Unit XIV Social Psychology Modules 74-80

Module 74 Attribution, Attitudes, and Actions Pg. 754-769

  1. Define Social Psychology and the role of situation
  2. Define Fundamental Attribution Error and give one example
  3. What is Dispositional Attribution
  4. What is Situational Attribution
  5. How does self-serving bias work?
  6. Define Attitudes
  7. Explain the two types of persuasion. (Peripheral Route, Central Route)
  8. How do “Foot in the Door” tendencies work?
  9. How do Attitudes follow behavior?
  10. According to Zimbardo how does the situation affect behavior? (roles)
  11. Define Cognitive Dissonance.

Module 75 Conformity and Obedience

  1. Define Conformity, Automatic Mimicry, and Mood Contagion.
  2. Outline the Asch study and Identify qualities of Conformity.
  3. What variables reduce conformity?
  4. Define norms.
  5. Outline the Milgram study of obedience.
  6. What are some of the variables associated with his obedience experiments?
  7. According to Milgram when is obedience highest?

Module 76 Group Behavior Pg. 771-777

  1. What is Social Facilitation and what are some of the variables associated?
  2. What is the role of arousal when in Social Facilitation?
  3. Have you ever seen any examples of Social Loafing, if so when? (be specific please)
  4. What are some of the causes of Social Loafing?
  5. Why does Deindividuation cause people to become more responsive to the group?
  6. What are the major aspects of group polarization?
  7. Outline the concept of Group Think.
  8. How might leaders prevent “Group Think?”

Module 77 Prejudice and Discrimination Pg. 780-787

  1. Outline the concept of Prejudice as Meyers explains it.
  2. Define Ethnocentrism
  3. What is the role of social divisions in developing prejudice attitudes? (Just World Phenomenon)
  4. How do victims of discrimination react?
  5. Define in-group and out-group concepts.
  6. Outline cognitive aspects of prejudice. (other race effect)
  7. What is “System Justification?”

Module 78 Aggression Pg. 789-797

  1. Define Aggression
  2. Outline the Biology of Aggression (Genetic, Neural, Bio-chemical)
  3. What are the Psychological and Social aspects of aggression?
  4. Copy the chart on page 795, “Bio-psycho-social Understanding of Aggression”

Module 79 Attraction Pg. 798-806

  1. 3 ingredients to liking Outline each one: Proximity, Attractiveness and Similarity
  2. Reward Theory of Attraction
  3. Type of Romantic Love Passionate, Companionate
  4. Arousal and Attraction (the Bridge study)
  5. Oxytocin-
  6. Keys to Enduring Relationship (Equity, Self-Disclosure, Positive Support)

Module 80 Altruism, Conflict, and Peace Making Pg. 807-819

  1. Why do people help/ when are they more and least likely to help?
  2. Kitty Genovese Story/Darly and Latane
  3. Bystander Intervention
  4. Bystander Effect
  5. Diffusion of responsibility
  6. When do people help?
  7. Social Exchange Theory
  8. Reciprocity Norm
  9. Social Responsibility Norm