Stow on the WoldTown Council
Stow Youth Centre, Fosseway, Stow on the Wold, Glos, GL541DW
Clerk: Chris Franklin Phone: 01451 832 585
Minutes of the Planning meeting held on Thursday 23 May 2013 in the Council Office.
Present:Chris Turner (CT), Simon Clarke (SC), Alun White (AW), Mike Curtis (MC), Keith Cox (KC).
Merryl Phillips CDC
Nigel Moor GCC.
42 Members of the public.
Apologies:Colin Smalley, SueLane.
Election of Chair.
AW proposed CT, seconded MC; all in favour, CT accept post.
Matters Arising
29 The Park A pond is being constructed to the front of the property which does not have planning permission, the owner is applying for permission to construct this feature.
Costcutter. CDC have discussed the illuminated sign issue with the manager of the store, it has been agreed not to turn the sign on, a timber replacement sign is to be erected, CDC will advice the Town Council when the application for the replacement sign is received. Enforcement by CDC will be taken if application for replacement sign is not received in the required time.
Planning Decisions
The following planning applications have been permitted:-
Hartwells Cottage, Digbeth Street. Change of use from retail to restaurant.
Lloyds Bank, The Square. Replacement signage.
Land to the rear of Cotstone House, Erection of dwelling and storage unit.
4 Mount Pleasant Close. Dormerwindow to front roof.
Plans Received for Committee Comment.
13/01822/FUL. 7 Park Street- Erection of first floor balcony with spiral staircase and enlargement of first floor window with Juliet Balcony. No objections.
13/02119/TCONS. York Cottage, Kings Arms Lane – Tree to be removed. No objection, however Council feel a replacement should be planted.
13/01856/OUT. Land to the east of Griffin Close – Bovis development. Please refer to minutes below.
13/01856/OUT Bovis Oddington Road Proposed Development
The GCC and the CDC Member are aware of the local feeling regarding this development; the Outline Application has been made by Bovis to establish if this application will be initially refused, this will establish how Bovis will proceed.
There are reserved matters which have to be resolved at a latter date; these include means of access, landscaping, layout, appearance and Highway issues.
The site is inan area of ANOB, the MP Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown has urged residents to write to CDC with their concerns.
GCC are waiting comments from Highways regarding the development.
Nationally there are developments which have been approved but these are being challenged through the courts, the National Policy Framework is against large scale developments in areas of ANOB.
Bovis feel that other developments have been permitted in the Cotswolds, therefore this development should also be permitted.
If Bovis are not successful they can appeal through the Inspectorate.
Copy of the Outline Planning Application will be made available in the Library together with the CD ROM and the link to the Bovis Application will also be made available.
The Town Council have produced a leaflet regarding the site which is being finalised and will be delivered to every resident and business in the Stow Area.
A Pink Leaflet has also been produced by Save our Stowwhich will be delivered to residents and businesses in the Stow Area.
The closing date for comments regarding this development has been extended to 23 June 2013 by CDC. AW requested Merryl Phillips to thank CDC for extending this date.
The Town Council are operating a Call Centre to take residents comments, all comments received will go directly to CDC without involvement from the Town Council.
There are concerns regarding the proposed highway layout, road realignment, proposed roundabout and the high speed approach to the site from Oddington.
M. McGhie has been researching legislation which protects the ANOB Areas and the following apply:-
1)National Legislation, CROW Act 2000, includes Countryside Act.
2)National Policy Framework
3)GCC Structural Plan Policy
4)CDC Local Plan Policy.
5)Stow-on-the-Wold Development Strategy.
M. McGhie is prepared to discuss this legislation with anyone who wishes to follow up on this matter.
The Save our Stow group have contacted the Highways Agency who have informed the group that the A429 is classed as Quiet Road and managed by GCC and not Highways Agency.
GCC felt that this could be beneficial to Stow as GCC are aware of the local feeling towards this site.
KC is concerned that all the proposed developments; English Care Villages, Order of St John, Ashton House and Bovis site will have a large impact on the Town. KC pointed out that the Bovis proposed development site has been identified as an area for development by CDC and KC would agree to develop this site but not the volume as proposed.
Nigel Surman, Co-Opted Member and Representative of the Civic Society stated that the majority of the Civic Society is against building on this site, also expressed concerns regarding the number of proposed Care Home which maybe constructed in the area.
SC felt there are too many houses in the wrong place being proposed too soon.
AW has been developing the Neighbourhood Plan over the last three years which is in harmony with CDC’s Local Plan. AW feels that the one hundred and eighty housing units proposed in Stow is sufficient, however they should be constructed over the next twenty years and not within a two – three year time scale that Bovis propose. AW also feels that two Care Villages in the area is too many, Stow requires Affordable Housing.
CT supported comments made above.
A question was raised regarding the Housing Need in Stow and how it had been derived. AW mentioned that there was a need for Affordable Housing in Stow which had been identified by two surveys, the recent survey identified twenty nine families, GCC highlighted fifty six families with close ties to the area who required Affordable Housing. Stow also requires young people with skills to help develop the area and the Neighbourhood Plan has included small workshops to assist in this matter.
Following this initial discussion CT requested comments from the floor, the following points were raised.
The new road layout is dangerous with high speed approaches to the roundabout.
The Farmer next to the Bovis site has put land up for sale, loss of agricultural land.
The development will increase traffic problems in the Town and aggravate traffic problems at the junctions throughout the Town.
Development will lead to increased problems with traffic, pedestrian crossing and parking in Sheep Street.
Traffic count required to establish exact traffic flows on roads around the Town.
There are four possible developments proposed for Stow, which are only considered on an individual basis, the developments should be considered holistically so the full impact on the Town can be assessed.
Highways will make comments to CDC on the site, but this will only be consultative, If CDC feel there are Highway issues then CDC will arrange a site visit to discuss the matter.
Concern raised regarding comments made about possible future Care Homes being constructed in the area especially the Order of St John’s Care Home, these homes will bring benefit to the community. KC mentioned that the Order of St John had left Ashton House as it was redundant, why do they need this site.
There is a meeting arranged on 31 May 2013, 7.00pm, to be attended by Philippa Lowe, CDC and possibly a Bovis representative with Mr Clifton-Brown MP as Chair to discuss this development site.
The Bovis Planning Application should be studied carefully as it is felt certain detail could be inaccurate.
Why does Stow require one hundred and eighty new houses, this has evolved from Government legislation which requires new homes to be constructed nationally, one hundred and eighty homes is felt appropriate for the area, this does not included developments for the over fifty five age group which are not included in these numbers.
Young people from Stow cannot afford to live in the proposed Affordable Housing.
Is the proposed Bovis site in the Boundary of Stow, it is in the StowTown area.
The Traffic Count was taken in October which is a relatively quiet period on the roads around Stow.
It was pointed out that the Inspectorate has recently approved developments in the Winchcombe area.
With a Police and Fire Service which is being reduced how will these services cope with a new large development, the Community has a right to bid for Police and Fire services as part of the Localism Act.
The Town Council thanked those who attended and the comments raised; the Town Council has gained a valuable insight on how the community feels about this project.
It was noted that there were no favourable comments for this site to go ahead, however there is a need for Affordable Housing.
Following this discussion the following were proposed:-
Proposal. CT proposed that the Bovis Planning Application is unacceptable and should be declined, seconded KC, all in favour of declining application.
Proposal. CT proposed the engagement of a Call Centre to take calls regarding the Bovis site, seconded AW, all in favour.
AW stated that the Town Council will meet with Bovis to start negotiations regarding Section 106 funding; this is a requirement which the Town Council have to follow.
Grampian Lock and Future Sewage Connections to Proposed Developments.
The Town Council is aware of developments where there have been issues with developments connecting to existing mains which do not have the capacity to take additional flows.
There is a feeling that Stow does not have spare capacity to take additional flows from the proposed developments.
Proposal.CT proposed that the Town Council write to Thames Water requesting details of what capacity there is to take future developments; also request the Director of Customer Services to attend a meeting with Stow Council to discuss this matter; seconded MC, all in favour.
Cotswold Festival
Road Closure approved, AW proposed, seconded SC, all in favour.
Alternative parking will be provided.
Mr Clifton-Brown to Chair a meeting at the Church on 31 May 2013 at 7.00pm.
Could a further meeting be arranged to discuss developments in the Town, AW pointed out that the Town Council had met with CDC to discuss this matter and CDC pointed out that each development would be considered individually and not holistically.
AW, CT, MC to attend Bledington Parish Council meeting on 3 June 2013.
Next Meeting. Wednesday 5th June 2013, 18:30
Meeting Closed 8.00pm.