Inventory Maintenance Workshop
Workshop Objectives
Upon completion of this workshop, you will be able to:
Use the RETRIEVE action to create a new program and copybook.
Edit a WIP file.
Use the ADD action to return inventory to Endevor.
Workshop Format
Each workshop in this class has been designed using step tables to help you navigate through Endevor. Each step table will contain “What You Do” and “Comments/Prompts”. The tasks to be performed can be found in the “What You Do” column. The “Comments/Prompts” column will contain information or an explanation about the task you just performed.
Endevor Workshop Structure
In the last workshop, you displayed elements and navigated through some of the Endevor panels. In this workshop, you will actually use the panels to perform inventory maintenance actions. You will RETRIEVE two elements from the Production Stage, edit the WIP file members, and ADD the members back into Endevor.
The following is the Logical Inventory Structure:
Subsystem= ACCTREC
Element= FINARP01, HEADER01
Access Endevor
Your instructor will provide detailed instructions. Basically, you need to:
-Logon to TSO ISPF
-Select A to get your account panel
-Select the appropriate Endevor training system
You will get the Endevor/MVS Environment Selection panel.
This is the first panel that you see each time you invoke Endevor. All environments for which you are authorized access will be displayed on this panel.
What You Do / Comments/PromptsSelect 2 (DEMOPROD) from the Endevor/MVS Environment Selection Menu and press ENTER. / The Environment Selection Menu will display all Environments for which you have authorization. You are going to select DEMOPROD as the current Environment.
You will get the Primary Options Menu. Note that the Primary Options Menu only shows the options for which you are authorized. For example, only administrators are typically authorized for the Environment option.
------Endevor 3.7 Primary Options Menu ------Option ===>
0 DEFAULTS - Specify Endevor ISPF default parameters
1 DISPLAY - Perform Display functions
2 FOREGROUND - Execute Foreground Actions
3 BATCH - Perform Batch Action processing
4 ENVIRONMENT - Define or Modify Environment information
5 PACKAGE - Perform Foreground Package processing
6 BATCH PACKAGE - Perform Batch Package SCL Generation
U USER MENU - Display user option menu
T TUTORIAL - Display information about Endevor
C CHANGES - Display summary of changes for this release of Endevor
X EXIT - Exit the Endevor/MVS dialog
Current environment: DEMOPROD
Copyright (C) LEGENT Software, Inc., 1987, 1991, 1993
Use the EXIT option to terminate Endevor/MVS
By executing in foreground, you will be able to view changes as they occur.
What You Do / Comments/PromptsSelect 2 (FOREGROUND) from the Primary Options Menu and press ENTER. / You are now at the Foreground Options Menu. The rest of this workshop will use selections from this menu.
retrieve elements
Remember that the first step in inventory maintenance is impact analysis. Let’s say that you have already completed the analysis and have determined that you need to create two new elements, a COBOL program and a COPYBOOK. You realize that the FINANCE System has a sample program and copybook that you can reuse. The next step in inventory maintenance is to perform a Retrieve of these sample elements.
What You Do / Comments/PromptsSelect 3 (RETRIEVE) and press ENTER. / You should now be at the Retrieve Elements Panel.
What You Do / Comments/Prompts
Place an R in the option field to perform a RETRIEVE. / The Retrieve option allows you to obtain an Element from production to a WIP file.
Make sure the ENVIRONMENT is DEMOPROD. / You want to Retrieve from production to obtain the latest version of the Element.
Enter your TSO ID as the CCID.
Make sure the SYSTEM is FINANCE. / You want to Retrieve from the FINANCE System.
Make sure the SUBSYSTEM is acctrec. / You want to Retrieve from the ACCTREC Subsystem.
Enter an N in the SIGNOUT ELEMENT field. / You just want to take a copy of the Element.
Make sure the Element is finarp01. / You want to Retrieve FINARP01 as the Element.
Make sure TYPE is COBOL. / FINARP01 is a COBOL program.
Make sure STAGE is P. / You want to Retrieve from production.
Enter a comment in the COMMENT Field. / This should describe the action taking place.
Enter the TO ISPF LIBRARY field values:
Project: TETRNxx
Library: PDS
Type: WIP
Member: FINARPxx (Replace xx with your initials). / For cccc use your account customer code or DSAA and for sss use your account system code or WAY.
Change the xx to your initials. This will create your member in the training WIP library.
Press ENTER and wait for the response from the system. / This will Retrieve the Element.
A series of messages will be displayed. These messages will show what Endevor/MVS did. Each message starts with the time, followed by an Endevor/MVS message identifier. Verify the last character of the Endevor/MVS message identifier is an ‘I’. This means the message is informational only and Endevor/MVS performed the action successfully.
Message identifiers ending with an ‘W’ indicate a warning was issued but Endevor/MVS did complete the action. You should review these messages as they may indicate a need for you to take some action. Those ending with an ‘E’ indicate an error occurred and Endevor/MVS did not complete the action. The message explanations can be found in the Endevor/MVS Messages and Codes manual. This manual and others are available in both hardcopy and electronic formats.
In addition, ensure ‘no signout’ is found within the ‘options’ area of the messages and the last message line shows the renamed member being placed within the specified WIP library.
What You Do / Comments/PromptsPress PF3. / This will bring you back to the Retrieve Elements panel. Notice the message in the top right corner of your screen.
You have just completed the Retrieve action for FINARP01.
The next step is to use the same Retrieve ELEMENTS panel and follow the same steps to Retrieve HEADER01. Remember that HEADER01 is a Copybook.
What You Do / Comments/PromptsPlace an R in the option field to perform a RETRIEVE. / The Retrieve option allows you to obtain an Element from production to a WIP file.
Make sure the ENVIRONMENT is DEMOPROD. / You want to Retrieve from production to obtain the latest version of the Element.
Enter your TSO ID as the CCID.
Make sure the SYSTEM is FINANCE. / You want to Retrieve from the FINANCE System.
Make sure the SUBSYSTEM is acctrec. / You want to Retrieve from the ACCTREC Subsystem.
Enter an N in the SIGNOUT ELEMENT field. / You just want to take a copy of the Element.
Make sure the Element is HEADER01. / You want to Retrieve HEADER01 as the Element.
Make sure TYPE is COPYBOOK. / HEADER01 is a Copybook.
Make sure STAGE is P. / You want to Retrieve from production.
Enter a comment in the COMMENT FIELD. / This should describe the action taking place.
Enter the TO ISPF LIBRARY field values:
Project: TETRNxx
Library: PDS
Type: WIP
Member: HEADERxx (Replace xx with your initials). / For cccc use your account customer code or DSAA and for sss use your account system code or WAY.
Change the xx to your initials. This will create your member in the training WIP library.
Press ENTER and wait for the response from the system. / This will Retrieve the Element.
Once again, a series of messages will be displayed. These messages will show what Endevor/MVS did. Each message starts with the time, followed by an Endevor/MVS message identifier. Verify the last character of the Endevor/MVS message identifier is an ‘I’. This means the message is informational only and Endevor/MVS performed the action successfully. In addition, ensure ‘no signout’ is found within the ‘options’ area of the messages and the last message line shows the renamed member being placed within the specified WIP library.
What You Do / Comments/PromptsPress PF3. / This will bring you back to the Retrieve Elements panel. Notice the message in the top right corner of your screen.
You have just completed the Retrieve action for HEADER01.
The next step in inventory maintenance is to edit the new members you created in your WIP file. All this work is done using the ISPF Editor.
The first change you will make is to the copybook.
What You Do / Comments/PromptsPress PF2. / This will split your screen. You should be at the ISPF/PDF Primary Option Menu.
Select 2 (Edit). / This will bring you to the ISPF Edit panel.
Enter the following data set:
TETRNxx.PDS.WIP with the member HEADERxx (xx is your initials). / You want to edit your member in the WIP file.
At the end of the Record Layout insert the following line:
02 FILLER PIC X(03). / This will change the Copybook for class purposes.
Press PF3. / This will bring you back to the ISPF Edit panel.
The next change you have to make is to the COBOL program. You need to change the Program ID, add a comment line and change the current copy statement to your new copybook name.
What You Do / Comments/PromptsEnter the following data set:
TETRNxx.PDS.WIP with the member FINARPxx.
(Change xx to your initials) / You want to edit your member in the WIP file.
Make the following three changes:
Insert a comment line anywhere
Change COPY HEADER01 to HEADERxx (xx is your initials). / This will change the COBOL program with the new COPYBOOK changes for class purposes.
Comment lines are created by placing an * in column 7 and the comment starting in column 8.
Press PF3. / This will bring you back to the ISPF Edit panel. You are finished with your edits.
Press PF9. / This will swap screens back to the Endevor Foreground Options Menu.
Now that you have finished your edits, the next step in inventory maintenance is to ADD your elements to Endevor. Remember that the ADD can perform a GENERATE to compile and link programs. For this class, when a COBOL program is ADDed into Endevor, it is compiled and linked.
The first piece of inventory you will add is the copybook and then the program. Remember the program uses the copybook and Endevor will need to have it prior to compiling and linking your program.
Note: If the ADD action was performed in Batch, you would not have to worry about the order of the ADDs since Endevor knows to ADD the copybook before the COBOL program.
What You Do / Comments/PromptsPress PF3. / This will bring you back to the Foreground Options Menu. Notice the message in the top right corner of your screen.
Select 2 (ADD/UPDATE). / This will display the ADD/UPDATE Panel.
blank - Member list A - Add an element U - Update an element
What You Do / Comments/Prompts
Place an A in the option field to perform an ADD. / The Add option allows you to place your new elements into Endevor from the WIP file.
Make sure the ENVIRONMENT is DEMOTEST. / You want to Add to the DEMOTEST environment. Endevor will automatically change the Stage ID from ‘F’ to ‘T’ when the ADD is executed.
Enter your TSO ID as the CCID
Make sure the SYSTEM is FINANCE. / You want to Add to the FINANCE system.
Make sure the SUBSYSTEM is acctrec. / You want to Add to the ACCTREC Subsystem.
Make sure the Element is HEADERxx(xx is your initials). / You want to Add HEADERxx to Endevor.
Make sure TYPE is COPYBOOK. / HEADERxx is a Copybook.
Enter a comment in the COMMENT Field. / This should describe the action taking place.
Change the FROM ISPF LIBRARY field values to:
Project: TETRNxx
Library: PDS
Type: WIP
Member: HEADERxx (xx is your initials). / Remember that cccc is the customer code, sss is the system code and xx is your initials.
Press ENTER and wait for response from system. / This will Add the member. Review the messages to ensure successful completion.
You have just completed the ADD action for HEADERxx.
From the same Add ELEMENTS panel follow the same steps you used to ADD HEADERxx to ADD FINARPxx. Remember that this next ADD will compile and link your COBOL program.
You have completed the Add step of inventory maintenance. The next step is Testing. After Testing, the next step is to get your changes Approved. This is performed in Endevor through the use of Change Packages. Therefore, in the next workshop you will create a change package to perform the last step of inventory maintenance (Move) and have it approved. Change packages (and approvals) are only needed for stages that your account has identified as needing approval prior to update.
Workshop Practice #1
1) Now that you have your changed copybook and program in Test, you start to test your program. After reviewing the test results, you have figured out that you did not make the Picture Clause large enough on the copybook. List the steps you need to perform to fix this problem.
If you have time, try it! Just remember, you already have a copy of both the program and copybook in the Test Stage. What will you have to do different this time?
CONGRATULATIONS! You have now completed the Inventory Maintenance workshop. You performed the Retrieve, Edit, and Add steps of inventory maintenance. As you have learned from this workshop, it is easy to navigate through the panels to perform the inventory maintenance steps. The same process you just used can be used at your account to perform inventory maintenance.
Logging Off
You are now ready to log off.
What You Do / Comments/PromptsPress PF3 until you return to the Endevor primary options menu. / Return to the Endevor primary options menu.
Press PF3. / Exit and return to the Endevor Environment Selection Menu.
At the command line type =x and press ENTER. / You are now at the ISPF/PDF Primary Options Menu.
At the command line type =x and press ENTER. / READY should be on the screen at this point.
Type logoff and press ENTER.