National Certificate in Beauty Care
(G9K2 46)
Course overview and skills development summary
National Certificates are made up of Units. Each Unit is mapped against an agreed set of national standards to identify the appropriate level and credit value defined by the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF).
The SCQF level is a measure of how hard the Unit is.
The credit value is a measure of the time, on average, it should take a learner to achieve the Unit. A single-credit Unit works out at an average of 40 hours of teaching time and 20 hours of self-directed learning. A double credit Unit works out at an average of 80 hours of teaching time and 40 hours of self-directed learning. If you’d like more information, it is available at
Most National Certificates have mandatory and optional Units:
¨ Mandatory Units provide the generic knowledge, understanding and skills needed to be successful in your chosen career. Every student has to complete them.
¨ Optional Units give you an opportunity to choose a particular area of interest that you would like to learn about.
This document provides information about the Units that make up your Course and the skills you will be developing as you work through each Unit. It explains:
¨ the way you will use Core Skills in your chosen area of work
¨ how the Course is structured
It also describes the purpose of each Unit in the Course, including:
¨ the subject-specific skills you will develop in each Unit
¨ the Core Skills you will develop naturally as you work through each Unit
¨ any Core Skill or Core Skill component that will be recorded on your certificate
Core Skills in your chosen area of work
As a beauty therapist working in the beauty industry you will be using Core Skills every day.
You need to be able to speak with customers and make sure that you listen and transfer the important information into your treatment plan. You need to be able to work with customers to understand what they need. You will make calls, text and write to customers about the services that you offer.
You need to be able to make timed appointments for your customers and price the treatment. You also need to handle money. You need to understand the instructions that come with many products and treatments — and this information may often be in the form of a table or a diagram.
Information and Communication Technology
Information about your customers may be stored on a computer. You need to be able to input customers’ details, and access the information on when the customer makes return visits. You might also need to make promotional information to advertise your treatments to customers. You may need to write to, text or telephone customers about the appointments.
Problem Solving
You will need to be able to plan a variety of treatments in the correct treatment room. You will also have to deal with unexpected customer cancellations, requests, complaints or contra-actions that may arise. You may need to adapt your treatment during the appointment to meet a customer’s changing needs. You need to think about the suitability of products you use for future appointments.
Working with Others
You will need to be able to work with other therapists or members of your team to meet the customer’s needs. You’ll need to co-operate with others to plan the treatments your customers will have, and the order that the treatment plan will follow. Your success in the salon depends on your ability to support your colleagues and provide an excellent service to customers.
Course structure for Beauty Care
To achieve this National Certificate you will need to achieve:
¨ eight Unit credits from the mandatory section
¨ four Unit credits from the optional section
Mandatory Units (eight credits):
Unit title / Unitcode / SCQF
level / Credit
value / Date achieved
Beauty Therapy: Depilation / DN6G 33 / 6 / 1
Beauty: Creative Current Make-Up Trends / F5B3 12 / 6 / 1
Beauty: Facial Techniques / F5AY 12 / 6 / 1
Beauty: Facial Treatment Packages / F5B1 12 / 6 / 1
Beauty: Nail Finishes / F5B212 / 6 / 1
Body Massage / DN6C 33 / 6 / 2
Commercial Experience / F78V 12 / 6 / 1
Optional Units (four credits):
Unit title / Unitcode / SCQF
level / Credit
value / Date achieved
Acrylic Nails / F6XH 12 / 6 / 1
Beauty Therapy: Face and Body Electrotherapy / DN80 33 / 6 / 2
Beauty: Manicure and Pedicure / F6XG12 / 6 / 2
Eye Enhancements / F6XF 12 / 6 / 1
Face and Body Electrotherapy: An Introduction / F6XK 12 / 6 / 1
Gel Nails / F6XJ 12 / 6 / 1
Photography: Digital Imaging / F8KM 12 / 6 / 1
Research Skills / D669 12 / 6 / 1
Scalp, Neck and Shoulder Massage / F6XE 12 / 6 / 1
Unit summaries
This section provides a brief description of each Unit in the Course. It explains:
¨ the purpose of each Unit
¨ the subject-specific skills you will learn for each Unit
¨ which Core Skills you will be developing as you work through each Unit
¨ which Core Skill or Core Skill components are recorded in your Core Skills profile on your certificate
The Unit summaries are in alphabetical order so you can find them easily. This might not be the order you do them in.
Acrylic Nails (F6XH 12) 1 credit
In this Unit you will develop skills you’ll need to apply, infill and remove acrylic nails while adhering to relevant aspects of current Health and Safety legislation.
You will:
¨ interact with clients
¨ analyse, organise, plan and carry out treatments
As you are doing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills in Communication and Problem Solving.
Beauty: Creative Current Make-Up Trends (F5B3 12) 1 credit
In this Unit you will develop skills in applying makeup, then create and present a ‘look’ on a client, which reflects a current make-up trend.
You will:
¨ explore, identify and interpret current make-up trends from a variety of sources
¨ plan and prepare to create a current make-up ‘look’
¨ evaluate your performance in relation to specified employability skills and evaluate your progress in achieving goals
As you are doing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills in communication and problem solving.
Beauty: Facial Techniques (F5AY 12) 1 credit
In this Unit you will learn about the structure and function of the skin, facial bones and muscles, skin types, and common skin conditions. You will also develop skills that are needed for cleansing, toning and moisturising the face, incorporating a basic face massage.
You will:
¨ listen to clients’ wishes, analyse their skin, then select appropriate products to reflect their skin type and condition
¨ discuss and agree products and treatments best suited to a particular client
As you are doing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills in Communication, Problem Solving, and Working with Others.
Beauty: Facial Treatment Packages (F5B1 12) 1 credit
In this Unit you will learn about the structure and function of the skin, skin types and common skin conditions. In addition, you will develop skills needed for cleansing, toning, skin warming, exfoliation, masque application and removal and moisturising.
You will:
¨ listen to your client’s wishes, analyse their skin, then select appropriate packages and products to reflect their skin type and condition
¨ discuss and agree packages and products best suited to a particular client
¨ measure correct quantities for masque products
¨ maintain client records
As you are doing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills in Communication, Problem Solving, Working with Others and Numeracy.
Beauty: Manicure and Pedicure (F6XG 12) 2 credits
In this Unit you will learn about the structure of the skin and nails, and the bones and muscles of the hand and foot, as well as common disorders/diseases. You will also develop the skills that are needed for pedicure, manicure, exfoliation, massage, paraffin wax, masks, and heated mittens and bootees.
You will need to listen to your client’s wishes, analyse their hands, feet and nails, and discuss treatment options.
As you are doing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills in Communication, Problem Solving and Working with Others.
Beauty: Nail Finishes (F5B2 12) 1 credit
In this Unit you will learn about nail structure and the bones of the hand and arm. You will also develop the skills that are needed for shaping nails, improving the appearance of cuticles, nail painting and basic hand massage.
You will:
¨ identify and describe the nail structure, the bones of the hand and forearm, and common nail conditions
¨ listen to your client’s wishes
¨ analyse the condition of their nails
¨ discuss and agree options
¨ select and use correct products and resources
¨ provide homecare advice to the client
¨ record details of nail treatment carried out on a client record card
As you are doing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills in Communication, Problem Solving and Working with Others.
Beauty Therapy: Depilation (DN6G 33) 1 credit
In this Unit you will learn the skills required to perform waxing techniques.
You will:
¨ research different types of hair, the cycle of hair growth, and techniques for hair removal
¨ consult with your client to build a treatment plan, then explain the treatment plan to your client
¨ carry out the treatment
¨ complete client records
As you are doing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills in Communication, Working with Others and Problem Solving.
Beauty Therapy: Face and Body Electrotherapy (DN80 33) 2 credit
In this Unit you will learn the skills required for electrotherapy for both face and body treatments.
You will:
¨ listen to your client’s wishes
¨ establish whether the client has any medical conditions that could impact on or prevent treatment
¨ prepare environment, equipment and client for treatment
¨ carry out the treatment, adhering to current Health and Safety legislation at all times
¨ evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment in meeting the client’s wishes
¨ provide aftercare advice
¨ complete a client consultation record, giving a full account of the consultation, special care requirements, treatment plan and effects on the client
As you are doing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills in Communication, Problem Solving and Working with Others.
Body Massage (DN6C 33) 2 credits
In this Unit you will learn the skills to plan and effectively carry out individualised body massage treatments, in consultation with a client.
You will:
¨ consult with clients to develop and plan body massage treatments and complete client records
¨ communicate effectively and professionally with your client before, during, and after the treatment so that you can use feedback to judge the effectiveness of the treatment
As you are doing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills in Communication, Problem Solving and Working with Others.
Commercial Experience (F78V 12) 1 credit
In this Unit you will gain employment experience within a specified commercial environment.
You will:
¨ identify an organisation suitable for gaining commercial experience in a chosen subject area
¨ provide consecutive services to clients in a commercial setting, which includes a commercially viable timeframe
¨ critically and effectively evaluate your own experience in the commercial setting
As you are doing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills in Communication, Problem Solving, Numeracy, and Working with Others.
Eye Enhancements (F6XF 12) 1 credit
In this Unit you will develop skills in eyelash and eyebrow tinting, eyebrow shaping and the application of false eyelashes.
You will:
¨ research current eye enhancements using a variety of sources
¨ identify contra-indications, general effects and maintenance requirements of eye enhancements, as well as identifying face shapes and eyebrow shapes
¨ consult with clients to determine their needs and expectations
¨ decide which treatments are most suitable and discuss treatments with clients
¨ complete client records
As you are doing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills in Communication, Problem Solving and Working with Others.
Face and Body Electrotherapy: An Introduction (F6XK 12) 1 credit
In this Unit you will learn to use audio sonic, paraffin wax, G5 and infrared to perform body treatments. You will also use rotary brush, cleanse and vacuum suction to perform facial treatments, adhering to Health and Safety legislation.
You will:
¨ listen to clients
¨ identify a treatment plan that meets an individual client’s aims, including contra-indications, contra-actions, effects and special care requirements for each treatment
¨ devise treatment plans that meet the client’s aims
¨ carry out the treatments
¨ evaluate their success in meeting the client’s aims
As you are doing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills in Communication, Problem Solving and Working with Others.
Gel Nails (F6XJ 12) 1 credit
In this Unit you will develop skills in the application of nail extensions, infill of extensions, and removal of extension gel nails, while adhering to Health and Safety legislation.
You will:
¨ analyse the nails and select appropriate products to enhance the client’s nails
¨ discuss and agree treatment with client
¨ carry out the treatments
As you are doing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills in Problem Solving, Communication and Working with Others.
Photography: Digital Imaging (F8KM 12) 1 credit
In this Unit, you will develop skills in producing your own original and well planned images.
You will:
¨ import a range of image types into a digital environment
¨ process and manipulate images within a software package
¨ produce a series of digitally enhanced or manipulated images