211OC HMIS Report Request Form
Agency Name:
Requested By:
/Date of Request:
/Phone #:
Description of request:
Report Start Date:
/Report End Date:
What population of clients should be included on the report? (Please choose only one)
/ Clients served in Orange County (if the report is for clients in Orange County, only aggregate reports can be provided) / / Clients served at my agency onlyWhich projects should be included on the report?
/ All projects / Only these project types (Select all that apply)
/ Emergency Shelter / / Other / / Day Shelter
/ Transitional Housing / / PH - Permanent Supportive Housing (disability required for entry) / / Homelessness Prevention
/ Safe Haven / / PH – Housing Only / / PH - Rapid Re-Housing
/ Street Outreach / / PH – Housing with Services (no disability required for entry) / / Coordinated Assessment
/ Services Only
/ Specific projects (please list)
Which clients should be included on the report? (Please choose only one)
/ Active clients (any enrollments during the reporting period) / / Exited clients (enrollments with project exit dates during the reporting period) / New clients (enrollments with project entry dates during the reporting period) / / Any services provided during the reporting period
Which fields should be included on the report? (Ex. First name, last name, gender, race, etc.)
1 / 6 / 112 / 7 / 12
3 / 8 / 13
4 / 9 / 14
5 / 10 / 15
When should the report be completed by? (Must be at least 3 days after date of request)
Please send completed form to sed 8/31/15