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Narrative Report for Accountable Grant – DIPR’s support for IATI – January to March 2010

DFID code 200286-101 and Purchase Order Number 40025232

The grant began on 1st November 2009 and this is a request for payment of£38,740 for the remaining the quarter of this financial year, January to March. This report reflects our actual expenditure on this project up to March 31st 2010. Our work falls into four separate categories, as outlined in the original grant proposal:

1)IATI website

Carrying on from the last report at the end of 2009 we have continued to contribute to the development of the IATI website. We have hosted and maintained the IATI website, updating it in response to requests from the IATI Coordinator. We have also taken part in discussions relating to the website redesign with the IATI communication consultants and the Secretariat.

Our costs incurred to date in relation to the IATI website are:

Ongoing maintenance £900

(3 days @ £300 per day)

Total cost£900

2)Communication material

No communication material was produced in this quarter£0

3)Technical Advisory Group Secretariat

With our support, a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) has been established for IATI, with 120 members including representatives of each stakeholder group. DIPR continue to assist, organising another TAG meetings in March 2010, preparing agenda and circulating minutes for these, coordinating participation of 70 TAG members to attend.Drafting TAG proposals, providing regular reports to the IATI Coordinator, Secretariat and Steering Committee as requested, and supporting the Chair, Brian Hammond. To date, our costs in supporting the TAG Secretariat are as follows:

39 days @ £250 per day (Hannah Glanville)£9,750

23.5 days @ £280 per day (Simon Parrish)£6,580

Travel (Simon Parrish, Hannah Glanville, Bill Anderson) £1,119

Total cost£17,449

4)TAG Work plan and budget

In our original proposal, we had anticipated spending £20,699 in January to March 2010 on work outlined in the TAG work plan. In practice, our expenditure for those three months was as follows:

Workstream 2 – Technical Architecture£13,000

  • Develop initial ideas for tech format - Michael Roberts£4,200
  • Draft proposals and options - Michael Roberts£8,800

Workstream 4 – Initial donor outreach £7,391

  • Simon Parrish to visit to Ottawa
  • Simon Parrish to visit Spain
  • Simon Parrish to visit Asian Development Bank, AusAid and New Zealand
  • George Gelber to present for IATI at South-South

Cooperation meeting in Bogota

Total TAG work plan£20,391

Total cost £38,740


As outlined above, our actual expenditure for January to March 2010 totalled £38,740 compared with the estimate of £39,429, outlined in the original proposal.