Revised 1/17/14

Loleta Union School District

Loleta Elementary School: Staff

PBIS Handbook


Loleta Elementary School’s PBIS Team created this handbook in consultation with Dr. Dale R. Myers and Dale R Myers & Associates, LLC, during the 2013-2014 school year. The purpose of this handbook is to guide and support Loleta Elementary School staff as we implement PBIS in our school. Our goal is to provide all of our students with safe and effective school environments where they can experience academic and social-behavioral success.




PBIS: Background Information 3

PBIS-SW has 5 Critical Components 4

Dr. Dale’s Five Big Ideas 4

Section 1: Clear Expectations

PBIS: School Rules 5

Good Rules Are Important 5

What Makes Good Rules 5

Matrix of School Rules & Expectations 6-10

Voice Levels 10

Section 2: Explicitly Taught Expectations

PBIS: Teaching Behaviors 11

How Do We Teach Social Behavior 11

When Do We Teach Behavior 11

Where & Why Do We Teach Behavior 11

Section 3: System for Encouraging Desired Behavior

Reinforcement Menu 12

Our Reinforcement Coupons 13

How Positive Behavior Tickets Work 13

Scripts for Delivering Positive Reinforcement 14

Section 4: System for Discouraging Undesired Behavior

Our Goal in PBIS 15

Level 1 Behaviors and Corrections 16

Level 2 Behaviors and Corrections 17

Level 3 Behaviors and Corrections 18

Scripts for Correction 19

Does Punishment Work 20

When are Students Sent to the Office 21

Interventions that Support Appropriate Behavior 22

Interventions that Do Not Work 23

Section 5: Data-Based Decision Making

What is SWIS 24

What Gets Documented 24

Behavior Tracking Form 25


·  Lesson Plans

·  Posters

·  Expectation Stations: map and schedule

·  Full Reinforcement Menu

·  Full Correctives Menu

·  SWIS Referral Definitions

·  SWIS Graphs

·  Big 5 + 1 (grade level)




Background Information

The goal of PBIS is to help all students acquire the social-behavioral skills and emotional intelligence and academic skills to have a fulfilling life. In order to achieve this, we are committed to create environments that are physically and emotionally safe, where teachers can teach and all students can learn.

What is PBIS?

PBIS is an acronym for Positive Behavior Interventions and Support. It is a school-wide integration of:

·  A systems approach for building capacity: everyone works together

·  A process for capacity building: we use the process to achieve an outcome

·  A continuum of behavior supports: appropriate supports for all students

·  Prevention focused efforts: it is more effective to prevent than to remediate

·  Instructionally focused: the best prevention, is good instruction

·  Empirically sound practices: we use what has been shown to work

·  Assessment information analyzed and used on a frequent basis

a Year of Possibilities… What will we do with them?

178 days of possibilities

1,110 hours of possibilities

66,600 minutes of possibilities

3,996,000 seconds of possibilities

Loleta Elementary School will pursue a singular vision of student success by becoming a learning organization with a strong commitment to personal and professional growth.

FIVE Critical Components of PBIS

1. Clear Expectations

·  Our “Standards Matrix” documents what we’ve agreed to teach, monitor, and enforce.

2. Explicitly Taught

·  Each area or activity in the matrix is accompanied by a lesson plan.

·  A schedule for teaching and re-teaching behaviors is used.

3. A System for Increasing Desired Behavior

·  A reward or recognition system is developed and used, including a Reinforcement Menu for encouraging positive and appropriate behaviors (Safe, Respectful, and Responsible).

4. A System for Decreasing Undesired Behavior

·  A correction system is developed and used, describing Level One, Level Two and Level Three behaviors. This document includes definitions, examples and how to respond to each level of behavior.

5. A System for Data-Based Decision-Making

·  Data answers two important questions. Are we…

a.  Doing what we said we would do? Fidelity!

b.  Achieving the student outcomes we hoped to achieve?

·  The data collection system summarizes and analyzes data gathered from the school’s Behavior Tracking Forms to monitor and adjust adult responses and school focus in responding to student behavior.


1. All children can learn and are always learning!
Children are learning all the time. If you work around children, you are a teacher.

2. School is responsible for preparing students for life.
Schools should teach important life lessons.

3. School expectations must be explicit, and taught to all children.

4. The only way to change student behavior is to change adult behavior.
We create the environments in which behaviors arise.

5. Things aren’t always as they appear!
Human perception is often flawed. It is important to use data.

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”

~Willa A. Foster




If you want it, teach it.

Teach it where you want it.

If you want to see it, look for it.

If you see it, recognize and reward it. - Dale R. Myers

Why Good Rules/Standards are Important:

·  They reveal the values of the school or district.

·  They provide guidelines for success. We teach students the desired behavior, rather than telling students what not to do.

·  They are critical lower order social skills. They are the basic building blocks of successful relationships and communities.

·  They can increase staff consistency.

·  They can reduce problem behavior.

·  They can increase school safety.

Good Rules/Standards Are:

·  Simple and easy to remember.

·  Positively stated: What we want.

·  Applicable to everyone, staff and students.

·  Monitored and enforced by all.

·  Consistently applied.


S uccess for all

U nited in a common purpose

C ommunity involvement

C ommitment to academic achievement

E xcellence in education

S taff personal and professional growth

S hared work through collaboration

At Loleta Elementary, our school rules are:

Be Safe

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

School Rules: Guidelines for Success

All the time and everywhere
/ * Keep hands, feet &
objects to self
* Use supplies as taught
* Move safely
*Walk facing forward
*Pay attention
*Stay in designated areas
*Benches and chairs are for sitting only
*Tell an adult right
away when there
is a problem
/ * Be kind to everyone:
"Treat others how you
would like to be treated"
* Follow adult directions
* Be polite and have good manners:
Say: "please"
"thank you"
"excuse me"
* Remove hats/hoods indoors
*Use designated sound levels:
0=no voice/silence
2=conversation/elbow voice
3=public speaker voice
4=playground voice
5=emergency voice
/ * Help others follow all school rules
* Be honest: always tell the truth
*If its not yours leave it alone
* Leave toys at home
* Leave gum and other
treats at home
* Leave your space clean:
~put trash in trash can
~put your belongings away
/ * Walk facing forward:
use quiet walking feet, go straight to where
you need to be
* Keep body parts & things that belong to
you to yourself
*tell an adult right
away when there
is a problem
/ *Use friendly, kind
words and polite, friendly language
*Use designated sound levels:
During school:
0=no voice/silence
Before and after school:
2=conversation/elbow voice
/ * Have a pass
* Go to & from your
destination, promptly;
*Go where you are going and then
come back quickly.
/ * Slide down slide
* Walk in blue area
*tell adults right away when there is a problem
* Kick balls and keep balls in designated game areas
* Use equipment properly
/ * When sharing equipment, take turns
*Be polite and have good manners:
SAY:"please" "thank you" and "excuse me"
* Play by the rules of
the game
* Follow equipment rules
*Do what adults say the first time
* Put away equipment
when done playing
*Use designated sound levels:
4=playground voice
/ * Use bathroom only with adult permission
& water fountain before the bell rings
* Line up promptly, quickly get into line
* Help each other to follow the rules
*Help classmates learn how to use equipment
correctly and safely
* Take care of playground equipment
/ * Flush toilets
* Wash hands
* Keep water in the sink
*tell an adult right
away when there
is a problem
/ * Use indoor voices
* Respect privacy
* Keep floors
& walls clean
* Leave promptly
*Use designated sound levels:
0-2=No voice, elbow voice
/ * Put trash in trashcan
* Use stalls, doors, toilets,
sink, towels and soap
as taught
* Ask adult and have
appropriate bathroom pass
/ * Enter& Exit in
an orderly, neat and tidy line, i.e….walking facing forward
* Keep hands, feet, food
& objects to yourself
* Sit on your bottom,
feet on the floor
* Eat only your own food
/ *Stay in line and go through the food serving line as quickly as possible so everyone has time to eat
*Take correct portions
of each food item or component listed in the cafeteria and on menu
*Be Polite to everyone:
SAY: "please" "Thank you" "excuse me"
* Keep the first seat
you take
*Use designated sound levels:
2=conversation voice
/ * Keep all food & drink
in the lunchroom
* Stay seated until excused
* Clean up your area and
separate items:
~milk / unopened milk
~unused fruit
Office / *Enter and exit quietly and calmly
*Stay behind the counter and wait quietly until someone can help
* If you are a visitor sign in upon arrival
*Ask permission to use office phones and restroom / *Wait your turn patiently
*Answer adults when they ask you a question
*Follow Staff directions
*Respect confidentiality by minding your own business
*Voice level 0-2 / *Use correct entrance and exit
*During class time, enter with a pass
*Make after school arrangements before you come to school
*Clean up after yourself
*Ask permission to use office supplies
Bus & Bus Area
Loading &

/ * Walk in an orderly, neat, tidy line on the
sidewalk, one person
at a time while loading
and unloading
* Once seated, buckle up and stay seated, facing forward
* Seatbelts stay on at all times until the bus
stops, the door opens up, and you are ready to get off of the bus
* Sit properly: your bottom to seat bottom
and your back to seat back
*Keep isle clear
/ * Use indoor voices
* Be respectful to everyone
* Have permission by
phone or note from your parent to get off at a different destination
*Know where you are going after school before you leave home
*Use designated sound levels:
0 - 2 as directed by the bus driver
/ * Walk directly to the cafeteria in A.M.
* Walk safely away from bus stop
* Keep the first seat you take
* No changing seats
*Keep cell phones in your backpack or pocket while riding on the bus
Extracurricular Activities / *Stay in designated areas
*Same rules apply as “All the time and everywhere”
*Stay with designated chaperone / *Adhere to the school dress code / *Same as “All the time and everywhere”
*Arrange for transportation before the event begins
*Adhere to the school’s cell phone policy

Our matrix serves two purposes:

1. Helps the adults “get on the same page”

2. Serves as the basis for developing school standards lesson plans
(see next Section: Explicit Teaching and Appendix: Lesson Plans)

Sound Levels

0 = no voice/silence

1 = whisper

2 = conversation/elbow voice

3 = public speaker voice

4 =playground voice

5 = emergency voice



Explicitly Taught Expectations

Two main truths regarding behavior:

If you want it, teach it.

You get more of what you pay attention to.

How do we teach social behavior?

You teach behavior the same way you teach academics.

·  Create clear behavioral expectations.

·  Communicate clearly to students what we want and why.

·  Explicitly model desired behaviors and provide practice opportunities (Model—Lead—Test)

·  Monitor student behavior.

·  Provide performance feedback.

·  Expectations Stations

When do we teach behavior?

·  At the beginning of school year or activity before they need to perform it

·  Often enough to achieve and maintain fluency

·  Before times when problem behaviors tend to increase

·  Ongoing throughout the year- After each break (6 times a year).

·  At teachable moments

·  During subject area instruction

Where do we teach behavior?

·  Where you want the behavior performed

·  Everywhere in the school

·  Integrated into other academic activities

Why do we teach behavior skills?

·  Behavior skills are necessary for success in life.

·  Many students arrive at school without these important skills.

·  They are the basis for a positive and safe climate.

·  Doing so increases opportunities to teach and learn other skills.



System for Encouraging Desired Behavior

Preparing Students for the “Real World” Research by Rath & Clifton (2004) indicates that individuals who receive regular recognition and praise:

·  Increase their individual productivity.

·  Are more likely to stay with their organization.

·  Receive higher loyalty and satisfaction.

·  Have better safety records

Expected Regularly / MEDIUM:
Above Standard Expectations / LARGE:
High Level of Initiative/
Coming to school on time,
every day, ready to learn
Picks up own trash
Holding the door for others
Sticks up for self
Asks and answers questions
Has supplies/prepared/ on time
Prepared mentally
Follows directions
Homework done
Anticipates transitions
Follows class procedures
Attends class
Appropriate Greetings / Picks up others’ trash
Sticks up for friends
Helps/ tutors peers
Shows desire to improve
Shows persistence
Shows initiative
Seeks out help
Smooth Transitioning in/out of class
Willing and appropriate communication
Modeling behavior for others
School event involvement / Notify Staff of safety issues
Showing empathy
Doing your best
Willingness to participate and
try new things
Mentor new students
Stood up to bully (bystander or
Honor Roll
Anything that Builds Positive Relationships Enhances the Effectiveness of Our Interventions. The Following is a List of Actions We Can Do to Build Positive Relationships.
Caught Being Good
Smile/ “Thank You”
“Good Job”
Pat on the back, “High Five”
“I like it when you…”
“I noticed that you…”
“I really needed you to ____ and you did ____”
Use them as an example.
Put ups/ wall of fame
Showcase exemplary work
Circle/ highlight excellent work, Stars / Caught Being Good
Stamps, stickers, pencils, bookmarks
Positive person cards/ tickets
Free homework pass
Preferred activity time
Contact parents (email/ phone)
Positive postcards
Perpetual Trophy
Special jobs
Newsletter recognition
Status job / Caught Being Good
Person of the week, month, etc award
Certificate/ medal
Honor roll
Class party/ treats
Field trip
Fabulous Friday once per quarter
Campus wide event
Lunch w/ principal or teacher
Lunch on the Lawn
Newspaper recognition

Refer to this Reinforcement Menu for ideas of how to recognize and reinforce all levels of
Safe, Respectful and Responsible behavior.