ACT Walkers on behalf of Racewalking Australia invite your members and race walkers affiliated with a National Athletics Association to participate in this year’s Annual Lake Burley Griffin Walking Carnival to be held on Sunday 7 June 2015.

The fitness walks are open to all. Details regarding the Carnival are shown below.



Clubs are required to provide two volunteers(in addition to Walk Judges) to assist with the conduct of the carnival, particularly with manning the feed stations, turn point duty and lap scoring. It is also most important that each Club provide a Walk Judge for the morning events starting at 8.00 am.

Parental Responsibilities.

Having encountered problems in the past of trespass by children on to the miniature railway in Weston Park, parents should be reminded that they alone are responsible for their children’s whereabouts and behavior.

Change of Presentation Venue.

This year the Presentation of Awards will take place at The Hellenic Club of Canberra, Matilda Street, Woden (Yellow Pages Map 22 F13) commencing at 7.30pm.

Meals are also available, with the choice of three venues within the Club – Bistro, Chinese & Al-a-cartfrom 6.00 pm, but meals cannot be taken into the Presentaion Auditorium.

There are also a number of eateries near the Woden Plaza a short distance from the Club.


There are two hotels located in Woden(Phillip) – Quality Hotel, Cnr Melrose Dr & Launceston St, and Adobe Apartment Hotel, 10 Bowes St.



The venue for all events is Weston Park Road (Banks Street), Weston Park, YARRALUMLA. (Yellow Pages Map 18 H8). All events have a common start / finish line.

The 10 & 20 miles events will be conducted on the recreational path (apart from a short distance on the road near the start/finish) around the West Basin of Lake Burley Griffin. Both events will start in Weston Park and proceed in a clockwise direction. Competitors in the 20 miles will turn at the 10 mile mark and proceed back to the start / finish line in an anti-clockwise direction. Directional markings are in ORANGE.

A 1.25k circuit will be used for the 10k (8 laps) & 5k (4 laps) events (turn point markings are in BLUE) ; the 3k, 2k & 1k events will be held on a 1k circuit (turn point markings are in YELLOW). These courses are located on the main road (Weston Park Road) within Weston Park and will be closed to traffic.

The 5 miles Fitness Walk is conducted on the lake course with the turnaround point on Scrivener Dam (turn point markings are in BLUE).

There are now only two toilet blocks within 300 metres radius of the start / finish line.

Showers are available at the Canberra Southern Cross Yacht Club, Mariner Drive off Alexandrina Drive (Yellow Pages Map 19 B11), approximately 3 kilometres east of Weston Park.


1. Open 20 miles (32.187k)8.00am137 mins (max. 163 mins)

2. Fitness 20 miles (32.187k)8.00amNon Hcp/Judgedcontactonly

3. AACT W&M 30 kilometreChp8.00amNon Handicap event

4. Open Womens 10 miles (16.093k)8.00am70 mins-Includes RWA Masters10m

5. Open Mens 10 miles (16.093k) 8.00am70 mins-Includes RWA Masters10m

6. Fitness 10 miles 16.093k) 8.00amNon Hcp/Judged for contact only

7. Fitness 5 miles (8.047k) 9.00amNon Hcp/Judged for contact only

8. Mens U20 10 kilometres10.30am 42 mins

9. AACT Mens U20 10 kilometreChp10.30am Non Handicap Event

10. Open (over 20 years) 10 kilometres10.30amNon Handicap Event

11. Womens U20 10 kilometres 10.30am 47mins

12. Boys U10 1 kilometre11.40am 4 mins 30 Secs

13. Girls U10 1 kilometre11.40am 4 mins 30 Secs

14. Boys U12 2 kilometres11.50am 9 mins 20 Secs

15. Girls U12 2 kilometres12.10pm9 mins 20 Secs

16. Boys U14 2 kilometres12.30pm 9 mins 20 Secs

17. Girls U14 2 kilometres12.50pm9 mins 20 Secs

18. Boys U16 3 kilometres1.10pm13 mins

19. Girls U16 3 kilometres1.35pm13 mins

20. Boys U18 5 kilometres2.00pm22 mins

21. Girls U18 5 kilometres2.00pm23 mins

22. Womens5 kilometres2.40pm21 mins

NOTES:(a) Events 1, 4, 5, 8, and 11 to 22 inclusive are Racewalking Australian (Federation) individual and team

events; plusevents 4 & 5 incorporate aRacewalking Australia Masters individual competition.

(b) Clubs must ensure that all information required establishing a walkers entitlement to awards is provided. Failure to do so may result in a competitor not receiving an award to which they may be entitled. Clubs are reminded they must submit all individual entry forms with the team entry fees.


Entries close WEDNESDAY 20 MAY 2015. Competitors must complete and sign an individual entry form and submit it to their Club Secretary. Clubs must then insert handicaps where applicable before forwarding the forms and entry fees to Mr Robin Whyte, PO Box 1324, Queanbeyan NSW 2620.

Please show the correct handicap, which is the difference between the walkers expected time, as determined by the individual club’s handicapper, and the base time for the particular event, as listed above in item 2. For example, an U14 competitor expected to do 10.20 for the 2k would have a handicap of 1.0; the difference between the handicap base time of 9.20 & expected time of 10.20.

Please note that entries will not be accepted without the appropriate entry fees and signed individual entry forms.

Late entries will be accepted, but entrants will not be eligible for handicap prizes or team membership.


The entry fee for ALL RACE WALKING AUSTRALIA& ACT Walkers events is $25.00 with a maximum of $40.00 per person. There is an additional fee of $14.00 for Athletics ACT Championships. Fitness Walk fees are Adult $10.00, Under 18 $5.00, Family $20.00.


Team events will be conducted in conjunction with ALL RACEWALKING AUSTRALIA EVENTS except the Masters Womens & Masters Mens 10 miles. The first three (3) competitors of each Club to finish without disqualification will constitute TEAM 1, the next three (3) to finish TEAM 2 and so on. The Brennan Trophy is contested for by the number one team of each club.


Protests must be lodged in writing with the event referee within 30 minutes of the completion of the event in dispute and accompanied by a cash fee of $20.00.

(7) Volunteers

ACT Walkersneed volunteers/officialsto be able conduct the carnival efficiently and Clubs are required to provide a minimum of two volunteers(NOT including Walk Judges) to assist, particularly for manning feed stations, turn point dutylap scoring. It is also most important that each Club provide a Walk Judge for the events commencing at 8.00am. Please complete enclosed Volunteers Form so that we can be sure all positions are filled and all volunteers informed of their duties prior to the day of the event.

Lap scorers are required for events 8 to 11 (WomensMens U20,open(over 19) & ACT U20 Mens 10k) and events 20 to 22 (Boys & Girls U18 5k, Womens 5k).

On the attachedVOLUNTEERS FORM please provide the names of volunteers and the capacity in which they are willing to help, or are considered best suited to assist. Each club is to nominate a responsible person to act on the Jury of Appeal in order that a panel of four (4) may be selected by the organising committee; and to advise the name of the Team Manager together with their Canberra address & telephone contact number.

Your continued support with the conduct of this event is very much appreciated by ACT Walkers, and ensures a smoothly run and successful carnival.

The RACEWALKING AUSTRALIA CONFERENCEwill commence at 6.30pm on Saturday 6 June 2015in the Orpheus Room at The Hellenic Club of Canberra, Matilda Street, Woden (yellow Pages Map 22 F13).


Race numbers will be supplied by ACT Walkers and will be given to the Team Managers together with the program of events, at the Racewalking Australia Conference.

A YELLOW race number will be issued to Fitness Walkers to enable clear identification of non racewalking participants. There will also be a separate presentation and lucky number draw for the 5 mile Fitness Walk. This will take place around 10.30am.

The Walk Judges must be advised that Fitness Walkers will be wearing a YELLOW race number and that they are to be judged, for running or loss of contact.


First Aid will be providedby a qualified practitioner from 8 am until the completion of the race program. We will also endeavour again to have a massage practitioner available,at cost of $5.00 a session.


Feed stations for the 10 & 20 miles will be located at approximately 4 kilometre intervals. Team Managers are to have support at each station to look after the needs of their competitors for the duration of the event. Special drinks must be given to an official at the check-in tent by 7.45am. The acceptance of food or drink by competitors at other places on the course could result in disqualification.


Canteen facilities will be available in Weston Park from 8.00am on Sunday morning.


All Racewalking Australia event competitors MUST wear the uniform of their Club, as registered with RACEWALKING AUSTRALIA. Failure to do so may result in disqualification. Competitors not competing in a Racewalking Australia event are also encouraged to wear their Walking Club uniform.


A number of lucky number barrel draws will take place during the evening presentations. A Volunteers and Officials barrel draw will take place around midday.


Presentation of Awardswill be at the Hellenic Club of Canberra, Matilda Street, Woden (Yellow Pages Map 22 F13) commencing at 7.30pm.

Meals are available in the Club - with the choice of three venues – Bistro, Chinese & Al-a-cartfrom 6.00 pm.. HOWEVER MEALS CANNOT BE TAKEN TO THE PRESENTATION AUDITORIUM. Visitors are free to use the club facilities and EFTPOS and Credit Cards are accepted.

There are also a number of eateries near the Woden Plaza a short distance from the Club.

There are two hotels located in Woden (Phillip) – Quality Hotel, Cnr Melrose Dr & Launceston St, and Adobe Apartment Hotel, 10 Bowes St.



PLEASE NOTE: (1) Any competitor is eligible to win the perpetual trophy for winning an event.

(2) Gold, Silver & Bronze medallions will be presented to the first three Australiansin all Racewalking Australia events, regardless of actual placing.

EVENT 1 - OPEN 20 MILES (32.187 kilometres) ( Racewalking Australia Event )

OUTRIGHT Women 1st Perpetual Trophy / 1st/2nd/3rd RWA Medal

Men 1st Perpetual Trophy / 1st/2nd/3rd RWA Medal

MASTERS Women 35 years & Over 1st/2nd/3rdACT Walkers LBG Medal

Men 35years& Over1st/2nd/3rd ACT Walkers LBG Medal

HANDICAP 1st Perpetual Trophy / 1st/2nd/3rd Trophy



FEDERATION 1st Perpetual Trophy / 1st/2nd/3rd RWA Medals (3)

MASTERS Women & Men 35 years & Over 1st Perpetual Trophy / 1st/2nd/3rd ACT Walkers LBG Medals (3)

EVENT 2 – FITNESS 20 MILES (32.187 Kilometres) (ACT Walkers Event)

OUTRIGHT Women 1st/2nd/3rd ACT Walkers LBG Medal

Men 1st/2nd/3rd ACT Walkers LBG Medal

Certificate of Achievement to all finishers.


OUTRIGHT Women 1st/2nd/3rd AACT Medal

Men 1st/2nd/3rd AACT Medal

Resident Women 1st/2nd/3rd AACT Medal

Men 1st/2nd/3rd AACT Medal

EVENT 4 - OPEN WOMENS 10 MILES (16.093 kilometres) ( Racewalking Australia Event )

OUTRIGHT 1st Perpetual Trophy / 1st/2nd/3rd RWA Medal

MASTERS Women 35 years & Over 1st Perpetual Trophy / 1st/2nd/3rd RWA Medal

HANDICAP 1st/2nd/3rd Trophy


TEAMS 1st Perpetual Trophy / 1st/ 2nd/3rd RWA Medals (3)

EVENT 5 - OPEN MENS 10 MILES (16.93 kilometres) ( Racewalking Australia Event)

OUTRIGHT1ST Perpetual Trophy / 1st/2nd/3rdRWA Medal

MASTERS Men 35 years & Over 1st Perpetual Trophy / 1st/2nd/3rd RWA Medal

HANDICAP 1st/2nd/3rd Trophy

TEAMS 1st Perpetual Trophy / 1st/ 2nd/3rd RWA Medals (3)

EVENT 6 – FITNESS 10 MILES (16.093 Kilometres) (ACT Walkers Event)

EVENT 7 - FITNESS 5 MILES (8.047 kilometres) (ACT Walkers Event)

OUTRIGHT Women 1st/2nd/3rd ACT Walkers LBG Medal

Men 1st/2nd/3rd ACT Walkers LBG Medal

Certificate of Achievement to all finishers.

EVENT 8 - MENS UNDER 20 10 KILOMETRES (Racewalking Australia Event)

OUTRIGHT 1st Perpetual Trophy / 1st/2nd/3rd RWA Medal

HANDICAP 1st/2nd/3rd Trophy

TEAMS 1st Perpetual Trophy / 1st/2nd/3rd RWA Medals (3)


OUTRIGHT 1st/2nd/3rd AACT Medal

Resident 1st/2nd/3rd AACT Medal

EVENT 10 - OPEN (over 19 years) 10 KILOMETRES ( ACT Walkers Event)

OUTRIGHT 1st/2nd/3rdACT Walkers LBG Medal

EVENT 11 - WOMENS UNDER 20 10 KILOMETRES (Racewalking Australia Event)

EVENT 12 - BOYS UNDER 10 1 KILOMETRE (Racewalking Australia Event)

EVENT 13 - GIRLS UNDER 10 1 KILOMETRE (Racewalking Australia Event)

EVENT 14 - BOYS UNDER 12 2 KILOMETRES (Racewalking Australia Event)

EVENT 15 - GIRLS UNDER 12 2 KILOMETRES (Racewalking Australia Event)

EVENT 16 - BOYS UNDER 14 2 KILOMETRES (Racewalking Australia Event)

EVENT 17 - GIRLS UNDER 14 2 KILOMETRES (Racewalking Australia Event)

EVENT 18 - BOYS UNDER 16 3 KILOMETRES (Racewalking Australia Event)

EVENT 19 - GIRLS UNDER 16 3 KILOMETRES (Racewalking Australia Event)

EVENT 20 - BOYS UNDER 18 5 KILOMETRES (Racewalking Australia Event)

EVENT 21 - GIRLS UNDER 18 5 KILOMETRES (Racewalking Australia Event)

OUTRIGHT 1st Perpetual Trophy / 1st/2nd/3rd RWA Medal

HANDICAP 1st/2nd/3rd Trophy

TEAMS 1st Perpetual Trophy / 1st/2nd/3rd RWA Medals (3)

EVENT 22 - WOMENS 5 KILOMETRES ( Racewalking Australia Event )

OUTRIGHT 1st Perpetual Trophy / 1st/2nd/3rd RWA Medal

MASTERS Women 35 years & Over 1st/2nd/3rdACT Walkers LBG Medal

HANDICAP 1st/2nd/3rd Trophy


FEDERATION 1st Perpetual Trophy / 1st/2nd/3rd RWA Medal (3)

MASTERS Women 35 years&Over 1st Perpetual Trophy / 1st/2nd/3rd ACT Walkers LBG Medals (3)



Perpetual Trophies awarded in 2014 must be returned (ENGRAVED) to the organisers on or before the day of the carnival. Current holders:

Mens 20 milesJared Tallent (RWV)

Womens 20 milesKaren O’Neill (RWV)

20 Miles HandicapRobert Osborne (REGAL)

20 Miles TeamsSARWC1

20 Miles Masters TeamsRWV1

Womens 10 MilesTanya Holliday (SARWC)

Womens Masters 10 MilesSarah Brennan (RWV)

Womens 10 Miles TeamsRWV1

Mens 10 MilesRhydian Cowley (RWV)

Mens Masters 10 MilesIan Jessurun (NSWRWC)

Mens 10 Miles TeamsRWV1

Mens U20 10kSteven Washburn (NSWRWC)

Mens U20 10k Teams Not Awarded

Womens U20 10kEmily Hamilton (RWV)

Womens U20 10k TeamsNot Awarded

Boys U10 1kMark Hooker (SARWC)

Boys U10 1k TeamsRWV1

Girls U10 1kLaura Burns (ACTW)

Girls U10 1k TeamsRWV1

Boys U12 2kCorey Dickson (RWV)

Boys U12 2k TeamsNSWRWC1

Girls U12 2kAllanah Pitcher (NSWRWC)

Girls U12 2k TeamsNSWRWC1

Boys U14 2kCorey Dickson (RWV)

Boys U14 2k TeamsNSWRWC1

Girls U14 2kKatie Haywood (QRWC)

Girls U14 2k TeamsRWV1

Boys U16 3kRoss Darlow (RWV)

Boys U16 3k TeamsRWV1

Girls U16 3kJasmyn McDonald (NSWRWC)

Girls U16 3k TeamsNSWRWC1

Boys U18 5kTyler Jones (NSWRWC)

Boys U18 5k TeamsNSWRWC1

Girls U18 5kTayla-Paige Billington (RWV)

Girls U18 5k TeamsNSWRWC1

Womens 5kTanya Holliday (SARWC)

Womens 5k TeamsNSWRWC1

Womens 5k Masters TeamsACTW1