Tree of Life Lutheran Church
Council Minutes
July 20, 2016
Members present – President - Dennis McConnell, Vice President – Linda Baumgartner, Treasurer – Larry Anderson, Pastor Chris Lake, Lawrence Zuehlke and Chuck Will, Jim Voelz and Ted Dinklage
Members absent – Secretary - Susan Blough, Financial Secretary – Heidi Beckman, Matt Hannes and John Nye
Guests - Stewardship Chair – Jack Zimmer, Church Secretary – Ida Craig and Intern – Carrie Peterson
Meeting was called to order by President Dennis McConnell at 7:30
Linda Baumgartner volunteered to take the minutes in Susan Blough’s absence.
A motion was made to approve the agenda by Chuck Will and seconded by Lawrence Zuehlke. The motion passed.
A motion was made to approve the minutes of the May and June council meeting by Linda Baumgartner and seconded by Lawrence Zuehlke. The motion passed.
Old Business
LEAD – The LEAD survey was completed by ten members of council and staff. The surveys will be turned over to a congregational member who will be asked to serve as LEAD team chair. Linda Baumgartner suggested a member that has the background to be the LEAD chair. She will contact the member and report back to council. LEAD sign up deadline for the coaching program helping us to move forward to a program driven church is September 15.
New Business
President Dennis McConnell thanked Larry Anderson for his service as Treasurer of council. This was Larry’s last meeting. He and Jeanne will be moving to Austin in August.
Jim Voelz motioned to appoint Ted Dinklage as treasurer to complete Larry Anderson’s term of office. Pastor Chris Lake seconded the motion. Motion passed.
A motion was made to ratify the new members, Dorse Boudreaux, Lisa, James, Kaitlyn and Samantha Lemaux, by Lawrence Zuehlke and seconded by Chuck Will. The motion passed.
Jack Zimmer, 2016 Stewardship Chair, was invited to present the selected stewardship program, Committed to Christ – 6 Steps to a Generous Life. The program guides participants to take their level of commitment to the next level in 6 areas of their church life. Introductory Sunday is September 11 and Consecration Sunday is October 23. Each week has a focus on a personal journey to becoming closer to Christ. The program includes small group participation with videos and 6 week study guides, materials for Facebook, e-blasts and bulletins, sermon starters and video clips. Jack will be calling together a Celebration Team to make phone calls to encourage members of the congregation to attend Consecration Sunday. Jack was thanked by members of council for his work.
Dennis McConnell stated that our brokerage account was moved to Fidelity due to a reduced cost of trade to $7.00 per trade.
Dennis McConnell stated that the air conditioning is now working in the Fellowship Hall. Lawrence Zuehlke stated that he built walls around the units and he has also ordered louvered doors for the walls. His bills have been turned in for reimbursement through Seeds.
Dennis McConnell stated that the electrical outlets for each unit can now be installed. Ida Craig will be asked to call the electrician to begin his work.
Dennis McConnell asked council if the members were pleased with the janitorial service. All members were extremely pleased. He also said that the Peterson’s paid out of pocket for the last cleaning of the carpets. Council members extended thanks to the Petersons.
Dennis McConnell brought up the Vision Team and their work for a discussion. Linda Baumgartner asked if she could speak since she was on the Vision Team. Linda explained that the Vision Team developed a list of goals for Tree of Life for the 2016 and moving forward ten years. The list was established with the first item being the one that that team thought was most important and then moved to the least important item. Numbers 1, 2 and 3 were all financial items. Number 1 – Establish savings account for growth and contingency over the next year (emergency operations salaries/operating expenses for at least 3-6 months). Number 2 – Increase communication to the congregation about the financial health condition on a quarterly basis (beginning and continuing with 2016). Number 3 – Increase online giving to help offset the summer slump by the summer of 2016. All members of the Vision Team recognized that without financial stability the church would be unable to move forward with other goals.
Council has begun to address the number 2 need, increase communication. Last quarter there was a congregational update meeting. Larry Anderson stated that online giving has doubled in the last 3-4 years. Dennis McConnell will write a letter that will be placed in the quarterly statement sent to members.
Other listed items that have been worked on since the report was given to council in September are:
Number 5 – Facilities Manager – Bob Peterson, the custodian is the facilities manager.
Number 6 – Increase salary and benefits for staff – the 2016 budget included an increase in benefits for several staff members. Ryan Dockery and Bunny Stouts received full medical benefits. The 25% increase in Pastor’s benefits is now being paid for by Tree of Life.
Number 7 – Secure a youth director to replace Ryan when he leaves Tree of Life – Emily Work is working out extremely well. She may wish to continue her work when she graduates.
Number 15 – Continue and Improve the process for doing annual reviews where job descriptions are evaluated to fit the needs of the congregation vs. the skills of the staff. This is to be implemented in 2016. Council has scheduled annual reviews for September.
Number 16 – Live music at both services – John Burkwall has given of his time to play for the first service.
Number 25 – Children’s sermons – Plan to have a children’s sermon by one of the pastoral staff members once a month. This is currently occurring.
Number 27 – Youth Music Program – Involve youth (K-12) in music (via choir, bells and or band while striving toward a youth choir and band.) Dennis McConnell shared that John Burkwall is currently looking into beginning a youth program.
Number 28 – Stephen Ministry – Establish a Stephen Ministry by the end of 2017. Dennis McConnell stated that Pastor Larry Smith has moved forward with a Stephen ministry and one is established.
Number 30 – Grants – Seek out grants or donations to assist in times of disaster. Set up a committee that will look for grant opportunities by 2018. Two grants have been written for mucking. We are awaiting news to see if our plans have been funded.
Pastor Chris and Dennis McConnell shared the desire to bring John Burkwall on staff full time. Linda Baumgartner reminded council to determine the job description based on the Vision Team plan.
Carrie Peterson, intern, has created a new ministry for Tree of Life. She would like to begin a young couples ministry called the Fish Barrel Social Club. The club would meet once a month, go for dinner or an activity. Childcare would be provided by Tree of Life. Dennis McConnell generously offered to pay for the childcare personally since this is not funded in the current budget. Council approved.
Financial Information was presented by treasurer, Larry Anderson
An additional $7,998.80 was taken from Seeds to pay for the mortgage.
Linda Baumgartner shared that the funds that were taken from Seeds during 2015 to pay for the mortgage totaled $56,721.00. So far in 2016, $24,144.80 was transferred to the general fund to pay the mortgage. Total donated to Seeds through June 30 was $251,797,85. The percentage of funds taken from Seeds to pay the mortgage is 32%.
Dennis McConnell noted that the funds received in June were down from both April and May. Pledged offerings are running $4,162.17 below budget. At this time last year the pledged offerings were running above budget.
A motion was made by Lawrence Zuehlke and seconded by Chuck Will to accept the financial reports. The motion passed.
Ida Craig, secretary, stated that we now have a new copier company. The bill will be less every month and we will be able to make more copies and finish off the product by folding etc.
Chuck Will asked what the amount was for the current electrical bill. Ida Craig said that we may not have received a bill since money was not saved compared to last year. Chuck asked if a statement had been mailed to Tree of Life. Ida didn’t know, however, she will check and get back to council.
Ida Craig shared that people are holding meetings during the day and readjusting the thermostat for one hour. This action does not help with saving electricity. A discussion was held regarding how to encourage groups to call and schedule meetings with Ida. Linda Baumgartner suggested that boxes be placed on the thermostats to prevent changing of the temperature. Chuck Will moved that Tree of Life purchase boxes to be placed on the thermostats. Lawrence Zuehlke seconded. The motion passed. Since the council meeting, Ida contacted Ideal Impact, who suggested we continue to emphasize scheduling building usage and not install lockboxes on the thermostats at this time.
Pastor’s Report –
Ida Craig presented Pastor’s report since Pastor was working on the funeral for Sara Bennett, Butch Nye had arm surgery. Stacy Kovar had back surgery. Both are recuperating.
Pastor led funeral services for Alice DeVore and Karen Solberg’s mother.
Pastor performed a wedding for John and Pam Burkwall on June 25.
Jim Voelz moved and Lawrence Zuehlke seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed.
The meeting was closed with all members praying the Lord’s Prayer.
The next meeting with be August 10.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Baumgartner (acting secretary in Susan Blough’s absence)