“We Gather Together”
September 2014 Newsletter
Dear Parish Family,
There is exciting news for our two parishes. At the end of the month we are scheduled for a court date, which we anticipate legally completing the merger of St. James and Calvary Episcopal Churches into Resurrection Episcopal Church, Rockdale. The final step of our merger process will be to gain the approval of the admission as a parish of Resurrection Episcopal Church to the Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania.
This is a time of transition for all of us. For our St. James family, there is still the transition of being in a new home. The loss of St. James Church is still fresh. For members of Calvary, there are doubtlessly different feelings of loss around identity. There’s a new name and new faces. There are also the memories of conflict in the recent past. While those feelings are valid, if we stay in those emotional places the danger is of getting stuck.
There is a third option though. The third option is one, which takes the best of both communities and shares it out of hope. The third option is the one that remembers the joys of the past and seeks to bring new joys of ministry together, building on broad shoulders. The third option is one where we see our differences as strengths and our gifts as varied; all in a diverse ministry field where God’s message is needed. That third option is resurrection. It’s the resurrection of two struggling parishes. The third way is resurrection, in which God shows us something new, complete, and unimaginable from before. Resurrection does not eliminate the past, it builds on it with God’s help.
In the coming weeks, we will have many times to come together as Resurrection Episcopal Church. Those times may feel different than the past. I urge you to consider where God is doing a new thing. Right now, God is refining our inherited ministry into something new, exciting, and bold.
Please join us for the many events that we have this fall: our Tuesday night bible studies, the blessing of our new cemetery gazebo (9/28), our clothing sale (10/9-10-11), our homecoming weekend events (weekend of 10/24), All Souls Day fellowship events (Sat. 11/1). You are an integral part of our family and God’s ministry; and something new is happening here! See you this fall.
Please hold in your prayers from St. James Parishioners: Molly Bociek, Eva Boyer, Maria Castaldo, Anthony Carlini, Nick Chiominto, Brenda Coffin, Dave and Wendy Dargay, Annis Dunlap, David Evans, Linda Fox, Mr. Green, Betty Grinevetsky, Jody and Jack Hammond family, Buck Harron, Ted Hartman, Sonya Hendricks, Doris Koladi, Barbara Krisack, Don and Missy Masse, Julian Messick, Ruby Mundell, Ron Nevin, Jeffrey Ridder, Jr., Ruth Soule, Monica Strohl, Robert Strohl, Jr., Walter Strohl, Glenda Tate, Carolyn Watson, Hazel Will and our homebound parishioners: Isobel Jones, Dee Reigle and Virginia Wakefield.
Please hold in your prayers from Calvary Parishioners: Anton Family, Jennifer Brown, Gail Brunner and family, Denise Clatterbuck, Barbara Hendrickson, Johnston Family, Kamara Family, Debbie Mozingo, Gene Scarani, Bryan and Gale Spencer, Kim Twesten and Ethel Woodruff.
Also our Vestry, Addie; Andy; Ashley; Barb; Becky; Bill; Brian; Cecilia; Celeste; Charles; Charlotte; Clarence; Corinne; Dale; David; Dawn; Dee; Debra; Diane; Donna; Dorothy; Edythe; Fran; Francis; Frank; Fred; Glen; Hank; James; Jane; Jen; Johnny; Katelyn; Kelly; Ken; Linda; Marcia; Marge; Meghan; Nicholas; Patty; Richard; Sandra; Sharie; Sherri, Shirley; Stephanie; Robert; Ron; Rosemary; Rodney; Russ; Ruth; Same; Vicki; and Vince.
Memorial prayers are requested for: Garry, Cropper, Mildred Steward.
Notes of Interest to the Congregation
September 2nd
Pre-School Update
Spread the word . . . will now offer pre-school for 3 and 4 year olds!
9:00am until 12:00noon with optional
“Lunch Bunch” until 1:00pm or
Extended Hours until 3:00pm
Opening Day: Tuesday, September 2nd
We are offering: 5-day classes for 4’s 3-day and 5-day classes for 3’s
*Reasonable Rates* *Teachers/Staff from former St. James Pre-School*
Children need to be toilet-trained for enrollment.
Please call the office for more information and pricing.
Dawn Viscusi, Pre-School Administrator
$100 bonus to any parishioner referring a child who enrolls in our pre-school!
Vestry Meeting September 4th
Calvary and St. James Vestries will meet jointly on the 1st Thursday of the month 7:30-9:30pm.
Vestry meetings are always open to everyone.
`` Hunger Awareness Sunday September 7th
Please bring non-perishable food items such as: apple sauce, soup, broth, stew, canned/boxed pasta, spaghetti sauce, cereal, oatmeal, pancake mix, pancake syrup, instant potatoes, rice, canned vegetables, baked beans, canned fruit, tuna, mayonnaise, peanut butter, jelly, cookies, cake mixes, icing, coffee, tea bags, ice tea mix, cocoa mix, etc. Giant gift cards are also appreciated. We will be helping local families in need. Thank you for your support of this monthly outreach!
Sunday School News. Sunday School resumes on September 7th when we will also conduct registration. If you have any questions/concerns, please see Jill Graham or Barbara Krisack.
Thank you for your support!
E piscopal C hurch W omen Monday, September 8th at 6:30pm
Come join us for our first meeting since our summer break!
Helen Dunlap and Karen Warren, Co-Presidents
Upcoming Event: Children’s Clothing Sale October 9th thru 11th.
ECW’s Children’s Fall/Winter Clothing Sale
Consignment: Thursday, October 9th 11:00am-8:00pm
Sale: Friday, October 10th 9:00am-8:00pm
Sale: Saturday, October 11th – ½ Price Sale 9:00am-12:00noon
(except for red dot items)
Clothing Pick-Up: 1:00pm to 2:00pm; Money Pick-Up: 2:00pm
Bag Sale: 2:30pm-3:00pm - $3 for all that can be stuffed in one bag
Helpers are needed!!! A sign-up sheet is posted in the undercroft. Thank you!
Choir Practice – Tuesday nights at 7:00-8:30pm beginning September 9th.
If you are interested in joining, please see Debbie Ney.
Bible Study with Rev. Greg September 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th
October 7th, 14th
We will be having Bible Study on Tuesday evenings beginning on September 9th from 5:30pm to 6:30pm in the undercroft.
The Gospel of Mark
If you have never opened a bible or if you’ve been reading the bible your entire life, Mark is a great gospel study with other people because it is the shortest and simplest of the four gospels. This six-week study will move chronologically through Mark, exploring four chapter sections each week. Each week we will also explore a shortened section to focus on how that section touches our faith lives.
The first two classes will begin with an introduction to Mark; its structure and its place in history. To get a feel for the gospel’s overall structure, participants will be asked to consider reading the entire gospel in one sitting prior to the second session (this takes about three hours).
September 9 – Introduction to Mark. What is a Gospel?
September 16 – Reflections on reading Mark in one sitting. Introduction to KI Bible study method.
September 23 – Chapters 1-4
September 30 – Chapters 5-8
October 7 – Chapters 9-12
October 14 – Chapters 13-16
Other Details: Please bring a bible (suggested NIV or NRSV version – Greg has extras). Feel free to bring snacks.
September 10th
The American Red Cross will be hosting a Blood Drive on Wednesday, September 10th from
1:00-6:00pm. If you are interested, please go to www.redcrossblood.org to become a donor. Thank you for your support!
September 15th
“Whine and Cheese” women’s fellowship and fun will begin again on Monday, September 15th (date change because of Labor Day) from 7:00-9:00pm at the home of Judi Wales,
12 Duttonview Road, Aston. If you are able, please bring a snack. Thank you!
Men’s Club – We’re looking to add active volunteers to our ranks! The original vision of the Men’s Club was to support the church with repairs (and fundraising for repairs) as well as offer light repair/yard work to parishioners in need. If you are interested, there is a sign-up sheet in the undercroft or you may contact either Pat Brzezicki at 484-318-0809 or Andrew Wales at 610-716-8169 for more information. Thank you for your support!
Our gazebo has arrived! Calvary Episcopal Church, Rockdale, soon to be merging with St. James Episcopal Church, would like to announce a dedication of a memorial gazebo, in the Church Yard on Sunday, September 28th following the 10:15am service.
The Lomas/Minker family has graciously donated this memorial to their departed family members of which there are quite a few with some going back to the early 1800's. We hope that anyone wishing to have their own or their loved ones’ ashes put to rest around this Gazebo, please contact the office at 610-459-2013.
You should take a ride up to Calvary Church Yard and take a look for yourself. You could have your wedding rites and your photos taken by the Gazebo. At present we are looking for donations for family concrete benches and a walkway from the church that will be handicapped accessible. Imagine being able to walk out there to the gazebo and sit on a bench with your family’s name on it and your loved ones’ ashes in the ground under or around the bench. This is the new affordable way of having a burial. Simple but elegant with a pleasant place to commune with your loved ones.
Finance/Stewardship/Counters. Thank you those who routinely give their time and talent to this service. Calvary Counters for September are Bruce Warren and Diane Gallen.
Hoagie Sale. Our Wawa Hoagie coupon sale continues! St. James is selling coupons at $3.50 each for a Wawa “shorti” hoagie, of which we keep a small profit from every sale. The coupons can be used at all Wawa’s and have no expiration date. If you are interested, please fill out the order form below and return it with payment to Polly in the church office. Thank you for your support!
Name: ______Phone #: ______
# of hoagie coupons ______x $3.50 each
Total Enclosed: $______
Checks may be made payable to “St. James”. Thank you!
Community Connections - Did you know the following organizations meet at our church?
AA – meetings on Saturdays from 8:00-10:00pm.
American Legion Auxiliary – meeting on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:00pm.
The Aston-Chichester AARP meet at Calvary on the 4th Monday of the month. Their next meeting is September 22nd. Please give Ruth Brusstar a call at 610-566-2632 if you have questions or want to join.
Within our Diocese . . .
The Redeemer Thrift Shop Ongoing
Church of the Redeemer, 145 W. Springfield Road, Springfield, PA is openTuesdaysfrom 10:00am to 2:00pm and Saturdays from 9:00am to 2:00pm.Donations are welcomed and can be dropped off on Fridays from 9:30-10:30am.Please come by and shop and see what bargains you can get especially with the holidays approaching. For more information, please call the church office at 610-544-8113.
Barn rummage Second Saturday Sale Days September 13th, October 11th
St. Thomas’ Church, Whitemarsh located at 610 Church Rd, Fort Washington, PA 19034 8:00am-12:00noon Come enjoy some amazing deals on a wide variety of goods. Shop around while enjoying the friendly atmosphere. So grab your friends, family and neighbors and come out to The Barn at St. Thomas’! Clothing for all ages, jewelry, books, toys, sports equipment, collectibles, furniture and other “Bric-a-Brac”! For general information regarding the Second Saturday Sales, please call the Church Office at 215-233-3970. All income from the sales goes directly to local, national, and global church-sponsored outreach/charity programs and grants.
Acolyte Festival at the National Cathedral Registration Deadline: September 19th
Saturday, 10:00am Festival: October 11th
National Cathedral, 3101 Washington Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20016-5098. Join the procession! Cost: $85/person; add $20/person for the Friday overnight stay. Scholarships are available. Register online at www.nationalcathedral.org
St. Francis-in-the-Fields, Sugartown September 20th and 27th
St. Francis-in-the-Fields has joined with the Malvern Farmer’s Market and the West Chester Food Cupboard to address hunger in our community.Members of the parish will be on site atthe Farmer’s Marketon the 3rdand 4thSaturday of each monthto collect and deliver food and cash donations to the West Chester Food Cupboard.This Outreach Initiative supplements the St. Francis Community Garden and our other Outreach Programs.
There’s a lot of fun things going on “Within our community” . . .
Neumann University Cultural Arts Forum Seminar September 11th 1:30pm
American Songwriters of the Big Band Era. Hear stories behind the great songs of the big band era and enjoy performances by pianist Bill Messenger, accompanied by jazz clarinetist Dr. MacGiven. This program includes music, video and storytelling with audience participation. Admission $8.
Upcoming . . .
***Hold that date! Saturday, October 4th is Aston Township Community Day 11:00am-3:00pm.
We will have a table there ~ please let Rev. Greg know if you are able to help. Thank you!
1 Labor Day – Office Closed
2 Pre-School Opens
3 Wednesday Service at 10:00am
4 Joint Meeting of the Vestries 7:30-9:30pm
6 AA Meeting 7:00-8:00pm
7 13th Sunday after Pentecost (Family Service format will begin in October) Hunger Awareness
Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Anna Hess on her birthday by
Richard Hess. Today’s altar flowers are also given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Tim
Dunlap (5th anniversary) by the Dunlap family.
Altar Guild: Nancy Webber and Helen Dunlap
8:00am Service
Lay Reader: Karen Warren
Usher: Joe Bardroff/Charlie Simpson
10:15am Service
Lectors: 1st Lesson: Emella Kamara