
Shiri Negari

On Tuesday, June 18 2002, Shiri Negari left her home in Gilo, Jerusalem, for work. She had a temporary job in a bank, where she planned to work until the beginning of the next academic yearwhen she was to start her undergraduate studies. Shiri had missed her bus to work so she joined her mother, Esther, who was just leaving by carto takeShiri's younger brother, Shahar,toschool. They dropped Shiri off on their way andcontinued towards the school.

A Palestinian terrorist boarded the bus at the nextbus stop, and almost immediately detonated a high-powered bomb which he was carrying in a bag stuffed with small pieces of metal. The bus, crowded with school children and office workers, was lifted into the air.Its roofwas peeled back like a can of sardines. Eyewitnesses described the horrifying scene of that huge explosion -the smoke - the pieces of the bus- the human body partsflying everywhere.

Shiri's father was still at home when he heard that there was a terror attack onthe 32A busfrom Gilo. He realized that Shiri was probably on that bus, andbeganto run as fast as he couldtowards the spotto look for her. When he arrived at the scene of the explosion, he was shocked to see the ghastly remains of the bus. It was clear that something awful had happened to his daughter. In fact, Shiri had suffered serious internal injuries, and was being rushed by ambulance to the 'Hadassah Ein-Karem' hospital.

Meanwhile, on the road to Shahar's school,thesight of the many ambulances and the wailing of sirensalerted Shiri's mother to the fact that something was wrong. When she saw an ambulance marked 'ZAKA' (a special volunteer unit which collects the body parts of terror attack victims forreligious burial) she turnedher car around and startedback to the place where she had left Shiri. Then, on her phone, shegot the message that Shiri was indeed injured, and immediatelydrovetothe hospital to join her husband.

The paramedics who treated Shiri in the ambulancereported that Shiri was calm despite her severe injuries, and despite the fact that she had justgone through an extremely traumatic experience. She was well aware of what had happened, and cooperated inthe attempts to keep her conscious. She gave her personal details accurately, told the paramedics where she felt pain and stretched out her arm so as shecould be given an intravenous infusion. The paramedics kept Shiri updated on their current location, describing the very familiar Jerusalem landmarks as they traveled on this surreal journey to the hospital. As soon as she arrived at the hospital,Shiri was sent to the operating room, where surgeons fought to stop the internal bleeding caused by the deadly force of the bomb blast.

We, Shiri's family, started gathering outside the operating room,hoping she would survive this nightmare, praying for her life.On thattragic day, whenwe called each other after the attack (as relativesalways doin Jerusalem in these crazy times) to make sure that everybody was safe,what we were told was theterrible news. "Shiriis severely injured. Shiri is in the operating room. Thank God she's still alive…".

Shiri died on the operating table. The unthinkable has happened. Our Shiri – that radiant, beautiful, kind and happy girl is now dead. MURDERED. She of all people?! WHY?

To think of thecontrast between the innocence, beauty and goodness of Shiri's lifeand the brutal, cruel and evil nature of her death is horrifying.

We stayedat the hospital for a while after receiving the news of Shiri's death. At first we were too stunned to move. Then wewent to see Shiri for the last time. She was pretty as always, her face almost unharmed- (we should be thankfulfor even such a small mercyin theseterrible times) - aside from a few pieces of shrapnel which had penetratedher skin.Shiri's long golden hair -which had become asymbol of who she was to all who knew her - was now lightly burnt as a result of the fire which followed the explosion.

Then everybody waited for Shiri's brother, Shay, who had just started his mandatory military service, to come and take leave of his sister for the last time.

Shiri was buried near her grandfather in the 'Har Hamenuchot' cemetery, surrounded by her loving family and many friends.

Shiri was so special. Sheseemed to radiatean indefinable spiritual quality. She was uncompromised innocence and beauty. Since she was a baby, she had magnetized people with her beauty. She had never cut her hair, and her long blonde braidbecame a kind of personal symbol.

Shiri loved to laugh and made others laugh with her. She loved to dance and knew how to enjoy the little things in life. Shehad the gift of being able to see goodness and beauty in every person she met, and she kept up many close friendships with a wide variety of people. She fit perfectly into thelively and happy atmosphere of thehome she grew up in. Always full of life,sheloved tosing and make music. A born actress, sheoften delighted family and friends with herspontaneousimprovisations and impressions. Shewrote poetry. She loved swimming. Most of all, she was known for her high moral standards and her unconditional loyalty to thevalues of the religious education she received from her parents.

Shiri graduated 'Pelech' high school, majoring in biology and literature.

During her army service, Shiri served as a soldier-teacher and worked with youngsters who dropped out of school. She would sit down with them and discuss their problems in life over a game of backgammon.This period was the first time in her life that she was really separated from her home and family, developing her independence. The fragile religious girlbecame a strong independent young woman, though she still looked like a teenager.

After her army service, Shiri went traveling in South America. She climbed mountains, trekked exhausting paths, rafted wild rivers, saw icebergs, rode horses, scuba dived, climbed onto an active volcano, learned Spanish, bought many giftsfor her friends and family, but most of all she enjoyed meeting so many people from all around the world. Shiri used to sign her e-mails home with the signature "Shiri Negari – World Traveler".

She celebrated her last birthday on July 5th, 2001 with her trip buddies. Shiri turned 21.

When her money ran out, Shiri flew to New York City where she found work in a restaurant. Ironically, just as she arrived in New York her family heard about the attack on theWTC and contacted her anxiously, fearing for her safety. On that occasion she escaped…

After a few months in New York shereturnedtoSouth America to spend some time travelingaround Chile.

About a year after Shiri left Israel, she decided to return home. Her family suggested that perhaps she should continue her trip abroad because they were worried about the security situation in Israel, but Shiri missed her family too much and so she packed her bags and made the longjourney back to Jerusalem.

Shiri planned to start studying at the Hebrew University of Jerusalemin October. In the meantime she took on some personal projects which included painting her room, taking care ofthegarden and spendingtime with her family.

The suicide bomberwho killed Shiri on that accursed morning of June 18th, 2002, destroyed, withone blow,all the promises that the future heldfor our Shiri. She will never sing again, she will never get married nor have children. We will never hear her laughter. She is gone.

When Shiri joined her school delegation to the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland, she wrote in her diary how she was struck by the long braided hair she saw there, so like her own. It was as if Shiri was meeting her family members who were killed in that place.

Shiri had always wondered about the significance of her long hair. But there in the camp Shiri wrote that she saw how "my braid is like a link between me and them".It seems that half a century later, totally innocent Jews-Israelis are still being persecuted and murdered in cold blood.

The battle over Shiri's life is now lost, but thefight to perpetuate her beloved memory has just begun.

To learn more about Shiri (more info, pictures and sound files), visit http://www.geocities.com/ShiriNegari

Here's how you can help

You can contact Shiri's family at