8-16-2012The Party’s Over Video posted on YouTube.

8-22-2012Search warrant issued by Judge David Hoven. Probable cause: smell of marijuana-computers & cameras seized at “Home Office”-Piney Park. In violation of RSMO 043.200-Sheriff not notified.

8-24-201216th (Sixteenth) anniversary of “Bulletin”-video posted on YouTube demanding release/return of “printing press” Sgt. Folsom called out…..phone call to MSHP Colonel-motive for “murder”

9-7-2012Writ of Replevin rejected by Missouri Supreme Court for lack of filing fee. in violation of Article I Section III Mo. Const. Copy of writ given to Missouri “fusion” center, Governor Nixon’s office by Bill Thompson-Mo. Supreme Court Clerk.

9-10-2012Meeting held in Crawford County with Judge Parker, P.A. Cam Seary, Lt. Shawn Satterfield-MSHP, Sheriff Randy Martin, Sgt. H.J. Folsom-MSHP. Purpose of meeting-Neutralize “Bulletinman” –stop occupation of “courthouse” on 9-17-2012.

9-11-2012Arrest warrant issued on P.C. statement of Sgt. Folsom by Judge David Hoven for “tampering with Judge Parker”-his name was never mentioned in 8-16-2012 video. “Possession of morphine”-not on search warrant-1 ½ tablet, “possession of pot”-less than 5 (five) grams. Arrest warrant based on illegal search warrant-issued with probable cause in violation of RSMO 043.200.

9-11-2012Weinhaus was called by Sgt. Folsom, who told (lied) that “Supreme Court” had ordered him to return “computers.” This was a ruse-Weinhaus asked if this was an “attempt to arrest him.” Folsom assured him it was only to return “equipment.” Weinhaus attempted to find “Pastors” to accompany him, none available-called children-Levi-Kailey who were out of town, called ex-wife ValarieWeinhaus to record “meeting.” Activated “spy watch,” sang praises to the Lord, & prayed on the way to meeting at MFA gas station.

Google “Bulletinman” to view the video. Upon arrival Weinhauswas shot within 13 (thirteen) seconds of exiting vehicle. Six (6) shots fired, two (2) striking chest, two (2) to the head/neck, two (2) hit occupied “gas station.” Four (4) shots fired by Folsom, two (2) shots fired by his “partner” Cpr. Scott Mertens. Weinhaus was flown to St. John’s in Creve Coeur, lost six (6) pints of blood, No first aid given by MSHP at the scene.

9-12-2012Folsom was interviewed by MSHP Investigator Perry Smith, claimed he said before shooting that he told Weinhaus that “he had papers to sign about computers.” He commanded Weinhaus to “remove his hand off the gun,” then shot because Weinhaus was “attempting to draw from his right side.” On the video tape and audio-both recorded by “Weinhaus” Folsom’s statements/commands are not on tapes.

9-12-2012At trial Folsom claimed that the statement about computers-he was mistaken. He had role played wthMertens while awaiting for Weinhaus to arrive. He was not asked about the “command” “to remove hand off gun” byWeinhaus’ ineffective counsel Hugh Eastwood. Still shot which showed Weinhaus legally carried, lawfully holstered pistol on the LEFT side. This still shot was NOT introduced as evidence by Eastwood.

9-12-2012Cpr. Mertenswas interviewed by MSHP Investigator Smith. He claimed that Folsom made statement about “computers.” He did not speak of “command to remove hand off gun.” He also claimed that Weinhaus “attempted” to draw from his right side.

9-12-2012The FBI Agents do not mention Weinhaus’ “attempting to draw” nor do they mention “gun.” Both state that Weinhaus moved his hands to front “waist line.” This is consistent with “spy watch video.”

9-12-2012Three (3) other “witnesses” claim that Weinhaus fell to ground face first-hands empty after shots.

9-29-2012Weinhaus wakes up from coma, moves to “rehab.”

10-11-2012Weinhaus released from “rehab,” starts out-patient rehab in Jefferson County. Not under “arrest” despite “warrant” for arrest. Weinhaus issues plea for “Peace.”

11-1-2012Weinhaus shows up for “Bond Hearing” in Franklin County-charged with “attempted murder” of Folsom & Mertens by “shooting them,” held on $50,000 (fifty-thousand dollars) “cash” only bond.

11-2-2012Elections held-Weinhaus“loses” race for Coroner, gets 1,500+ (one thousand five hundred plus) votes to Hustuns 5,000 (five thousand). Weinhaus not able to campaign-warrant out for his arrest, 9-11-2012 – 11-1-2012, not arrested to avoid medical “liability.”

11-27-2012Grand Jury held in Franklin County. Folsom allegedly testified that Weinhaus knew he was going to be “arrested.” Parker-Judge in Crawford County where Weinhaus was running for “coroner” testifies that he was being “tampered” with. Bond raised to $250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand dollars) cash. No record of proceedings, violating court of record statute. Grand Jury was over by noon. Took three (3) hours, not three (3) months, Weinhaus NOT allowed to testify.

12-27-2012“Bond Hearing” held despite the fact Weinhaus was at liberty 21 (twenty one) days and no violence or incitement-never missed a court date. Surety bond denied, Weinhaus’ lawyer Tyson Mutrix does not argue Article 1 Section 20-Missouri Const. Guarantee of surety bond. Trial date set for 4-30-2013.

2-14-2013Tyson Mutrixwithdraws after “conflict of interest.” Weinhaus finds Article 1 Section 20 Mo. Const. argues for surety bond, hearing put off till 2-21-2013.

2-21-2013Weinhaus argues-Pro Se for surety bond “denied therapy in custody” NOT capital crime. P.A. Parks-discloses that “investigation” that resulted in “assassination attempt” was initiated by Governor Jay Nixon-of Jefferson County. Surety bond “denied.”

3-19-2013Hearing on Motion to Quash Indictment & to Sever Charges-Denied. New Judge-Sutherland denies motion despite it is proven that Folsom lied to the Grand Jury. Surety bond finally granted $250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand dollars). Weinhaus’ wife files for divorce.

4-25-2013Pre-trial Hearing-Weinhaus Pro Sedenied “computer’ to present evidence, 100 (one hundred) out of 106 (one hundred and six) witnesses quashed. Parks tampering with witnesses-court refuses to admonish. Motion to Dismiss denied.

4-26-2013Judy hires Hugh Eastwood with money raised on the internet-$6,500 (six thousand five hundred dollars). Trial put off until 10-8-2013.

5-17-2013Divorce hearing held-Sheriff failed to take Jeff to hearing. Weinhaus defaulted. Judy cuts off contact with Jeff-refuses to answer phone.

6-6-2013Folsom & Mertensdeposed-Eastwood fails to ask about “command to remove hand off gun.” Letter written to him talked about his “glaring omission.”

7-23-2013FBI Agents Maruschak and Cunningham deposed-did not even see gun, had full view of RIGHT SIDE. They are taken off P.A. witness list after depos.

9-12-2013Pre-trial hearing-verbage of charge changed from “attempted to shoot” to attempted to “draw a weapon to shoot.” Not contested by Eastwood. Motion to Dismiss Tampering charge dismissed. Motion to Keep Uncharged guns out-dismissed.

9-27-2013“Order of Protection” by Judge Hoven, granted to Judy for “Harrassment/Stalking.” Judy gave Eastwood $250 (two hundred and fifty dollars) the day before. Eastwood was asked to defend at hearing or talk Judy out of hearing.

10-8-2013Trial: Jury selection: 5 (five) of the 12 (twelve) jurors had friends/family in law enforcement. 10 (ten) women, 2 (two) men.

10-8-2013Jury Foreman-Krista Sieve has domestic violence history. 8-16-2012 Party’s Overvideo played to the jury.

10-9-2013Close of State’s evidence-Tampering Charge-Dismissed-Resisting arrest charge-Dismissed. No mistrial requested by Eastwood.

10-10-2013Eastwood calls 3 (three) witnesses, enters no exhibits, fails to recall Folsom to ask about “hand off gun,” does not call FBI to testify that “they” saw no weapon. Jury asked for “still shots” and definition of “assault.”

Acquitted of assault on Cpr. Mertens. Returns conviction on Folsom, “assaulted Sgt. Folsom by shooting him,” possession of morphine & marijuana. Eastwood calls Judy (who was in courtroom with her “boyfriend”) as character witness. Jury recommends 63 (sixty three) years.

10-29-2013Motion for New Trial filed by Eastwood, 7 (seven) points.

11-25-2013Sentencing-Motion for New Trial-Denied. Eastwood fails to argue-no evidence to sustain conviction of “assaulted Folsom by shooting him.” Weinhaus gives numerous points on ineffective counsel. Judge Sutherland finds no grounds for “ineffective counsel,” sentences Weinhaus to 30 (thirty) years. Appeal notice filed.

4-20-2014Letter sent to AG Kostner detailing over 20 (twenty) “flaws and misrepresentations of facts.”

7-25-2014Appeal brief filed-8 (eight) points.

8-24-2014State asks for extension to reply to brief. Granted until 9-24-2014.

9-24-2014State asks for extension to reply to brief. Granted until 10-22-2014.

10-22-2014State’s lawyer withdraws. Assistant AG Shaun Mackelprang enters appearance and asks for another extension to reply to brief-granted until 11-10-2014.

11-10-2014State asks for yet another extension to reply to brief-granted until 11-14-2014.

11-14-2014State finally files reply to brief.

11-28-2014CopBlock video updating the case.

12-10-2014Case was submitted by briefs to the appeals court.

12-19-2014Shaun Mackelprang filed exhibits. Exhibits filed in exhibit drawer Exhibit 1 & 1A (Video), Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3-8, 14, and 16-26 (Photos) and Exhibit 11(Photo-not listed on index) Exhibit 13 (diagram)Exhibit 15 (video) Exhibit 31 (report) Exhibit 32 (statement)