Gift of Guiding Fund

Application Form

At the age of seven Judy Maurice began her life in Girl Guides due to financial assistance provided to her family. The Gift of Guiding Fund was inspired by Judy’s five years of service as Provincial Commissioner (2003-2008) and was established on September 1, 2008.

1.  The purpose of the Gift of Guiding Fund is to provide support for the best Guiding experience to those girls and women who require financial assistance. The fund also enables active recruitment of girls and women who could benefit the most from Guiding – those who otherwise might be excluded from all that Guiding offers due to financial constraints. It is not intended to replace Unit, district and area assistance, but to support existing Units in financial distress or to create and assist new Units, and to help individual girl and adult members.

2.  The Applicant for a Gift of Guiding must be a member of Guiding and is the person applying for a gift for the recipient. The recipient is the beneficiary of the gift and must be a Member of Guiding, applying for Membership or wishing to become a member.

3.  The intended recipient, whether a Unit or individual, must be in need of financial assistance. It may be on a one-time basis or continued year over year.

4.  For continued funding from year to year, it must be applied for on an annual basis and may be applied for at any time of year.

5.  Gift of Guiding assistance will be discreetly directed to the applicant’s Guiding Unit or council as deemed most appropriate. Funds must be handled through a Girl Guides of Canada – Guides du Canada Unit, district, or area bank account. Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada funds are considered public funds and all expenditures must be accounted for.

6.  The Gift of Guiding application form must be completed fully and sent to the following address, marked CONFIDENTIAL.

Gift of Guiding Fund

Girl Guides of Canada – BC Council

1476 West 8th Ave

Vancouver, BC V6H 1E1

Gift of Guiding Fund

Application Form

1.  Name of the person or Unit and membership (iMIS) number (if known) who would benefit from this application? (Recipient)

2.  Name of the person applying for the funds? (Applicant)

3.  Guiding Unit and/or district of the recipient? GGC bank account to be used for funds.

4.  To your knowledge has this person or Unit received a Gift of Guiding before?

5.  Has assistance been given at the district or area level?

6.  Amount requested:

7.  Reason for request:

8.  Time frame for when money will be spent:

9.  How do you envision the money will be spent?

10.  Has any other financial assistance been sought – if so, what? Please let us know if you would like assistance to seek other potential sources of support.

Applicant’s signature Applicant’s membership (iMIS) number

Applicant’s phone number Applicant’s email address

Applicant’s address

Date of application