Mapping practice

A plasmid was cut using Hind III and loaded in well #3. The same plasmid was cut using EcoRI and the fragments were loaded in well #4. Finally, the plasmid was double digested with both Hind III and EcoRI. Create a restriction map of the plasmid using the data below:

A plasmid was cut using digest A and loaded in well #2. The same plasmid was cut using digest B and the fragments were loaded in well #3. Finally, the plasmid was double digested with both A and B. A DNA standard was loaded in well #1. Create a restriction map of the plasmid using the data below:

A plasmid digest with BamHI produced 2 kb and 4 kb fragments.Digest of a plasmid with HindIII produced 6 kb fragment.Double digest with both enzymes produced 1 kb, 2 kb and 3 kb fragments.Draw a plasmid map.

Key for 16, 17, and 18 available at:

Scroll down to the bottom for the answers

16. Construct a restriction map of a linear fragment of DNA, using the following data. Your map should indicate the relative positions of the restriction sites along with distances from the ends of the molecule to the restriction sites and between restriction sites:

DNA / Sizes of Fragments (bp)
uncut DNA / 10,000
DNA cut with EcoRI / 8000, 2000
DNA cut with BamHI / 5000, 5000
DNA cut with EcoRI + BamHI / 5000, 3000, 2000

17. Construct a restriction map of a linear fragment of DNA, using the following data. Your map should indicate the relative positions of the restriction sites along with distances from the ends of the molecule to the restriction sites and between restriction sites:

DNA / Sizes of Fragments (bp)
uncut DNA / 900
DNA cut with EcoRI / 700, 200
DNA cut with HindIII / 600, 300
DNA cut with BamHI / 500, 350, 50
DNA cut with EcoRI + HindIII / 600, 200, 100
DNA cut with EcoRI + BamHI / 500, 200, 150, 50
DNA cut with HindIII + BamHI / 500, 250, 100, 50

18. Construct a restriction map of a circular DNA plasmid using the following data. Your map should indicate the relative positions of the restriction sites along with distances between restriction sites:

DNA / Sizes of Fragments (bp)
uncut DNA / 7950
DNA cut with BglII / 7950
DNA cut with EcoRI / 7950
DNA cut with HpaI / 7950
DNA cut with BglII + EcoRI / 5416, 2534
DNA cut with BglII + HpaI / 6632, 1318
DNA cut with EcoRI + HpaI / 4098, 3852

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