ANNUAL REPORT, 2013-2014
In March 2014, the organizational profile for “Tai Studies Center” has been accepted in DESA's Civil Society database. DESA stands for Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations. TSC also has access to the CSO Net event registration system, where TSC can register for various United Nations conferences and meetings, subject to accreditation. TSC has been applying for consultative status with the Economic and Social Council for accreditation.
- Siang and Bill, as TSC delegation,attended the U.N. Permanent Forum which took place on May 12-15, 2014 in New York City. TSC brochures and DVDs (The Tai Dam – Nowhere To Stay) were distributed to some representatives. They met and raised concerns for Tai poverty in Northwestern Vietnam with some representatives of many countries, including Vietnam and China.
- For our knowledge and partnership with other institutions, TSC would contribute in membership with relevant entities such as the International Indian Treaty Council, the Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy, and the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO).
Based on one of the TSC principles, “To Support Students In Higher Education,” TSC has cooperated with the Tai Concerned Youth Leaders (TCYL) to recognize the success of our graduated students with “Graduation Balls” from 1983 to 1989. Eventually, due to other obligations, the TCYL group was disbanded and those wonderful events were discontinued.
Precisely, this year is the 30th anniversary of the Tai Studies Center (1984-2014); TSC would like to focus on our youth’s education again and celebrate their excellent accomplishments. To revive the yearly celebration, we are starting small this first year. We covered only high school graduates in the Des Moines Metro only. Our token of recognition and support to the students for this year will be trophies and some modest scholarship awards.
To continue this honorable tradition in the future, TSC may extend our coverageto all Tai students who have graduated from high school, community college, university and any other education institution throughout the United States.
This is a report of the Graduation Picnic held on Aug. 3, 2014. It turned out to be a good event and better attendedthan we expected for the first time. About 150 people, graduates (14 of 29) and their families & friends, and especially our elders attended our picnic. Enthusiastically, each graduate received a trophy and the TSC DVD: Nowhere To Stay, including a $200 scholarship for each Valedictorian (3), $100 for top 3% (1), and $50 for top 15% (4).
We had more food than we needed, due to many dishes contributed by our community. We also budgeted food for 200 people according to Tai Dam saying, “left over rather than not enough.” We also have 2/3 of the silverware & plates left over & saved for future events. We eventually lived up to our budget, $2,775.29 of $3,000.00.
Bill Johnson, as TSC President and on behalf of TSC, conveyed a special thanks to Sai Lovan and the planning committee for a well-organized event, which was very worthwhile and a pleasure to attend.
As we enter the 4th decade of “good living” in this new land, many new difficulties have arisen lately in our Asian community. Our parents and/or grandparents are getting very old. Many are facing chronic pain and/or medical problems. They need constant attention, help and tender care. Unfortunately, most of their children or grand-children have their own responsibilities and demands on their time – going to school, working, and raising their own children – and they can't provide the needed care. Also, due to language barrier and food differences, our elders wish to stay home rather than going to a nursing home.
Based on one of the TSC purposes, “to promote the common welfare and well-being of the Tai people,” TSC has decided to explore and take part in alleviating our elder's problems. After exploring the Medicaid CDAC program and after consulting with Ms. Ying Sa of the Community CPA & Associates Inc., TSC is now applying to serve as a non-medical provider agency under a DBA named “Asian Home Care” of TSC.
Thomas Baccam, AHC Administrator, stated that, as last year, TSC continued to distribute holiday gifts to our clients on Christmas Holiday. TSC has been serving 20 to 23 clients.
The 2nd DVD/Karaoke album, “The Rain”was completed in February of 2013. Some were distributed at Tai Dam New Year celebration on February 23, 2013 and distribution was made to various locations in Iowa, other states and other countries. TSC will work on the 3rd DVD, but not in the near future. Short stories may be done next.
The 60th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Battle is coming, May 7, 2014. While the Vietnamese government is preparing for a celestial celebration in Dien Bien Phu, the Tai people worldwide are silently grieving for their loss, country and loved ones in 1954.
To give our fighters encouragement and dignity, Tai Studies Center has been helping Tai veterans in America applying for their recognition due from France since March 2008. Their number, 25 veterans, was just a splinter of 3 Tai battalions of Tai Federation soldiers. Since then, six years have passed, 11 veterans are deceased. Only six have been recognized and received their pensions, including two who died after only one year of compensation.
2013 2014
1. Income from IME* 11,956.44 10,905.40 12,524.65 15,691.45 14,960.65 16,341.40 17,354.65 18,740.65 19,055.65 21,256.85 21,445.85 22,980.50 203,214.14
2. Income from donations ----- 1,100.00/yr ----- 1,100.00
3. Income from DVD project ----- 2,341.80/yr ----- 2,341.80
Income Total: 206,655.94
1. Expenses for caregivers 7,978.00 7,244.00 8,116.00 8,745.00 8,493.00 10,229.00 10,875.00 11,814.00 11,953.00 13,311.00 13,431.00 14,395.00 126,584.00
2. Tom’s wages 1,186.32 959.28 1,635.65 1,745.25 2,094.38 1,743.55 1,986.12 2,102.45 2,152.74 2,356.57 2,385.34 2,494.87 22,842.52
3. Tom’s mileage/data system882.25 978.50 1,173.20 790.00 1,426.75 1,442.15 1,308.50 1,424.00 1,416.30 1,570.85 1,570.85 1,713.85 15,697.20
4. Phimm’s wages214.71 198.43 224.33 275.82 263.32 286.83 443.81 538.30 567.67 536.92 540.16 576.69 4,666.99
5. IRS tax for Tom & Phimm 441.68 435.44 332.96 626.48 757.10 832.80 691.16 840.28 899.38 923.64 1,027.48 1,041.40 8,489.80
6. Ia Rev for Tom & Phimm 142.00152.00 302.00 352.00 948.00
7. Ia Work Force 71.83 60.96 60.9693.54 99.04 386.33
8. Expenses for CPA Services505.00 235.00 500.00 235.00 235.00235.00 1,945.00
9. Work-Comp Ins. to caregivers 2,720.00 907.33 3,627.33
10. General Liability Ins. to caregivers 968.59 968.59
11. Expenses for projects 1,345.00 30.00 30.00 292.81 525.58 1,902.78241.00 4,367.17
12. Office Rental 175.00 (stopped renting from Aug. 2013-now) 175.00
13. Data system for Office 61.06 61.09 70.25 77.79 79.25 80.45 429.89
14. Computer Security & Services 89.99 149.99 200.00 284.58 724.56
15. Office supplies 10.59 119.95 45.15 61.89 284.58 49.60 571.76
16. Postage 5.60 2.98 14.05 48.57 70.1517.81 159.16
17. Special – paid back to IME/DHS 11,220.00 11,220.00
18. Miscellaneous 11.65 34.20 15.59 62.5865.00 189.02
ExpenseTotals: 12,755.80 10,066.66 11,762.73 12,893.46 13,292.66 15,290.65 15,414.22 21,014.24 17,564.49 31,091.51 21,470.71 21,735.19 204,352.32
BALANCE: 206,655.94 – 204,352.32 = $2,303.62
TSC Checking Account: $31,000.00
* IME: Iowa Medicaid Enterprise