North Glasgow CHCP Accommodation Strategy Update
1. Introduction
1.1 At its April meeting Committee discussed and agreed that the development of an accommodation strategy was a priority for the CHCP. Members noted that the availability of suitable office and other service accommodation as a major issue in north Glasgow. Subsequent meetings have seen a number of further papers detailing developments on a number of specific projects. The purpose of this paper is to update committee members on a range of accommodation options that have been explored since April and confirm the timescale for the conclusion of this initial phase of work.
2. Springburn Health Centre
2.1 At the Committee meeting of 5th June this year members were updated on the phased development of Springburn Health Centre. The initial phase saw the development of the following range of enhancements:
- New and expanded accommodation for one GP Practice
- A new staff training facility
- A new staff dining room
- Additional office accommodation for community nursing staff
- Accommodation for a new, locally based sexual health service provided by the Sandyford Initiative
2.2This work is due to be completed in December of this year. The Phase 2
programme will provide:
- Upgrade and extended accommodation for the remaining 5 GP Practices
- Accommodation for the community pharmacy with improved access arrangements
- Improved and extended treatment room and community consulting room areas
- Improved externalImproved external and internal access to all areas and in particular for disabled patients and staff
2.3 The steering group established to develop the detail reflecting the new organisation arrangements and priorities will report the final development to Committee.
3. Community Addictions Team Co-location Proposals
3.1 Glasgow Addictions Service had identified the co-location of service teams within North Glasgow as a priority area for development. It was estimated that to develop a single, fit for purpose, facility would require approximately £1.6m of capital funding. An opportunity to secure this funding became available as a result of slippage in the Drug Action Team/Addictions Action Team treatment and care programme during 2005/06. Glasgow Addictions Service and the North CHCP Management Team have made representation to the Scottish Executive to apply the slippage to the proposed development of a single North CAT base at Keppoch in the Possilpark area.
3.2 Over recent months there have been a number of exchanges with the Scottish Executive explaining the underspend from the last financial year and making the case for the proposal. However, despite the case being vigourously made to the Executive the application was not successful.
3.3 Alternative sites are now being sought to establish a single CAT base as this remains a priority for the CHCP.
4. Darniock Street
Current usage and our discussions about potential alternative for OPPD office at Red Road
4.1 Building previously accommodated by GCC Building Services available from October 2006. Proposal to re-locate OPPD Social Work staff currently based at 94 Red Road into this accommodation. GCC Assylum Seekers Team also being given option to co-locate within the premises.
5. Petershill Community Development?
5.1 Meeeting and site visit took place recently. Options being explored about the potential for this accommodation as a base for a number of social work serviceswith ‘developer’ and explored potential as base for a number of social work services. Development will include a number of community and sports facilities. Office accommodation to be completed by February 2007.
6. Saracen Street
6.1 A vacant twenty-acre site on Saracen Street is the property of Glasgow City Council (GCC) and has been derelict for a number of years. Glasgow North Limited have been invited by GCC to submit a proposal to develop the front aspect of the site facing on to Saracen Street site 4-5 acres. This will be considered by the council as part of a larger regeneration process. If the proposal is acceptable a funding package will be drawn together and work commenced. There is the possibility the remainder of the site will be used for housing development.
6.2 North Glasgow CHCP has registered an interest in the site with the view of relocating Possilpark Health Centre and the Services at Closeburn Street. Early discussions are underway with relevant General Practices and other services with Closeburn Street and Possilpark Health Centre. The current fabric and accommodation at the health centre and Closeburn Street is of poor condition and under minds the service provision to clients and staff alike.
6.3 The development of this site could offer modern high quality facility for health and social care services and make a significant contribution to the physical, socio-economic regeneration of the community. It is estimated the development of the site will equate to a £9-10m investment for the whole 4-5 acre site.
6.4 Glasgow North Limited is flexible to funding opportunities and suggested a leasing arrangement. The disposal of the health centre and Closeburn Street could be negotiated as part of any future agreement. Whilst a leasing arrangement maybe the most favourable option recent discussions suggests this development should also inform our future planning for capital funding
6.5 A number of potential partners have registered an interest in being located in the site, e.g. North Glasgow Housing Association; Centre for Inclusive Living; Glasgow North Limited –business start up; extension to the library facility and Community Planning Partnership (not exhaustive list). There are a number of good examples locally and nationally of integrated services being provided from a single site and the range of partners involvement enhances the attractiveness of such a development.
John Thomson – development programme being lead/facilitated by Glasgow North. Commitment by the CHCP to fully explore potential to replace Possilpark HC, social work offices and addictions base. Interested in establishment of a community health centre concept with a range of partner agencies
Timescalse –
6.6Glasgow North Limited will submit an outline proposal is to GCC by December 2006. It is estimated the completion of this development will take three years.
7. Maryhill Burgh Hall
7.1 Maryhill Burgh Halls Trust came into being and was recognised as a Scottish Charity, building on the work of the Steering Group that has been working for the previous three years. Local people have formed the initial Board of the Trust which comprises Inidividual Directors and Partner Directors – Maryhill Housing Association, Cube Housing Association and Glasgow City Council.
7.2 The site includes not just the Burgh Halls but also the adjourning Police Station building and land in the central courtyard area beyond the pend to Gairbraid Avenue. Work to date has included a physical survey of the building and land, the production of exciting outline design proposals and a strategy for developing a business.. Glasgow City Council has also been looking at the viability and technical feasibility of creating a Leisure Centre facility. Both Glasgow City Council and Communitities Scotland have given significant funding to develop the project to date. The proposal includes swimming and dry sports facilities
7.3 It is hoped that a start on site will be made towards the end of 2006 with completion of the project in 2008.?
8. Accommodation Strategy
8.1 An estate appraisal is currently being undertaken within Glasgow, which involves the examination of land and property assets with the ultimate aim of developing a property stategy to maintain the estate at an acceptable standard and identify opportunities for adaptation and rationalisation. The underlying aim of this appraisal is to ensure that the estate, as a resource, is aligned with the service objectives.
8.2 In accordance with the requirements of this review a condition survey is being undertaken on all Social Work and Health properties. The following facets are being examined –
- Physical Condition
- Location
- Fitness for Purpose
- Space Utilisation?layout/Right sizing
- Statutory compliance
- Service Suitability
Craig Thorp work?
9. Recommendations
Committee is asked to:
a)note the progress to
b)request regular updates on