Unit XIV Social Psychology Modules 74-80
Unit XIV Social Psychology Modules 74-80
Module 74 Attribution, Attitudes, and Actions Pg. 754-769
- Define Social Psychology and the role of situation
- Define Fundamental Attribution Error and give one example
- What is Dispositional Attribution
- What is Situational Attribution
- How does self-serving bias work?
- Define Attitudes
- Explain the two types of persuasion. (Peripheral Route, Central Route)
- How do “Foot in the Door” tendencies work?
- How do Attitudes follow behavior?
- According to Zimbardo how does the situation affect behavior? (roles)
- Define Cognitive Dissonance.
Module 75 Conformity and Obedience
- Define Conformity, Automatic Mimicry, and Mood Contagion.
- Outline the Asch study and Identify qualities of Conformity.
- What variables reduce conformity?
- Define norms.
- Outline the Milgram study of obedience.
- What are some of the variables associated with his obedience experiments?
- According to Milgram when is obedience highest?
Module 76 Group Behavior Pg. 771-777
- What is Social Facilitation and what are some of the variables associated?
- What is the role of arousal when in Social Facilitation?
- Have you ever seen any examples of Social Loafing, if so when? (be specific please)
- What are some of the causes of Social Loafing?
- Why does Deindividuation cause people to become more responsive to the group?
- What are the major aspects of group polarization?
- Outline the concept of Group Think.
- How might leaders prevent “Group Think?”
Module 77 Prejudice and Discrimination Pg. 780-787
- Outline the concept of Prejudice as Meyers explains it.
- Define Ethnocentrism
- What is the role of social divisions in developing prejudice attitudes? (Just World Phenomenon)
- How do victims of discrimination react?
- Define in-group and out-group concepts.
- Outline cognitive aspects of prejudice. (other race effect)
- What is “System Justification?”
Module 78 Aggression Pg. 789-797
- Define Aggression
- Outline the Biology of Aggression (Genetic, Neural, Bio-chemical)
- What are the Psychological and Social aspects of aggression?
- Copy the chart on page 795, “Bio-psycho-social Understanding of Aggression”
Module 79 Attraction Pg. 798-806
- 3 ingredients to liking Outline each one: Proximity, Attractiveness and Similarity
- Reward Theory of Attraction
- Type of Romantic Love Passionate, Companionate
- Arousal and Attraction (the Bridge study)
- Oxytocin-
- Keys to Enduring Relationship (Equity, Self-Disclosure, Positive Support)
Module 80 Altruism, Conflict, and Peace Making Pg. 807-819
- Why do people help/ when are they more and least likely to help?
- Kitty Genovese Story/Darly and Latane
- Bystander Intervention
- Bystander Effect
- Diffusion of responsibility
- When do people help?
- Social Exchange Theory
- Reciprocity Norm
- Social Responsibility Norm