held:

FFA Chapter Office / Year
  1. List your participation in FFA leadership events:

FFA Leadership Event / Year
  1. List your participation in FFA Career Development Events:

FFA Career Development Event / Year
  1. List your participation and/or role in FFA chapter activities, including fundraisers, committees, and community service:

FFA Chapter Activities / Year
  1. Fill in the table below with information about your Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) project:

Place of Employment or Entrepreneurship / Job Title / Years of Employment or Years in Enterprise / Hours worked in 2010
  1. List the Agricultural Education courses you have taken to date and the year you were enrolled:

Agricultural Education Course / Year
  1. What other activities or projects are you involved in (school, community, church, etc.) and in what role? Please list the activity or project with a brief description of your role in that activity.

Activity or Project / Role

Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Your typewritten answers should be complete and include specific examples as appropriate, but responses should be concise and kept within the stated limits.

  1. Why do want to attend the National FFA Convention? What do you hope to gain from the experience? (maximum 200 words)
  2. Why did you join FFA? How have you benefitted from being an FFA member? How have the FFA activities and projects you listed above affected you, your chapter, and your community? (maximum 300 words)
  3. List and explain four of your FFA goals. (maximum 125 words)
  4. Describe your SAE project, including how you got started, your responsibilities, and at least three of your SAE goals. (maximum 300 words)
  5. Briefly explain two of your long-term goals after high school. Discuss career objectives. (maximum 150 words)
  6. What is your definition of leadership? (maximum 100 words)
  7. How will you share your National FFA Convention experience with others? (FFA members, FFA Alumni, school administration, potential supporters, the community) (maximum 120 words)

Irene Andres Memorial Scholarship

Holt Family, John Bliss Scholarship

Advisor Reference Form


ADVISOR: Please complete this reference form confidentially (place in a sealed envelope). Include it with the member’s completed application and mail it to the Montana FFA Foundation by March 15, 2011.

Member’s Name: Chapter:

Advisor’s Name: Email address:

School Telephone Number:

School Address: (Street) (City) (State) (Zip Code)

DIRECTIONS: Please answer the following questions as completely as possible.

  1. Rate the level of involvement of this member in the chapter’s activities. (Circle one.)


  1. How would you rate the current leadership skills of this member? (Circle one.)


  1. How would you rate the leadership potential of this member? (Circle one.)


  1. What level of progress has this member’s SAE program shown? (Circle one.)


  1. Rate the work ethic of this member. (Circle one.)


  1. What is the member’s level of financial need for this scholarship award? (Circle one.)


  1. Why should this member be awarded a scholarship to attend the National FFA Convention? Consider factors such as leadership potential, experience and financial need, and describe how you think the member will benefit by attending the National FFA Convention.
  1. Please include any additional comments that you feel are important to the scholarship selection committee.

Advisor’s Signature Date:

DUE: March 9, 2012

Rev 02/11

Leadership Scholarships